trips: Determinants of household trip taking

tripsR Documentation

Determinants of household trip taking


a cross-section of 577 households from 1978


a tibble containing:

  • trips: number of trips taken by a member of a household the day prior the survey interview

  • car: 1 if household owns at least one motorized vehicule

  • workschl: share of trips for work or school vs personal business or pleasure

  • size: number of individuals in the household

  • dist: distance to central business district in kilometers

  • smsa: a factor with levels "small" (less than 2.5 million population) and "large" (more than 2.5 million population)

  • fulltime: number of fulltime workers in household

  • adults: number of adults in household

  • distnod: distace from home to nearest transit node, in blocks

  • realinc: household income divided by median income of census tract in which household resides

  • weekend: 1 if the survey period is either saturday or sunday


kindly provided by Joseph Terza






micsr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:32 a.m.