#' Display first few lines of an object
#' The head command returns the first n lines of the object as a string. This can
#' be useful when inspecting the content of a large file (without first having to
#' download and store it on disk locally).
#' @param target character string specifying the target directory path.
#' @param n integer number of lines to read from the beginning, by default 10
#' @param flags additional flags to be passed to the `cat` command.
#' Default is an empty string.
#' @returns a character string with the contents of the file
#' @examplesIf interactive()
#' # upload a CSV file
#' install_mc()
#' tf <- tempfile()
#' write.csv(iris, tf, row.names = FALSE)
#' mc_mb("play/iris")
#' mc_cp(tf, "play/iris/iris.csv")
#' # read first 13 lines from the CSV (header + 12 rows of data)
#' read.csv(text = mc_head("play/iris/iris.csv", n = 13))
#' @export
mc_head <- function(target, n = 10, flags = "") {
if (n != 10) {
flags <- paste("--lines", n)
cmd <- paste("head", flags, target)
cmd <- gsub("\\s+", " ", cmd)
res <- mc(cmd, verbose = FALSE)
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