
Defines functions semidefiniteness isSemidefinite.list isSemidefinite.matrix isSemidefinite.default isSemidefinite

Documented in isSemidefinite isSemidefinite.default isSemidefinite.list isSemidefinite.matrix semidefiniteness

isSemidefinite <- function( m, ... )
   UseMethod( "isSemidefinite" )

isSemidefinite.default <- function( m, ... ) {
   stop( "there is currently no default method available" )

## ----- test positive / negative semidefiniteness
isSemidefinite.matrix <- function( m, positive = TRUE,
   tol = 100 * .Machine$double.eps,
   method = ifelse( nrow( m ) < 13, "det", "eigen" ), ... ) {

   if( !is.matrix( m ) ) {
      stop( "argument 'm' must be a matrix" )
   } else {
      if( nrow( m ) != ncol( m ) ) {
         stop( "argument 'm' or each of its elements must be a _quadratic_ matrix" )
      } else if( !isSymmetric( unname( m ), tol = 1000 * tol ) ) {
         stop( "argument 'm' must be a symmetric matrix" )
      # make sure that the matrix is almost exactly symmetric
      # even if it is slightly non-symmetric 
      m <- ( m + t(m) ) / 2
      n <- nrow( m )
      if( !positive ) {
         m <- -m
      if( n >= 12 && method == "det" ) {
         warning( "using method 'det' can take a very long time",
            " for matrices with more than 12 rows and columns;",
            " it is suggested to use method 'eigen' for larger matrices",
            immediate. = TRUE )
      if( method == "det" ) {
         for( i in 1:n ) {
            comb <- combn( n, i )
            for( j in 1:ncol( comb ) ) {
               mat <- m[ comb[ , j ], comb[ , j ], drop = FALSE ]
               if( rcond( mat ) >= tol ) {
                  princMin <-  det( mat )
               } else {
                  princMin <- 0
               if( princMin < -tol ) {
                  return( FALSE )
         return( TRUE )
      } else if( method == "eigen" ) {
         ev <- eigen( m, only.values = TRUE )$values
         if( is.complex( ev ) ) {
            stop( "complex (non-real) eigenvalues,",
               " which could be caused by a non-symmetric matrix" )
         if( all( ev > -tol ) ) {
            return( TRUE )
         } else {
            if( rcond( m ) >= tol || n == 1 ) {
               return( FALSE )
            } else {
               k <- max( 1, min( sum( abs( ev ) <= tol ), n - 1 ) )
               comb <- combn( n, n-k )
               for( j in 1:ncol( comb ) ) {
                  mm <- m[ comb[ , j ], comb[ , j ], drop = FALSE ]
                  if( !semidefiniteness( mm, tol = tol, method = method  ) ) {
                     return( FALSE )
               return( TRUE )
      } else {
         stop( "argument 'method' must be either 'det' or 'eigen'" )
   stop( "internal error: please inform the maintainer",
      " of the 'miscTools' package",
      " (preferably with a reproducible example)" )

isSemidefinite.list <- function( m, ... ) {
   if( !is.list( m ) ) {
      stop( "argument 'm' must be a matrix or a list of matrices" )
   } else if( !all( sapply( m, is.matrix ) ) ) {
      stop( "all components of the list specified by argument 'm'",
         " must be matrices" )
   result <- logical( length( m ) )
   for( t in 1:length( m ) ) {
      result[ t ] <- isSemidefinite( m[[ t ]], ... )
   return( result )

semidefiniteness <- function( m, ... ) {
   result <- isSemidefinite( m = m, ... )
   return( result )

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miscTools documentation built on May 3, 2023, 5:11 p.m.