
Defines functions GPDdist paretodist frechetdist gumbeldist burrdist wilcoxdist poisdist hyperdist geomdist nbinomdist multinomdist binomdist weibulldist lnormdist gammadist expdist chisqdist cauchydist betadist fdist tdist normdist unifdist

Documented in betadist binomdist burrdist cauchydist chisqdist expdist fdist frechetdist gammadist geomdist GPDdist gumbeldist hyperdist lnormdist multinomdist nbinomdist normdist paretodist poisdist tdist unifdist weibulldist wilcoxdist

#' @title Creates an Object Representing Uniform Distribution
#' @description The function creates an object which represents the uniform distribution.
#' @param min minimum parameter, default: 0.
#' @param max maximum parameter, default: 1.
#' @return Object of class unifdist.
#' @details See \code{\link[stats]{Uniform}}.
#' @examples
#' U <- unifdist(1, 5)
#' d(U, c(2, 3, 4, NA))
#' r(U, 5)
#' @export
#' @rdname unifdist
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{Uniform}}
unifdist <- function(min = 0, max = 1) {
  if (!is.numeric(min) || !is.numeric(max))
    stop("Parameters must be a numeric")
  if (min >= max)
    stop("min must be smaller than max.")
  x <- list(parameters = list(min = min, max = max), type = "Uniform", support = list(from = min, to = max))
  class(x) <- c("unifdist", "contdist", "standist", "univdist", "dist")

#' @title Creates an Object Representing Normal Distribution
#' @description The function creates an object which represents the normal distribution.
#' @param mean mean parameter, default: 0.
#' @param sd standard deviation parameter, default: 1.
#' @return Object of class normdist.
#' @details See \code{\link[stats]{Normal}}.
#' @examples
#' N <- normdist(1, 5)
#' d(N, c(2, 3, 4, NA))
#' r(N, 5)
#' @export
#' @rdname normdist
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{Normal}}
normdist <- function(mean = 0, sd = 1) {
  if (!is.numeric(mean) || !is.numeric(sd))
    stop("Parameters must be a numeric.")
  if (sd <= 0)
    stop("sd must be greater than 0.")
  x <- list(parameters = list(mean = mean, sd = sd), type = "Normal", support = list(from = -Inf, to = Inf))
  class(x) <- c("normdist", "contdist", "standist", "univdist", "dist")

#' @title Creates an Object Representing Student-t Distribution
#' @description The function creates an object which represents the Student-t distribution.
#' @param df degrees of freedom parameter, default: 2.
#' @return Object of class tdist.
#' @details See \code{\link[stats]{TDist}}.
#' @examples
#' t <- tdist(2)
#' d(t, c(2, 3, 4, NA))
#' r(t, 5)
#' @rdname tdist
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{TDist}}
tdist <- function(df = 2) {
  if (!is.numeric(df))
    stop("Parameters must be a numeric")
  if (df <= 0)
    stop("df must be positive.")
  x <- list(parameters = list(df = df), type = "Student-t", support = list(from = -Inf, to = Inf))
  class(x) <- c("tdist", "contdist", "standist", "univdist", "dist")

#' @title Creates an Object Representing F Distribution
#' @description The function creates an object which represents the F distribution.
#' @param df1 degrees of freedom parameter, default: 2.
#' @param df2 degrees of freedom parameter, default: 2.
#' @return Object of class fdist.
#' @details See \code{\link[stats]{FDist}}.
#' @examples
#' f <- fdist(2, 2)
#' d(f, c(2, 3, 4, NA))
#' r(f, 5)
#' @rdname fdist
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{FDist}}
fdist <- function(df1 = 2, df2 = 2) {
  if (!is.numeric(df1) || !is.numeric(df2))
    stop("Parameters must be a numeric")
  if (df1 <= 0 || df2 <= 0)
    stop("df must be positive.")
  x <- list(parameters = list(df1 = df1, df2 = df2), type = "F", support = list(from = 0, to = Inf))
  class(x) <- c("fdist", "contdist", "standist", "univdist", "dist")

#' @title Creates an Object Representing Beta Distribution
#' @description The function creates an object which represents the beta distribution.
#' @param shape1  shape parameter, default: 2.
#' @param shape2  shape parameter, default: 2.
#' @return Object of class betadist.
#' @details See \code{\link[stats]{Beta}}.
#' @examples
#' B <- betadist(2, 2)
#' d(B, c(2, 3, 4, NA))
#' r(B, 5)
#' @rdname betadist
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{Beta}}
betadist <- function(shape1 = 2, shape2 = 2) {
  if (!is.numeric(shape1) || !is.numeric(shape2))
    stop("Parameters must be a numeric")
  if (shape1 <= 0 || shape2 <= 0)
    stop("shape must be positive.")
  x <- list(parameters = list(shape1 = shape1, shape2 = shape2), type = "Beta", support = list(from = 0, to = 1))
  class(x) <- c("betadist", "contdist", "standist", "univdist", "dist")

#' @title Creates an Object Representing Cauchy Distribution.
#' @description The function creates an object which represents the Cauchy distribution.
#' @param location location parameter, default: 0.
#' @param scale scale parameter, default: 1.
#' @return Object of class cauchydist.
#' @details See \code{\link[stats]{Cauchy}}.
#' @examples
#' C <- cauchydist(0, 1)
#' d(C, c(2, 3, 4, NA))
#' r(C, 5)
#' @rdname cauchydist
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{Cauchy}}
cauchydist <- function(location = 0, scale = 1) {
  if (!is.numeric(location) || !is.numeric(scale))
    stop("Parameters must be a numeric")
  if (scale <= 0)
    stop("scale must be positive.")
  x <- list(parameters = list(location = location, scale = scale), type = "Cauchy", support = list(from = -Inf, to = Inf))
  class(x) <- c("cauchydist", "contdist", "standist", "univdist", "dist")

#' @title Creates an Object Representing Chi-Squared Distribution
#' @description The function creates an object which represents the chi-squared distribution.
#' @param df degrees of freedom parameter, default: 2.
#' @return Object of class chisqdist.
#' @details See \code{\link[stats]{Chisquare}}.
#' @examples
#' C <- chisqdist(2)
#' d(C, c(2, 3, 4, NA))
#' r(C, 5)
#' @rdname chisqdist
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{Chisquare}}
chisqdist <- function(df = 2) {
  if (!is.numeric(df))
    stop("Parameters must be a numeric")
  if (df <= 0)
    stop("df must be positive.")
  x <- list(parameters = list(df = df), type = "Chi-squared", support = list(from = 0, to = Inf))
  class(x) <- c("chisqdist", "contdist", "standist", "univdist", "dist")

#' @title Creates an Object Representing Exponential Distribution
#' @description The function creates an object which represents the exponential distribution.
#' @param rate rate parameter, default: 1.
#' @return Object of class expdist.
#' @details See \code{\link[stats]{Exponential}}.
#' @examples
#' E <- expdist(1)
#' d(E, c(2, 3, 4, NA))
#' r(E, 5)
#' @rdname expdist
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{Exponential}}
expdist <- function(rate = 1) {
  if (!is.numeric(rate))
    stop("Parameters must be a numeric")
  if (rate <= 0)
    stop("rate must be positive.")
  x <- list(parameters = list(rate = rate), type = "Exponential", support = list(from = 0, to = Inf))
  class(x) <- c("expdist", "contdist", "standist", "univdist", "dist")

#' @title Creates an Object Representing Gamma Distribution
#' @description The function creates an object which represents the gamma distribution.
#' @param shape shape parameter, default: 2.
#' @param rate rate parameter, an alternative way to specify the scale.
#' @param scale scale parameter.
#' @return Object of class gammadist.
#' @details See \code{\link[stats]{GammaDist}}.
#' @examples
#' G <- gammadist(shape = 2, scale = 3)
#' d(G, c(2, 3, 4, NA))
#' r(G, 5)
#' @rdname gammadist
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{GammaDist}}
gammadist <- function(shape = 2, rate, scale) {
  if (missing(scale) & !missing(rate)) {
    if (!is.numeric(shape) || !is.numeric(rate))
      stop("Parameters must be a numeric")
    if (shape <= 0 || rate <= 0)
      stop("shape and rate must be positive.")
    x <- list(parameters = list(shape = shape, rate = rate), type = "Gamma", support = list(from = 0, to = Inf))
  } else {
    if ((!missing(scale) & missing(rate)) || rate == 1/scale) {
      if (!is.numeric(shape) || !is.numeric(scale))
        stop("Parameters must be a numeric")
      if (shape <= 0 || scale <= 0)
        stop("shape and scale must be positive.")
      x <- list(parameters = list(shape = shape, scale = scale), type = "Gamma", support = list(from = 0, to = Inf))
    } else {
      stop("Scale must be the reciprocal of the rate.")
  class(x) <- c("gammadist", "contdist", "standist", "univdist", "dist")

#' @title Creates an Object Representing Log Normal Distribution.
#' @description The function creates an object which represents the log normal distribution.
#' @param meanlog mean parameter, default: 0.
#' @param sdlog standard deviation parameter, default: 1.
#' @return Object of class lnormdist.
#' @details See \code{\link[stats]{Lognormal}}.
#' @examples
#' L <- lnormdist(0, 1)
#' d(L, c(2, 3, 4, NA))
#' r(L, 5)
#' @rdname lnormdist
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{Lognormal}}
lnormdist <- function(meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1) {
  if (!is.numeric(meanlog) || !is.numeric(sdlog))
    stop("Parameters must be a numeric.")
  if (sdlog <= 0)
    stop("sdlog must be greater than 0.")
  x <- list(parameters = list(meanlog = meanlog, sdlog = sdlog), type = "Log-Normal", support = list(from = 0, to = Inf))
  class(x) <- c("lnormdist", "contdist", "standist", "univdist", "dist")

#' @title Creates an Object Representing Weibull Distribution
#' @description The function creates an object which represents the Weibull distribution.
#' @param shape shape parameter, default: 1.
#' @param scale scale parameter, default: 1.
#' @return Object of class weibulldist.
#' @details See \code{\link[stats]{Weibull}}.
#' @examples
#' W <- weibulldist(1, 1)
#' d(W, c(2, 3, 4, NA))
#' r(W, 5)
#' @rdname weibulldist
#' @export
#' @seealso  \code{\link[stats]{Weibull}}
weibulldist <- function(shape = 1, scale = 1) {
  if (!is.numeric(shape) || !is.numeric(scale))
    stop("Parameters must be a numeric")
  if (shape <= 0 || scale <= 0)
    stop("shape and scale must be positive.")
  x <- list(parameters = list(shape = shape, scale = scale), type = "Weibull", support = list(from = 0, to = Inf))
  class(x) <- c("weibulldist", "contdist", "standist", "univdist", "dist")

#' @title Creates an Object Representing Binomial Distribution.
#' @description The function creates an object which represents the binomial distribution.
#' @param size size parameter, default: 10.
#' @param prob probability parameter, default: 0.5.
#' @return Object of class binomdist.
#' @details See \code{\link[stats]{Binomial}}.
#' @examples
#' B <- binomdist(10, 0.4)
#' d(B, c(2, 3, 4, NA))
#' r(B, 5)
#' @rdname binomdist
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{Binomial}}
binomdist <- function(size = 10, prob = 0.5) {
  if (!is.numeric(prob) || !is.numeric(size))
    stop("Parameters must be a numeric")
  if (prob < 0 || prob > 1)
    stop("prob must be in [0,1].")
  if (size != floor(size))
    stop("size must be an integer.")
  x <- list(parameters = list(size = size, prob = prob), type = "Binomial", support = list(from = 0, to = size, by = 1))
  class(x) <- c("binomdist", "discrdist", "standist", "univdist", "dist")

#' @title Creates an Object Representing Multinomial Distribution
#' @description The function creates an object which represents the multinomial distribution.
#' @param size size parameter, default: 10.
#' @param prob probability parameter vector, default: c(0.5, 0.5).
#' @return  Object of class multinomdist.
#' @details See \code{\link[stats]{Multinomial}}.
#' @examples
#' M <- multinomdist(10, c(0.5, 0.5))
#' d(M, c(7, 3))
#' r(M, 5)
#' @rdname multinomdist
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{Multinomial}}
multinomdist <- function(size = 10, prob = c(0.5, 0.5)) {
  if (any(!is.numeric(prob)) || !is.numeric(size))
    stop("Parameters must be a numeric")
  if (any(prob < 0) || any(prob > 1))
    stop("prob must be in [0,1].")
  if (size != floor(size))
    stop("size must be an integer.")
  x <- list(parameters = list(size = size, prob = prob), type = "Multinomial", support = list(from = 0, to = size, by = 1))
  class(x) <- c("multinomdist", "discrdist", "standist", "univdist", "dist")

#' @title Creates an Object Representing Negative Binomial Distribution
#' @description The function creates an object which represents the negative binomial distribution.
#' @param size size parameter, default: 10.
#' @param prob probability parameter.
#' @param mu alternative parametrization via mean, see \code{\link[stats]{NegBinomial}}.
#' @return Object of class nbinomdist.
#' @details See \code{\link[stats]{NegBinomial}}.
#' @examples
#' N <- nbinomdist(10, 0.5)
#' d(N, c(2, 3, 4, NA))
#' r(N, 5)
#' @rdname nbinomdist
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{NegBinomial}}
nbinomdist <- function(size = 10, prob, mu) {
  if (missing(mu) & !missing(prob)) {
    if (!is.numeric(prob) || !is.numeric(size))
      stop("Parameters must be a numeric")
    if (prob < 0 || prob > 1)
      stop("prob must be in [0,1].")
    if (size != floor(size))
      stop("size must be an integer.")
    x <- list(parameters = list(size = size, prob = prob), type = "Negative Binomial", support = list(from = 0, to = Inf,
                                                                                                      by = 1))
  } else {
    if (!missing(mu) & missing(prob)) {
      if (!is.numeric(mu) || !is.numeric(size))
        stop("Parameters must be a numeric")
      if (size != floor(size))
        stop("size must be an integer.")
      x <- list(parameters = list(size = size, mu = mu), type = "Negative Binomial", support = list(from = 0, to = Inf,
                                                                                                    by = 1))
    } else {
      stop("Either prob or mu has to be set.")
  class(x) <- c("nbinomdist", "discrdist", "standist", "univdist", "dist")

#' @title Creates an Object Representing Geometric Distribution
#' @description The function creates an object which represents the geometric distribution.
#' @param prob probability parameter, default: 0.5.
#' @return Object of class geomdist.
#' @details See \code{\link[stats]{Geometric}}.
#' @examples
#' G <- geomdist(0.5)
#' d(G, c(2, 3, 4, NA))
#' r(G, 5)
#' @rdname geomdist
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{Geometric}}
geomdist <- function(prob = 0.5) {
  if (!is.numeric(prob))
    stop("Parameters must be a numeric")
  if (prob < 0 || prob > 1)
    stop("prob must be in [0,1].")
  x <- list(parameters = list(prob = prob), type = "Geometric", support = list(from = 0, to = Inf, by = 1))
  class(x) <- c("geomdist", "discrdist", "standist", "univdist", "dist")

#' @title Creates an Object Representing Hypergeometric Distribution
#' @description The function creates an object which represents the hypergeometric distribution.
#' @param m the number of white balls in the urn, default: 10.
#' @param n the number of black balls in the urn, default: 10.
#' @param k the number of balls drawn from the urn, default: 5.
#' @return Object of class hyperdist.
#' @details See \code{\link[stats]{Hypergeometric}}.
#' @examples
#' H <- hyperdist(0.5)
#' d(H, c(2, 3, 4, NA))
#' r(H, 5)
#' @rdname hyperdist
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{Hypergeometric}}
hyperdist <- function(m = 10, n = 10, k = 5) {
  if (!is.numeric(m) || !is.numeric(n) || !is.numeric(k))
    stop("Parameters must be a numeric")
  if (k > m + n)
    stop("k must be smaller or equal to m+n.")
  x <- list(parameters = list(m = m, n = n, k = k), type = "Hypergeometric", support = list(from = max(0, k - n), to = min(k,
                                                                                                                           m), by = 1))
  class(x) <- c("hyperdist", "discrdist", "standist", "univdist", "dist")

#' @title Creates an Object Representing Poisson Distribution
#' @description The function creates an object which represents the Poisson distribution.
#' @param lambda mean parameter, default: 1.
#' @return Object of class poisdist.
#' @details See \code{\link[stats]{Poisson}}.
#' @examples
#' P <- poisdist(1)
#' d(P, c(2, 3, 4, NA))
#' r(P, 5)
#' @rdname poisdist
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{Poisson}}
poisdist <- function(lambda = 1) {
  if (!is.numeric(lambda))
    stop("Parameters must be a numeric")
  if (lambda <= 0)
    stop("Lambda must be positive.")
  x <- list(parameters = list(lambda = lambda), type = "Poisson", support = list(from = 0, to = Inf, by = 1))
  class(x) <- c("poisdist", "discrdist", "standist", "univdist", "dist")

#' @title Creates an Object Representing Wilcoxon Distribution
#' @description The function creates an object which represents the Wilcoxon distribution.
#' @param m number of observations in the first sample.
#' @param n number of observations in the second sample.
#' @return Object of class wilcoxdist.
#' @details See \code{\link[stats]{Wilcoxon}}.
#' @examples
#' W <- wilcoxdist(20, 15)
#' d(W, c(2, 3, 4, NA))
#' r(W, 5)
#' @rdname wilcoxdist
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{Wilcoxon}}
wilcoxdist <- function(m, n) {
  if (!is.numeric(m) || !is.numeric(n))
    stop("Parameters must be a numeric")
  if (m <= 0 || n <= 0)
    stop("m and n must be positive.")
  x <- list(parameters = list(m = m, n = n), type = "Wilcoxon Rank Sum", support = list(from = 0, to = m * n, by = 1))
  class(x) <- c("wilcoxdist", "discrdist", "standist", "univdist", "dist")

#' @title Creates an Object Representing Burr Distribution
#' @description The function creates an object which represents the Burr distribution.
#' @param shape1 shape parameter, default: 2.
#' @param shape2 shape parameter, default: 2.
#' @return Object of class burrdist.
#' @details See \code{\link{Burr}}.
#' @examples
#' B <- burrdist(2, 2)
#' d(B, c(2, 3, 4, NA))
#' r(B, 5)
#' @rdname burrdist
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{Burr}}
burrdist <- function(shape1 = 2, shape2 = 2) {
  if (!is.numeric(shape1) || !is.numeric(shape2))
    stop("Parameters must be a numeric")
  if (shape1 <= 0 || shape2 <= 0)
    stop("shape must be positive.")
  x <- list(parameters = list(shape1 = shape1, shape2 = shape2), type = "Burr", support = list(from = 0, to = Inf))
  class(x) <- c("burrdist", "contdist", "standist", "univdist", "dist")

#' @title Creates an Object Representing Gumbel Distribution
#' @description The function creates an object which represents the Burr distribution.
#' @param loc location parameter, default: 0.
#' @param scale scale parameter, default: 1.
#' @return Object of class gumbeldist.
#' @details See \code{\link{Gumbel}}.
#' @examples
#' G <- gumbeldist(1, 2)
#' d(G, c(2, 3, 4, NA))
#' r(G, 5)
#' @rdname gumbeldist
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{Gumbel}}
gumbeldist <- function(loc = 0, scale = 1) {
  if (!is.numeric(loc) || !is.numeric(scale))
    stop("Parameters must be a numeric")
  if (scale <= 0)
    stop("scale must be positive.")
  x <- list(parameters = list(loc = loc, scale = scale), type = "Gumbel", support = list(from = -Inf, to = Inf))
  class(x) <- c("gumbeldist", "contdist", "standist", "univdist", "dist")

#' @title Creates an Object Representing Frechet Distribution
#' @description The function creates an object which represents the Frechet distribution.
#' @param loc location parameter, default: 0.
#' @param scale scale parameter, default: 1.
#' @param shape shape parameter, default: 1.
#' @return Object of class frechetdist.
#' @details See \code{\link{Frechet}}.
#' @examples
#' Fr <- frechetdist(0, 1, 2)
#' d(Fr, c(2, 3, 4, NA))
#' r(Fr, 5)
#' @rdname frechetdist
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{Frechet}}
frechetdist <- function(loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 1) {
  if (!is.numeric(loc) || !is.numeric(scale) || !is.numeric(shape))
    stop("Parameters must be a numeric")
  if (scale <= 0 || shape <= 0)
    stop("scale and shape must be positive.")
  x <- list(parameters = list(loc = loc, scale = scale, shape = shape), type = "Frechet", support = list(from = loc, to = Inf))
  class(x) <- c("frechetdist", "contdist", "standist", "univdist", "dist")

#' @title Creates an Object Representing Pareto Distribution
#' @description The function creates an object which represents the Pareto distribution.
#' @param scale scale parameter, default: 1.
#' @param shape shape parameter, default: 1.
#' @return Object of class paretodist.
#' @details See \code{\link{Pareto}}.
#' @examples
#' P <- paretodist(1, 1)
#' d(P, c(2, 3, 4, NA))
#' r(P, 5)
#' @rdname paretodist
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{Pareto}}
paretodist <- function(scale = 1, shape = 1) {
  if (!is.numeric(scale) || !is.numeric(shape))
    stop("Parameters must be a numeric")
  if (scale <= 0 || shape <= 0)
    stop("scale and shape must be positive.")
  x <- list(parameters = list(scale = scale, shape = shape), type = "Pareto", support = list(from = scale, to = Inf))
  class(x) <- c("paretodist", "contdist", "standist", "univdist", "dist")

#' @title Creates an Object Representing Generalized Pareto Distribution
#' @description The function creates an object which represents the generalized Pareto distribution.
#' @param loc location parameter, default: 0.
#' @param scale scale parameter, default: 1.
#' @param shape shape parameter, default: 0.
#' @return Object of class GPDdist.
#' @details See \code{\link{GPD}}.
#' @examples
#' G <- GPDdist(0, 1, 0)
#' d(G, c(2, 3, 4, NA))
#' r(G, 5)
#' @rdname GPDdist
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{GPD}}
GPDdist <- function(loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0) {
  if (!is.numeric(loc) || !is.numeric(scale) || !is.numeric(shape))
    stop("Parameters must be a numeric")
  if (scale <= 0)
    stop("scale must be positive.")
  x <- list(parameters = list(loc = loc, scale = scale, shape = shape), type = "Generalized Pareto", support = list(from = loc,
                                                                                                                    to = ifelse(shape < 0, loc - scale/shape, Inf)))
  class(x) <- c("GPDdist", "contdist", "standist", "univdist", "dist")

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