
#' G square Test for (Conditional) Independence between Discrete Variables after 
#' Multiple Imputation
#' A modified version of \code{pcalg::\link[pcalg]{disCItest}}, to be used within 
#' \code{pcalg::\link[pcalg]{skeleton}}, \code{pcalg::\link[pcalg]{pc}} or 
#' \code{pcalg::\link[pcalg]{fci}} when multiply imputed data sets are available. 
#' Note that in contrast to \code{pcalg::\link[pcalg]{disCItest}}, the variables must 
#' here be coded as factors.
#' @param x,y,S (Integer) position of variable X, Y and set of variables S, 
#' respectively, in \code{suffStat}. It is tested whether X and Y are conditionally 
#' independent given the subset S of the remaining variables.
#' @param suffStat A list of \code{data.frame}s containing the multiply imputed 
#' data sets. Usually obtained from a \code{mice::\link[mice:mids-class]{mids}} 
#' object using \code{mice::\link[mice:complete.mids]{complete}} with argument 
#' \code{action="all"}. All variables must be coded as \code{\link{factor}s}. NO warning is issued if the variables are not coded as factors!
#' @details See \code{pcalg::\link[pcalg]{disCItest}} for details on the G square test. disMItest applies this test to each 
#' \code{data.frame} in \code{suffStat}, then combines the results using the rules 
#' in Meng & Rubin (1992). Degrees of freedom are never adapted, and there is no 
#' minimum required sample size, while \code{pcalg::\link[pcalg]{disCItest}} requires 
#' \code{10*df} observations and otherwise returns a p-value of 1.
#' @return A p-value.
#' @import mice
#' @author Janine Witte
#' @references Meng X.-L., Rubin D.B. (1992): Performing likelihood ratio tests with multiply 
#' imputed data sets. \emph{Biometrika} 79(1):103-111.
#' @seealso \code{pcalg::\link[pcalg]{disCItest}} for complete data, 
#'          \code{\link{disCItwd}} for test-wise deletion
#' @examples
#' ## load data (200 observations) and factorise
#' data(gmD)
#' dat <- gmD$x[1:1000, ]
#' dat[] <- lapply(dat, as.factor)
#' ## delete some observations of X2 and X3
#' set.seed(123)
#' dat[sample(1:1000, 40), 2] <- NA
#' dat[sample(1:1000, 40), 3] <- NA
#' ## impute missing values under model with two-way interactions
#' form <- make.formulas.saturated(dat, d = 2)
#' imp <- mice::mice(dat, formulas = form, printFlag = FALSE)
#' imp <- mice::complete(imp, action = "all")
#' ## analyse imputed data
#' disMItest(1, 3, NULL, suffStat = imp)
#' ## use disMItest within pcalg::pc
#' pc.fit <- pc(suffStat = imp, indepTest = disMItest, alpha = 0.01, p = 5)
#' pc.fit
#' if(require("Rgraphviz", character.only = TRUE, quietly = TRUE)){
#' plot(pc.fit)
#' }
#' @export
disMItest <- function (x, y, S=NULL, suffStat) {
  # number of imputations / completed data sets
  M <- length(suffStat)

  nl_x <- nlevels(suffStat[[1]][ ,x])
  nl_y <- nlevels(suffStat[[1]][ ,y])
  if (length(S)==0) {
    nl_S <- 1
  } else{
    nl_S <- sapply(S, function(s){nlevels(suffStat[[1]][ ,s])})
  # degrees of freedom if we had complete data
  k <- ( nl_x - 1 ) * ( nl_y - 1 ) * prod(nl_S)
  if (k==0) {k <- 1}
  if (length(S)==0) {
    mres <- lapply(1:M, function(m) {
      data_m <- suffStat[[m]][ ,c(x,y)]
      # observed counts
      o_list_m <- as.matrix(table(data_m[ ,1], data_m[ ,2]))
      # counts expected under marginal independence of x and y
      n <- sum(o_list_m)
      x_marg <- apply(o_list_m, 1, sum)
      y_marg <- apply(o_list_m, 2, sum)
      e_list_m <- x_marg %*% t(y_marg) / n
      o_m <- unlist(o_list_m)
      e_m <- unlist(e_list_m)
      # zero counts
      zeroes <- sum(o_m==0)
      # G^2 statistic for m-th completed data set
      # expected counts of zero are ignored, this is consistent with the pcalg procedure
      G2_m <- 2*sum( o_m * log(o_m/e_m) , na.rm=TRUE)
      return(list(o_m, e_m, G2_m, zeroes))
  } else {
    mres <- lapply(1:M, function(m) {
      data_m <- suffStat[[m]][ ,c(x,y,S)]
      split_m <- split(data_m, data_m[ ,-c(1,2)])
      # observed counts
      o_list_m <- lapply(split_m, function(i) { as.matrix(table(i[ ,1], i[ ,2])) } )
      # counts expected under conditional independence of x and y given S
      e_list_m <- lapply(o_list_m, function(i) {
        n_i <- sum(i)
        x_marg <- apply(i, 1, sum)
        y_marg <- apply(i, 2, sum)
        xy_prod <- x_marg %*% t(y_marg) / n_i
      } )
      o_m <- unlist(o_list_m)
      e_m <- unlist(e_list_m)
      # zero counts
      zeroes <- sum(o_m==0)
      # G^2 statistic for m-th completed data set
      # expected counts of zero are ignored, this is consistent with the pcalg procedure
      G2_m <- 2*sum( o_m * log(o_m/e_m) , na.rm=TRUE)
      return(list(o_m, e_m, G2_m, zeroes))
    } )
  # warning about zero counts
  #av_zero <- mean(sapply(mres, function(i){return(i[[4]])}))
  #ncells <- nl_x * nl_x * prod(nl_S)
  #if (verbose) {
  #  cat(paste("On average,", av_zero, "out of", ncells, "cells are empty in the imputed data. Empty cells bias the test result towards concluding independence."))
  # average G^2 statistic
  av_G2 <- mean(sapply(mres, function(i){return(i[[3]])}))
  # average observed cell counts
  av_o <- apply(sapply(mres, function(i){return(i[[1]])}), 1, mean)
  # average expected cell counts
  av_e <- apply(sapply(mres, function(i){return(i[[2]])}), 1, mean)
  # G^2 statistic with average observed and average expected counts for each imputed data set
  G2_av_m <- sapply(mres, function(m) {
    o_m <- m[[1]]
    2*sum( o_m * log(av_o/av_e) , na.rm=TRUE)
  G2_av <- mean(G2_av_m)
  # r
  r <- (M+1)/(M-1)/k * (av_G2 - G2_av)
  # pooled G^2 statistic
  G2_pooled <- G2_av / (k*(r+1))
  # df for pooled G2
  t <- k*(M-1)
  if (t > 4) {
    df <- 4 + (t-4) * (1 + (1-2/t) / r)^2
  } else {
    df <- t * (1 + 1/k) * (1 + 1/r)^2 /2
  # p-Wert
  pvalue <- stats::pf(G2_pooled, k, df, lower.tail=FALSE)
  #return(c(G2=G2_pooled, df=k, p=pvalue))

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