housprod: Household Production

housprodR Documentation

Household Production


a cross-section of 819 households from 1984


a tibble containing:

  • mjob: dummy, 1 if male has paid job

  • fjob: dummy, 1 if female has paid job

  • mtime: home production time male (minutes per day)

  • ftime: home production time female (minutes per day)

  • mwage: net hourly wage rate male (estimate imputed if mjob=0)

  • fwage: net hourly wage rate female (estimate imputed if fjob=0)

  • mage: age male

  • meduc: years of schooling male

  • fage: age female

  • feduc: years of schooling female

  • owner: dummy, 1 if houseownwers

  • fsize: family size

  • ychild: number of children younger than 7 years old in the household

  • cars: number of cars in the household

  • nonlabinc: non-labour income (in units of 1000 Swedish Kronor)


JAE data archive




micsr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:32 a.m.