
#' Accessor function to extract selected temperature bounds
#' @param object the output of either the process or deconvolve functions
#' @return Temperature bounds of the data in the object
#' @keywords thermogravimetry fraser-suzuki deconvolution temperature
#' @examples
#' data(juncus)
#' tmp <- process(juncus, init_mass = 18.96,
#'                temp = 'temp_C', mass_loss = 'mass_loss')
#' temp_bounds(tmp)
#' @export

temp_bounds <- function (object) {

  if (class(object) == 'process') return(object$temp_range)
  if (class(object) == 'decon') return(object$temp_bounds)


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mixchar documentation built on May 2, 2019, 7:01 a.m.