drinks: Physician advice on alcohol consumption

drinksR Documentation

Physician advice on alcohol consumption


a cross-section of 2467 individuals from 1990


a tibble containing:

  • drinks: number of drinks in the past 2 weeks

  • advice: 1 if reveived a drining advice

  • age: age in 10 years cathegories

  • race: a factor with levels "white", "black" and "other"

  • marital: marital status, one of "single", "married", "widow", "separated"

  • region: one of "west", "northeast", "midwest" and "south"

  • empstatus: one of "other", "emp" and "unemp"

  • limits: limits on daily activities, one of "none", "some" and "major"

  • income: monthly income ($1000)

  • educ: education in years

  • medicare: insurance through medicare

  • medicaid: insurance through medicaid

  • champus: military insurance

  • hlthins: health insurance

  • regmed: regoular source of care

  • dri: see same doctor

  • diabete: have diabetes

  • hearthcond: have heart condition

  • stroke: have stroke


JAE data archive




micsr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:32 a.m.