#' mc
#' The MINIO Client
#' @param command space-delimited text string of an mc command
#' (starting after the mc ...)
#' @param ... additional arguments to [processx::run()]
#' @param path location where mc executable will be installed. By default will
#' use the OS-appropriate storage location.
#' @param verbose print output?
#' @return Returns the list from [processx::run()], with components `status`,
#' `stdout`, `stderr`, and `timeout`; invisibly.
#' @export
#' @details
#' This function forms the basis for all other available commands.
#' This utility can run any `mc` command supported by the official minio client,
#' see <>.
#' The R package provides wrappers only for the most common use cases,
#' which provide a more natural R syntax and native documentation.
mc <- function(command, ..., path = minio_path(), verbose = interactive()) {
binary <- fs::path(path, "mc")
if(!file.exists(binary) && interactive()) {
proceed <- utils::askYesNo(
"the mc client is not yet installed, should we install it now?")
if(proceed) install_mc()
command <- paste("--config-dir", shQuote(path), command)
args <- scan(text = command, what = 'character', quiet = TRUE)
p <- processx::run(binary, args, ...)
if(p$timeout & verbose) warning(paste("request", command, "timed out"))
if(p$status != 0) stop(paste(p$stderr))
if(verbose) message(paste0(p$stdout))
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