data-physeq: The physeq data was modified from the (Data) Global patterns...

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Published in PNAS in early 2011. This work compared the microbial communities from 25 environmental samples and three known “mock communities” – a total of 9 sample types – at a depth averaging 3.1 million reads per sample. Authors were able to reproduce diversity patterns seen in many other published studies, while also invesitigating technical issues/bias by applying the same techniques to simulated microbial communities of known


Caporaso, J. G., et al. (2011). Global patterns of 16S rRNA diversity at a depth of millions of sequences per sample. PNAS, 108, 4516-4522. PMCID: PMC3063599



microbial documentation built on Nov. 1, 2021, 5:08 p.m.