Man pages for micsr
Microeconometrics with R

applesApple production
binmeansCompute the mean of a variable for bins of another variable
binomregBinomial regression
birthwtCigarette smoking and birth weight
bivprobitBivariate probit
charitableIntergenerational transmission of charitable giving
cigmalesCigarette smoking behaviour
clmConstrained least squares
cmtestConditional moments test
drinksPhysician advice on alcohol consumption
dummyTransform a factor in a set of dummy variables
escountEndogenous switching and sample selection models for count...
expregInstrumental variable estimation for exponential conditional...
federivForeign exchange derivatives use by large US bank holding...
fin_reformPolitical economy of financial reforms
ftestF statistic
gazeShort print of the summary of an object
hausmanHausman test
housprodHousehold Production
ivldvInstrumental variable estimators for limited dependent...
loglmLog-linear model
micsr'micsr' class
micsr-package*micsr* : Microeconometrics with R
millsCompute the inverse Mills ratio and its first two derivatives
mode_choiceChoice between car and transit
ndvuongNon-degenerate Vuong test
newtonNewton-Raphson method for numerical optimization
nparNumber of parameters of a fitted model
ordregOrdered regression
poisregPoisson regression
pscorePropensity scores
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
rsqCoefficient of determination
sarganSargan test for GMM models
scoretestScore test
stderExtract the standard errors of estimated coefficients
tobit1Truncated response model
trade_protectionLobying from Capitalists and Unions and Trade Protection
tripsDeterminants of household trip taking
twaTemporary help jobs and permanent employment
vuong_simSimulated pdfs for the Vuong statistics using linear models
zellner_revankarGeneralized production function
micsr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:32 a.m.