
# This script demonstrates details of the mfdb_import_* functions, what can
# go wrong as well as how to use it.
# ok and ok_group are there so we can run this code and verify it is correct,
# and not needed every-day use.
# NB: if you want to run this, you must be using mfdb-workspace, also be warned
# any data stored in your database will be destroyed.

# Empty database & connect
if (exists("mdb")) mfdb_disconnect(mdb)
mfdb(gsub("inttest", "inttest-dataimport", Sys.getenv('INTTEST_SCHEMA', 'inttest')), db_params = db_params, destroy_schema = TRUE)
mfdb(gsub("inttest", "inttest-dataimport-Baltic", Sys.getenv('INTTEST_SCHEMA', 'inttest')), db_params = db_params, destroy_schema = TRUE)
mdb <- mfdb(gsub("inttest", "inttest-dataimport", Sys.getenv('INTTEST_SCHEMA', 'inttest')), db_params = db_params, save_temp_tables = FALSE)
mdb2 <- mfdb(gsub("inttest", "inttest-dataimport-Baltic", Sys.getenv('INTTEST_SCHEMA', 'inttest')), db_params = db_params, save_temp_tables = FALSE)

ok_group("Areacell/divisions", {
    # Can't populate divisions yet, no areacells defined
    ok(cmp_error(mfdb_import_division(mdb, list(divA = c('45G01', '45G02', '45G03'))), 'areacell vocabulary'), "Areacell not populated yet")

    # So define some, so it should work
    mfdb_import_area(mdb, table_string('
id  name size
 1 45G01  5.1
 2 45G02  5.2
 3 45G03  5.3
    mfdb_import_division(mdb, list(divA = c('45G01', '45G02', '45G03')))
    ok(cmp(as.integer(mfdb:::mfdb_fetch(mdb, "SELECT count(*) FROM division")[1,1]), 3), "Inserted 3 rows into division")

    # Can't populate with invalid areacells, divC was rolled back so still 3 rows
    ok(cmp_error(mfdb_import_division(mdb, list(divB = c('45G01', '45G02', '45G08'), divC = c('45G01'))), 'areacell vocabulary.*45G08'), "Invalid areacell values")
    ok(cmp(as.integer(mfdb:::mfdb_fetch(mdb, "SELECT count(*) FROM division")[1,1]), 3), "Inserted 3 rows into division")

    # Worked this time
    mfdb_import_division(mdb, list(divB = c('45G01', '45G02'), divC = c('45G01')))
    ok(cmp(as.integer(mfdb:::mfdb_fetch(mdb, "SELECT count(*) FROM division")[1,1]), 6), "Inserted 6 rows into division")

    # Do similar to mdb2, to show case study data is isolated
    mfdb_import_area(mdb2, data.frame(id = c(1,2,3), name = c('45G03', '45G04', '45G05'), size = c(10, 11, 12)))
    ok(cmp_error(mfdb_import_division(mdb2, list(divB = c('45G01', '45G02', '45G03'), divC = c('45G01'))), 'areacell vocabulary'), "areacell values not for this case-study")
    mfdb_import_division(mdb2, list(divA = c('45G03', '45G04'), divD = c('45G04', '45G05')))

    # Finally, we can make a report out of this
    area_group <- mfdb_group(divA = c("divA"), divB = c("divB"), divAB = c("divA", "divB"))
    ok(cmp(mfdb_area_size(mdb, list(area = area_group)),
        list("0" = structure(
            data.frame(area = c("divA", "divAB", "divB"), size = c(15.6, 25.9, 10.3), stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
            area = area_group,
            generator = "mfdb_area_size"))),
        "Can combine divA & B and get combined size")

    # Can also query areacell directly
    mfdb_import_division(mdb, list('45G02' = '45G02'))  # NB: To make sure if an entry is both an areacell and division we don't double up
    area_group_ac <- mfdb_group(divA = c("divA"), "45G02" = "45G02", "45G03" = "45G03", "23" = c("45G02", "45G03"))
    ok(cmp(mfdb_area_size(mdb, list(area = area_group_ac)),
        list("0" = structure(
                area = c("23", "45G02", "45G03", "divA"),
                size = c(5.2 + 5.3, 5.2, 5.3, 5.1 + 5.2 + 5.3),
                stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
            area = area_group_ac,
            generator = "mfdb_area_size"))),
        "Can query areacell as well as division")

    # And a different report for mdb2
    area_group <- mfdb_group(divA = c("divA"), divAll = c("divA", "divB", "divC", "divD"))
    ok(cmp(mfdb_area_size(mdb2, list(area = area_group)),
        list("0" = structure(
            #TODO: divA and divB overlap, so divAll contains 45G04 twice. Probably bad for size(?)
            data.frame(area = c("divA", "divAll"), size = c(21, 44), stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
            area = area_group,
            generator = "mfdb_area_size"))),
        "Can combine divA & B and get combined size")

    # Can change the area size and update the report
    mfdb_import_area(mdb, data.frame(id = c(1,2,3), name = c('45G01', '45G02', '45G03'), size = c(10)))
    area_group <- mfdb_group(divA = c("divA"), divB = c("divB"), divAB = c("divA", "divB"))
    ok(cmp(mfdb_area_size(mdb, list(area = area_group)),
        list("0" = structure(
            data.frame(area = c("divA", "divAB", "divB"), size = c(30, 50, 20), stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
            area = area_group,
            generator = "mfdb_area_size"))),
        "Get new combined size after updating area sizes")

    # Can import areas and divisions at the same time, and give them depths
    mfdb_import_area(mdb, table_string("
id	name	size	division	depth
10	a10	1001	div10		42
11	a11	1003	div10		86
12	a12	1005	div10		76
13	a20	2002	div20		44
14	a21	2004	div20		27
15	a22	2008	div20		94
    ok(cmp(mfdb_area_size(mdb, list(area = mfdb_group(g1 = c('div10'), g2 = c('div20'), g3 = c('div10', 'div20'))))[[1]][,c('area', 'size')],
area	size
g1	3009
g2	6014
g3	9023
        ")), "Inserted divisions at the same time as areas")

    # Can query depths as well as size
    agg_data <- mfdb_area_size_depth(mdb, list(
        area = mfdb_group(g1 = c('div10'), g2 = c('div20'), g3 = c('div10', 'div20'))))
    ok(ut_cmp_equal(unattr(agg_data[[1]]), data.frame(
        area = c('g1', 'g2', 'g3'),
        size = c(
            1001 + 1003 + 1005,
            2002 + 2004 + 2008,
            1001 + 1003 + 1005 + 2002 + 2004 + 2008),
        mean_depth = c(
            weighted.mean(c(42, 86, 76), c(1001, 1003, 1005)),
            weighted.mean(c(44, 27, 94), c(2002, 2004, 2008)),
            weighted.mean(c(42, 86, 76, 44, 27, 94), c(1001, 1003, 1005, 2002, 2004, 2008))),
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE)), "Depth and size query, depth is mean")

ok_group("Temperature", {
    # Set-up areas/divisions
    mfdb_import_area(mdb, data.frame(id = c(1,2,3), name = c('45G01', '45G02', '45G03'), size = c(5)))
    mfdb_import_division(mdb, list(divB = c('45G01', '45G02'), divC = c('45G01')))

    # Notice missing columns
    ok(cmp_error(mfdb_import_temperature(mdb, data.frame(
        year = c(1998),
        areacell = c('45G01', '45G01', '45G01'),
        temperature = c(1,2,4))), "month"), "Notice month column is missing")

    # Import works
    mfdb_import_temperature(mdb, data.frame(
        year = rep(c(1998, 1999), each = 12),
        month = c(1:12, 1:12),
        areacell = c(rep('45G01', times = 24)),
        temperature = c(1:12, 25:36)))
    area_group <- mfdb_group(divA = c("divA"))
    ok(cmp(mfdb_temperature(mdb, list(year = c(1998, 1999, 2000), timestep = mfdb_timestep_quarterly, area = area_group)),
        list("0.0.0" = structure(
                year = rep(c(1998L, 1999L), each = 4),
                step = rep(c("1", "2", "3", "4"), times = 2),
                area = rep("divA", times = 8),
                mean = c(
                    mean(1:3), mean(4:6), mean(7:9), mean(10:12),
                    mean(25:27), mean(28:30), mean(31:33), mean(34:36)),
                stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
            year = as.list(structure(as.numeric(1998:2000), names = 1998:2000)),
            step = mfdb_timestep_quarterly,
            area = area_group,
            generator = "mfdb_survey_index_mean"))),
        "Can collate temperatures by quarter")

    mfdb_import_temperature(mdb, data.frame(
        year = c(1998),
        month = c(4,5,6),
        areacell = c('45G01', '45G01', '45G01'),
        temperature = c(1,2,4)))

    # Another import replaces previous data
    mfdb_import_temperature(mdb, data.frame(
        year = rep(c(1998, 1999), each = 12),
        month = c(1:12, 1:12),
        areacell = c(rep('45G01', times = 24)),
        temperature = c(12:23, 20:31)))
    ok(cmp(mfdb_temperature(mdb, list(year = c(1998, 1999, 2000), timestep = mfdb_timestep_quarterly, area = area_group)),
        list("0.0.0" = structure(
                year = rep(c(1998L, 1999L), each = 4),
                step = rep(c("1", "2", "3", "4"), times = 2),
                area = rep("divA", times = 8),
                mean = c(
                    mean(12:14), mean(15:17), mean(18:20), mean(21:23),
                    mean(20:22), mean(23:25), mean(26:28), mean(29:31)),
                stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
            year = as.list(structure(as.numeric(1998:2000), names = 1998:2000)),
            step = mfdb_timestep_quarterly,
            area = area_group,
            generator = "mfdb_survey_index_mean"))),
        "Second import cleared previous data")

ok_group("Species", {
    mfdb(gsub("inttest", "inttest-dataimport", Sys.getenv('INTTEST_SCHEMA', 'inttest')), db_params = db_params, destroy_schema = TRUE)
    mdb <- mfdb(gsub("inttest", "inttest-dataimport", Sys.getenv('INTTEST_SCHEMA', 'inttest')), db_params = db_params, save_temp_tables = FALSE)
    mfdb_import_area(mdb, data.frame(id = c(1,2,3), name = c('45G01', '45G02', '45G03'), size = c(5.1, 5.2, 5.3)))

    # Can't empty taxonomy if we already have data
    if (!mfdb:::mfdb_is_duckdb(mdb)) {  # DuckDB doesn't have foreign keys
            data_source = 'survey1',
                Year = c('1998'),  # NB: Not case-sensitive
                mOnth = c(1:12),
                areacell = c('45G01'),
                species = c('COD'),
                age =    c(  1),
                length = c( 10),
                weight = c(100)))
        ok(cmp_error(mfdb_empty_taxonomy(mdb, 'species'), 'delete on table "species"|constraint failed'), "Can't empty taxonony when it's used")

        # Can after emptying
            data_source = 'survey1',
        mfdb_empty_taxonomy(mdb, 'species')

        # Now can't import data
            data_source = 'survey1',
                Year = c('1998'),  # NB: Not case-sensitive
                mOnth = c(1:12),
                areacell = c('45G01'),
                species = c('COD'),
                age =    c(  1),
                length = c( 10),
                weight = c(100))
        ), "species"), "Can't insert with an empty species taxonomy")

# Disconnect

Try the mfdb package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

mfdb documentation built on June 21, 2022, 5:07 p.m.