
## ----setup--------------------------------------------------------------------
# Wrapper around available.packages ---------------------------------------
index <- function(url, type = "source", filters = NULL, head = 5, 
                  cols = c("Package", "Version")) {
  contribUrl <- contrib.url(url, type = type)
  p <- available.packages(contribUrl, type = type, filters = filters)
  p[1:head, cols]

## ----CRAN, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------
#  CRAN <- ""
#  index(CRAN)

## ----p3m, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------------
#  p3m <- ""
#  index(p3m)

## ----rforge, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
#  rforge <- ""
#  index(rforge)

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miniCRAN documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:54 a.m.