fin_reform: Political economy of financial reforms

fin_reformR Documentation

Political economy of financial reforms


a pseudo-panel of 35 countries from 1973 to 1996


a tibble containing:

  • country: the country id

  • year: the year

  • region: the region

  • pol: political orientation of the government

  • fli: degree of policy liberalization index (from 0 to 18)

  • yofc: year of office

  • gdpg: growth rate of the gdp

  • infl: inflation rate

  • bop: balance of payments crises

  • bank: banking crises

  • imf: IMF program dummy

  • usint: international interest rates

  • open: trade openess

  • dindx: difference of the inflation rate

  • indx: inflation rate divided by 18

  • indxl: lag value of indx

  • rhs1: indxl * (1 - indxl)

  • max_indxl: maximumum value of indxl by year and region

  • catchup: difference between max_indxl and indxl

  • dum_bop: balance of paiement crisis in the first two previous years

  • dum_bank: bank crises in the first two previous years

  • dum_1yofc: dummy for first year of office

  • recession: dummy for recessions

  • hinfl: dummy for inflation rate greater than 50 percent


AEA website




micsr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:32 a.m.