mies_survival_comma: Choose Survivors According to the "Mu , Lambda" ("Comma")...

View source: R/mies_methods.R

mies_survival_commaR Documentation

Choose Survivors According to the "Mu , Lambda" ("Comma") Strategy


Choose survivors during a MIES iteration using the "Comma" survival strategy, i.e. selecting survivors from the latest generation only, using a Selector operator, and choosing "elites" from survivors from previous generations using a different Selector operator.

When n_elite is greater than the number of alive individuals from previous generations, then all these individuals from previous generations survive. In this case, it is possible that more than mu - n_elite individuals from the current generation survive. Similarly, when mu is greater than the number of alive individuals from the last generation, then all these individuals survive.


mies_survival_comma(inst, mu, survival_selector, n_elite, elite_selector, ...)



Optimization instance to evaluate.


Population target size, non-negative integer.


Selector operator that selects surviving individuals depending on configuration values and objective results. When survival_selector$operate() is called, then objectives that are being minimized are multiplied with -1 (through mies_get_fitnesses), since Selectors always try to maximize fitness.
The Selector must be primed on inst$search_space; this includes the "budget" component when performing multi-fidelity optimization.
The given Selector may not return duplicates.


Number of individuals to carry over from previous generations. n_elite individuals will be selected by elite_selector, while mu - n_elite will be selected by survival_selector from the most recent generation. n_elite may be 0 (no elitism), in which case only individuals from the newest generation survive. n_elite must be strictly smaller than mu to permit any optimization progress.


Selector operator that selects "elites", i.e. surviving individuals from previous generations, depending on configuration values and objective results. When elite_selector$operate() is called, then objectives that are being minimized are multiplied with -1 (through mies_get_fitnesses()), since Selectors always try to maximize fitness.
The Selector must be primed on inst$search_space; this includes the "budget" component when performing multi-fidelity optimization.
The given Selector may not return duplicates.


Ignored, for compatibility with other ⁠mies_survival_*⁠ functions.


invisible data.table: The value of inst$archive$data, changed in-place with eol set to the current generation for non-survivors.

See Also

Other mies building blocks: mies_evaluate_offspring(), mies_generate_offspring(), mies_get_fitnesses(), mies_init_population(), mies_select_from_archive(), mies_step_fidelity(), mies_survival_plus()



# Define the objective to optimize
objective <- ObjectiveRFun$new(
  fun = function(xs) {
    z <- exp(-xs$x^2 - xs$y^2) + 2 * exp(-(2 - xs$x)^2 - (2 - xs$y)^2)
    list(Obj = z)
  domain = ps(x = p_dbl(-2, 4), y = p_dbl(-2, 4)),
  codomain = ps(Obj = p_dbl(tags = "maximize"))

# Get a new OptimInstance
oi <- OptimInstanceSingleCrit$new(objective,
  terminator = trm("evals", n_evals = 100)

mies_init_population(inst = oi, mu = 3)
# Usually the offspring is generated using mies_generate_offspring()
# Here shorter for demonstration purposes.
offspring = generate_design_random(oi$search_space, 3)$data
mies_evaluate_offspring(oi, offspring = offspring)

# State before: different generations of individuals. Alive individuals have
# 'eol' set to 'NA'.

s = sel("best")
mies_survival_comma(oi, mu = 3, survival_selector = s,
  n_elite = 2, elite_selector = s)

# sel("best") lets only the best individuals survive.
# mies_survival_comma selects from new individuals (generation 2 in this case)
# and old individuals (all others) separately: n_elite = 2 from old,
# mu - n_elite = 1 from new.
# The surviving individuals have 'eol' set to 'NA'

miesmuschel documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:23 p.m.