Man pages for micropan
Microbial Pan-Genome Analysis

bClustClustering sequences based on pairwise distances
bDistComputes distances between sequences
binomixEstimateBinomial mixture model estimates
blastpAllAllMaking BLAST search all against all genomes
chaoThe Chao lower bound estimate of pan-genome size
dClustClustering sequences based on domain sequence
distJaccardComputing Jaccard distances between genomes
distManhattanComputing Manhattan distances between genomes
entrezDownloadDownloading genome data
fluidityComputing genomic fluidity for a pan-genome
geneWeightsGene cluster weighting
getAccessionsCollecting contig accession numbers
heapsHeaps law estimate
hmmerCleanOverlapRemoving overlapping hits from HMMER3 scans
hmmerScanScanning a profile Hidden Markov Model database
isOrthologIdentifies orthologs in gene clusters
micropanMicrobial Pan-Genome Analysis
panMatrixComputing the pan-matrix for a set of gene clusters
panPcaPrincipal component analysis of a pan-matrix
panPrepPreparing FASTA files for pan-genomics
rarefactionRarefaction curves for a pan-genome
readBlastSelfReads BLAST result files
readHmmerReading results from a HMMER3 scan
xmplData sets for use in examples
xzCompressing and uncompressing text files
micropan documentation built on July 15, 2020, 5:08 p.m.