
Defines functions covm multinomialLikelihood evalCell evalJoint maxCell maxJoint df_f df_h dfCG listsum plus mixMItest

Documented in mixMItest

#' Likelihood Ratio Test for (Conditional) Independence between Mixed Variables
#' after Multiple Imputation
#' A modified version of \code{\link{mixCItest}}, to be used within \code{pcalg::\link[pcalg]{skeleton}},
#' \code{pcalg::\link[pcalg]{pc}} or \code{pcalg::\link[pcalg]{fci}} when multiply imputed data sets are available.
#' @param x,y,S    (integer) position of variable X, Y and set of variables S,
#' respectively, in \code{suffStat}. It is tested whether X and Y are
#' conditionally independent given the subset S of the remaining variables.
#' @param suffStat A list of \code{data.frame}s containing the multiply
#' imputed data sets. Usually obtained from a \code{mice::\link[mice:mids-class]{mids}}
#' object using \code{mice::\link[mice:complete.mids]{complete}} with argument \code{action="all"}.
#' Discrete variables must be coded as factors.
#' @param moreOutput (only for mixed of discrete variables) If \code{TRUE}, the test 
#'  statistic, its main components and
#'  the degrees of freedom are returned in addition to the p-value. Defaults to
#'  \code{FALSE}.
#' @details See \code{\link{mixCItest}} for details on the assumptions of the
#' Conditional Gaussian likelihood ratio test. \code{CGtestMI} applies this test
#' to each \code{data.frame} in \code{suffStat}, then combines the results using
#' the rules in Meng & Rubin (1992).
#' @return A p-value. If \code{moreOutput=TRUE}, the test statistic, its main
#' components and the degrees of freedom are returned as well.
#' @importFrom Rfast which.is mvnorm.mle data.frame.to_matrix dmvnorm
#' @importFrom stats pf
#' @author Janine Witte
#' @references Meng X.-L., Rubin D.B. (1992): Performing likelihood ratio tests
#' with multiply imputed data sets. \emph{Biometrika} 79(1):103-111.
#' @examples
#' ## load data (numeric and factor variables)
#' data(toenail2)
#' dat <- toenail2[1:1000, ]
#' ## delete some observations
#' set.seed(123)
#' dat[sample(1000, 20), 2] <- NA
#' dat[sample(1000, 30), 4] <- NA
#' ## impute missing values using random forests (because of run time we just impute 2 chains)
#' imp <- mice(dat, method = "rf", m = 2, printFlag = FALSE)
#' ## analyse data
#' # complete data:
#' mixCItest(2, 3, 5, suffStat = toenail2[1:1000, ])
#' # multiple imputation:
#' suffMI <- complete(imp, action = "all")
#' mixMItest(2, 3, 5, suffStat =  suffMI)
#' # test-wise deletion:
#' mixCItwd(2, 3, 5, suffStat = dat)
#' # list-wise deletion:
#' sufflwd <- dat[complete.cases(dat), ]
#' mixCItest(2, 3, 5, suffStat = sufflwd)
#' ## use mixMItest within pcalg::pc
#' \donttest{
#' pc.fit <- pc(suffStat =  suffMI, indepTest = mixMItest, alpha = 0.01, p = 5)
#' pc.fit
#' }
#' @export

mixMItest <- function(x, y, S = NULL, suffStat, moreOutput = FALSE) {
  # suffStat is a list of completed data sets
  conpos <- Rfast::which.is(suffStat[[1]], "numeric")
  dispos <- Rfast::which.is(suffStat[[1]], "factor")
  if(all(c(x,y,S) %in% conpos)){
    # message("Note: The variables are all numeric (mixMI).\n")
    X <- lapply(suffStat, function(X) X[c(x,y,S)])
    gaussMItest(1,2,(seq_along(S) + 2), suffStat = getSuff(X, test = 'gaussMItest'))
  } else if(all(c(x,y,S) %in% dispos)){
    # message("Note: The variables are all discrete (mixMI)\n")
    X <- lapply(suffStat, function(X) X[c(x,y,S)])
    disMItest(1, 2, (seq_along(S) + 2), 
                       suffStat = getSuff(X, test = "disMItest", adaptDF = TRUE))

  } else {
    # number of imputations / completed data sets
    M <- length(suffStat)
    # indices of discrete variables
    A_xyS <- Rfast::which.is(suffStat[[1]][c(x,y,S)], "factor")
    A_yS <- Rfast::which.is(suffStat[[1]][c(y,S)], "factor")
    A_xS <- Rfast::which.is(suffStat[[1]][c(x,S)], "factor")
    # indeces of continuous variables
    X_xyS <- Rfast::which.is(suffStat[[1]][c(x,y,S)], "numeric")
    X_yS <- Rfast::which.is(suffStat[[1]][c(y,S)], "numeric")
    X_xS <- Rfast::which.is(suffStat[[1]][c(x,S)], "numeric")
    # number of continuous variables
    k_xyS <- length(X_xyS)
    k_yS <- length(X_yS)
    k_xS <- length(X_xS)
    # degrees of freedom if we had complete data
    df_xyS <- dfCG(suffStat[[1]][c(x,y,S)], A_xyS, k_xyS)
    df_yS <- dfCG(suffStat[[1]][c(y,S)], A_yS, k_yS)
    df_xS <- dfCG(suffStat[[1]][c(x,S)], A_xS, k_xS)
    K <- df_xyS - df_yS - df_xS + 1
    if (!is.null(S)) {
      A_S <- Rfast::which.is(suffStat[[1]][S], "factor")
      X_S <- Rfast::which.is(suffStat[[1]][S], "numeric")
      k_S <- length(X_S)
      df_S <- dfCG(suffStat[[1]][S], A_S, k_S)
      K <- df_xyS - df_yS - df_xS + df_S
    if (K <= 0) {K <- 1}
    # in each completed data set: calculate maximal log likelihood and output all relevant parameters
    ### xyS
    M1_xyS <- maxJoint(suffStat[[1]][c(x,y,S)], A_xyS, X_xyS, k_xyS, M)
    av_logL_xyS <- M1_xyS[[1]]
    av_Multinomial_xyS <- M1_xyS[[2]]
    av_Mu_xyS <- M1_xyS[[3]]
    av_Sigma_xyS <- M1_xyS[[4]]
    ### yS
    M1_yS <- maxJoint(suffStat[[1]][c(y,S)], A_yS, X_yS, k_yS, M)
    av_logL_yS <- M1_yS[[1]]
    av_Multinomial_yS <- M1_yS[[2]]
    av_Mu_yS <- M1_yS[[3]]
    av_Sigma_yS <- M1_yS[[4]]
    ### xS
    M1_xS <- maxJoint(suffStat[[1]][c(x,S)], A_xS, X_xS, k_xS, M)
    av_logL_xS <- M1_xS[[1]]
    av_Multinomial_xS <- M1_xS[[2]]
    av_Mu_xS <- M1_xS[[3]]
    av_Sigma_xS <- M1_xS[[4]]
    ### S
    if (!is.null(S)) {
      M1_S <- maxJoint(suffStat[[1]][c(S)], A_S, X_S, k_S, M)
      av_logL_S <- M1_S[[1]]
      av_Multinomial_S <- M1_S[[2]]
      av_Mu_S <- M1_S[[3]]
      av_Sigma_S <- M1_S[[4]]
    for (i in 2:M) {
      Mi_xyS <- maxJoint(suffStat[[i]][c(x,y,S)], A_xyS, X_xyS, k_xyS, M)
      av_logL_xyS <- sum(av_logL_xyS, Mi_xyS[[1]])
      av_Multinomial_xyS <- listsum(av_Multinomial_xyS, Mi_xyS[[2]])
      av_Mu_xyS <- listsum(av_Mu_xyS, Mi_xyS[[3]])
      av_Sigma_xyS <- listsum(av_Sigma_xyS, Mi_xyS[[4]])
      Mi_yS <- maxJoint(suffStat[[i]][c(y,S)], A_yS, X_yS, k_yS, M)
      av_logL_yS <- sum(av_logL_yS, Mi_yS[[1]])
      av_Multinomial_yS <- listsum(av_Multinomial_yS, Mi_yS[[2]])
      av_Mu_yS <- listsum(av_Mu_yS, Mi_yS[[3]])
      av_Sigma_yS <- listsum(av_Sigma_yS, Mi_yS[[4]])
      Mi_xS <- maxJoint(suffStat[[i]][c(x,S)], A_xS, X_xS, k_xS, M)
      av_logL_xS <- sum(av_logL_xS, Mi_xS[[1]])
      av_Multinomial_xS <- listsum(av_Multinomial_xS, Mi_xS[[2]])
      av_Mu_xS <- listsum(av_Mu_xS, Mi_xS[[3]])
      av_Sigma_xS <- listsum(av_Sigma_xS, Mi_xS[[4]])
      if (!is.null(S)) {
        Mi_S <- maxJoint(suffStat[[i]][S], A_S, X_S, k_S, M)
        av_logL_S <- sum(av_logL_S, Mi_S[[1]])
        av_Multinomial_S <- listsum(av_Multinomial_S, Mi_S[[2]])
        av_Mu_S <- listsum(av_Mu_S, Mi_S[[3]])
        av_Sigma_S <- listsum(av_Sigma_S, Mi_S[[4]])
    # evaluate all likelihoods at the average parameter values
    eval_xyS <- sapply(suffStat, evalJoint, c(x,y,S), A_xyS, X_xyS, k_xyS,
                       av_Multinomial_xyS, av_Mu_xyS, av_Sigma_xyS)
    eval_yS  <- sapply(suffStat, evalJoint, c(y,S),   A_yS,  X_yS,  k_yS,
                       av_Multinomial_yS,  av_Mu_yS,  av_Sigma_yS)
    eval_xS  <- sapply(suffStat, evalJoint, c(x,S),   A_xS,  X_xS,  k_xS,
                       av_Multinomial_xS,  av_Mu_xS,  av_Sigma_xS)
    if (!is.null(S)) {
      eval_S   <- sapply(suffStat, evalJoint, S, A_S, X_S, k_S, av_Multinomial_S, av_Mu_S, av_Sigma_S)
    ### mean log likelihood ratio statistic with individual parameters
    if (is.null(S)) {
      LR_bar <- 2* (av_logL_xyS - av_logL_yS - av_logL_xS)
    } else {
      LR_bar <- 2* (av_logL_xyS - av_logL_yS - av_logL_xS + av_logL_S)
    if (is.na(LR_bar)) {return(NaN)}
    if (LR_bar==-Inf) {return(1)}
    if (LR_bar==Inf) {return(0)}
    ### mean log likelihood ratio statistic with averaged parameters
    if (is.null(S)) {
      LR_tilde <- 2* ( mean(eval_xyS) - mean(eval_yS) - mean(eval_xS) )
    } else {
      LR_tilde <- 2* ( mean(eval_xyS) - mean(eval_yS) - mean(eval_xS) + mean(eval_S) )
    r3 <- ( M + 1 ) * ( LR_bar - LR_tilde )  / ( K * ( M - 1 ) )
    if (is.na(r3)) {return(0)}
    D3 <- LR_tilde / (K * (1 + r3))
    # degrees of freedom 2
    t <- K*(M-1)
    if (t > 4) {
      df <- 4 + (t-4) * (1 + (1-2/t) / r3)^2
    } else {
      df <- t * (1 + 1/K) * (1 + 1/r3)^2 /2
    # p value
    pvalue <- stats::pf(D3, K, df, lower.tail = FALSE)
    if (moreOutput) {
      return( c(D3=D3, LR_bar=LR_bar, LR_tilde=LR_tilde, K=K, df=df, pvalue=pvalue) )
    } else {

### sum list elements
plus <- function(a, b) {
  if (is.null(a)) {
  } else if (is.null(b)) {
  } else {
    return(a + b) 

listsum <- function(l1, l2) {
  mapply(plus, l1, l2, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)

### degrees of freedom
dfCG <- function(dat, A, k) {
  fA <- df_f(A, dat)
  dof <-  fA * df_h(k) + fA

# continous variables
df_h <- function(k){ k*(k+1) /2 + k }

# discrete variables
df_f <- function(A, dat) {
  if (length(A)==0) {return(1)}
  num_levels <- sapply(dat[A], function(i){nlevels(i)})

### maximum log Likelihood (Gaussian and multivariate component) in all cells
### 'Joint' because it is not conditional

maxJoint <- function(dat2, A, X, k, M) {
  N <- nrow(dat2)
  if (length(A)==0) {
    # no discrete variables
    maxMultinomial <- list(0)
    maxAll <- Rfast::mvnorm.mle(Rfast::data.frame.to_matrix(dat2))
    maxMu <- list( maxAll$mu /M )
    logL <- maxAll$loglik /M
    maxSigma <- list( maxAll$sigma /M )
  } else {
    # at least one discrete variable
    x <- Rfast::data.frame.to_matrix(dat2[X])
    Sigma_all <- covm(x)
    # replace zero elements in Sigma_all by a small positive number
    if(length(Sigma_all[Sigma_all == 0]) != 0){
      Sigma_all[Sigma_all == 0] <- Sigma_all[Sigma_all == 0] + 1e-10
    logL_cells <- by(dat2, dat2[A], maxCell, A, X, N, Sigma_all, k, M, simplify = FALSE)
    logL <- sum(unlist(sapply(logL_cells, '[[', 1)))
    maxMultinomial <- lapply(logL_cells, '[[', 2)
    maxMu <- lapply(logL_cells, '[[', 3)
    maxSigma <- lapply(logL_cells, '[[', 4)
  return(list(logL, maxMultinomial, maxMu, maxSigma))

### maximum log likelihood (Gaussian and multivariate component) in one cell

maxCell <- function(dat_cell, A, X, N, Sigma_all, k, M) {
  a <- nrow(dat_cell)
  if (a==0) {return(list(0, 0, 0, 0))}
  # multinomial component of the log likelihood:
  maxP <- multinomialLikelihood(a, N) / M
  c1 <- a * maxP
  # multivariate Gaussian component of the log likelihood:
  c2 <- 0
  maxM <- 0
  maxS <- matrix(0)
  # make a numeric variable
  x <- Rfast::data.frame.to_matrix(dat_cell[X])
  if (k > 0) {
    if (a > (k + 5)) {
      Sigma <- covm(x)
    } else {
      Sigma <- Sigma_all
    # replace zero elements in Sigma_all by a small positive number
    if(length(Sigma[Sigma == 0]) != 0){Sigma[Sigma == 0] <- Sigma[Sigma == 0] + 1e-10}
    dec <- tryCatch(chol(Sigma), error = function(e) e)
    if (inherits(dec, "error")) {
      c2 <- 0
      maxM <- apply(x, 2, mean) / M
      maxS <- Sigma / M
    } else {
      c2 <- sum(Rfast::dmvnorm(x = x,
                               mu = apply(x, 2, mean),  #colmeans(x)
                               sigma = matrix(Sigma, nrow = k),
                               logged = TRUE)) / M
      maxM <- apply(x, 2, mean) / M
      maxS <- Sigma / M
  lik <- c1 + c2
  return(list(lik, maxP, maxM, maxS))

evalJoint <- function(dat2, vars, A, X, k, maxMultinomial, maxMu, maxSigma) {
  dat2 <- dat2[ ,vars, drop = FALSE]
  if (length(A)==0) {
    logL <- 0
    dec <- tryCatch(chol(maxSigma[[1]]), error = function(e) e)
    if (!inherits(dec, "error")) {
      logL <- sum( Rfast::dmvnorm(Rfast::data.frame.to_matrix(dat2[X]),
                                  mu = maxMu[[1]],
                                  sigma = maxSigma[[1]], log = TRUE) )
  } else {
    # at least one discrete variable
    cells <- split(dat2[X], dat2[A], drop=FALSE)
    Ncells <- length(cells)
    logL_cells <- mapply(evalCell, cells, rep(k, Ncells),
    logL <- sum(logL_cells)

evalCell <- function(dat_cell, k, maxMultinomial, maxMu, maxSigma) {
  a <- nrow(dat_cell)
  # if there are averaged parameters for this partition, but no data for this imputed data set
  # or if there are no continuous variables
  if (a==0) {return(0)}
  # if there are no averaged parameters for this partition b/c no imputed data set had data here
  # -> then this data set does not have data here either
  c1 <- a * maxMultinomial
  c2 <- 0
  if (k > 0) {
    dec <- tryCatch(chol(matrix(maxSigma, nrow=k)), error = function(e) e)
    if (!inherits(dec, "error")) {
      c2 <- sum( Rfast::dmvnorm(Rfast::data.frame.to_matrix(dat_cell),
                                mu = maxMu,
                                sigma = matrix(maxSigma, nrow=k),
                                logged=TRUE) )
  return(c1 + c2)

### maximum log likelihood multinomial component
multinomialLikelihood <- function(a, N) {
  log(a / N)

### Covm
covm <- function(dat) {
  n <- nrow(dat)
  covm <- Rfast::cova(Rfast::data.frame.to_matrix(dat)) *(n-1)/n
  if (anyNA(covm)) {
    covm <- matrix(1)

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