mixedMem-package: Tools for fitting discrete multivariate mixed membership...

Description Details Author(s) References Examples


The mixedMem package contains tools for fitting and interpreting discrete multivariate mixed membership models following the general framework outlined in Erosheva et al 2004. In a mixed membership models, individuals can belong to multiple groups instead of only a single group (Airoldi et al 2014). This extension allows for a richer description of heterogeneous populations and has been applied in a wide variety of contexts including: text data (Blei et al 2003), genotype sequences (Pritchard et al 2000), ranked data (Gormley and Murphy 2009), and survey data (Erosheva et al 2007, Gross and Manrique-Vallier 2014).


Mixed membership model objects can be created using the mixedMemModel constructor function. This function checks the internal consistency of the data/parameters and returns an object suitable for use by the mmVarFit function. The mmVarFit function is the main function in the package. It utilizes a variational EM algorithim to fit an approximate posterior distribution for the latent variables and select pseudo-MLE estimates for the global parameters. A step-by-step guide to using the package is detailed in the package vignette "Fitting Mixed Membership Models using mixedMem".

The package supports multivariate models (with or without repeated measurements) where each variable can be of a different type. Currently supported data types include: Bernoulli, rank (Plackett-Luce) and multinomial. Given a fixed number of sub-populations K, we assume the following generative model for each mixed membership model:


Y. Samuel Wang <ysamuelwang@gmail.com>, Elena Erosheva <erosheva@uw.edu>


Airoldi, E. M., Blei, D., Erosheva, E. A., & Fienberg, S. E.. 2014. Handbook of Mixed Membership Models and Their Applications. CRC Press. Chicago

Blei, David; Ng, Andrew Y.; Jordan, Michael I.. 2003. Latent Dirichlet Allocation. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 3, 993-1022.

Erosheva, Elena A.; Fienberg, Stephen E.; Joutard, Cyrille. 2007. Describing Disability Through Individual-level Mixture Models for Multivariate Binary Data. The Annals of Applied Statistics 1 (2007), no. 2, 502–537. doi:10.1214/07-AOAS126.

Erosheva, Elena A.; Fienberg, Stephen E.; Lafferty, John. 2004. Mixed-membership Models of Scientific Publications". PNAS, 101 (suppl 1), 5220-5227. doi:10.1073/pnas.0307760101.

Gormley, Isobel C.; Murphy, Thomas B.. 2009. A Grade of Membership Model for Rank Data. Bayesian Analysis, 4, 265 - 296. DOI:10.1214/09-BA410.

National Election Studies, 1983 Pilot Election Study. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, Center for Political Studies, 1999

Pritchard, Jonathan K.; Stephens, Matthew; Donnelly, Peter. 2000. Inference of Population Structure using Multilocus Genotype Data. Genetics 155.2: 945-959.

Gross, Justin; Manrique-Vallier, Daniel. 2014. A Mixed-membership Approach to the Assessment of Political Ideology from Survey Responses. In Airoldi, Edoardo M.; Blei, David; Erosheva, Elena A.; & Fienberg, Stephen E.. Handbook of Mixed Membership Models and Their Applications. CRC Press. Chicago


# Dimensions of the data set: 279 individuals with 19 responses each
# The 19 variables and their categories
# The specific statements for each variable can be found using help(ANES)
# Variables titled EQ are about Equality
# Variables titled IND are about Econonic Individualism
# Variables titled ENT are about Free Enterprise
# Distribution of responses

# Sample Size
Total <- 279
# Number of variables
J <- 19 
# we only have one replicate for each of the variables
Rj <- rep(1, J)
# Nijr indicates the number of ranking levels for each variable.
# Since all our data is multinomial it should be an array of all 1s
Nijr <- array(1, dim = c(Total, J, max(Rj)))
# Number of sub-populations
K <- 3
# There are 3 choices for each of the variables ranging from 0 to 2.
Vj <- rep(3, J)
# we initialize alpha to .2
alpha <- rep(.2, K)
# All variables are multinomial
dist <- rep("multinomial", J)
# obs are the observed responses. it is a 4-d array indexed by i,j,r,n
# note that obs ranges from 0 to 2 for each response
obs <- array(0, dim = c(Total, J, max(Rj), max(Nijr)))
obs[ , ,1,1] <- as.matrix(ANES)

# Initialize theta randomly with Dirichlet distributions
theta <- array(0, dim = c(J,K,max(Vj)))
for(j in 1:J)
    theta[j, , ] <- gtools::rdirichlet(K, rep(.8, Vj[j]))

# Create the mixedMemModel
# This object encodes the initialization points for the variational EM algorithim
# and also encodes the observed parameters and responses
initial <- mixedMemModel(Total = Total, J = J, Rj = Rj,
                         Nijr = Nijr, K = K, Vj = Vj, alpha = alpha,
                         theta = theta, dist = dist, obs = obs)
## Not run: 
# Fit the model
out <- mmVarFit(initial)

## End(Not run)

Example output

[1] 279  19
 [1] "EQ1"  "EQ2"  "EQ3"  "EQ4"  "EQ5"  "EQ6"  "EQ7"  "IND1" "IND2" "IND3"
[11] "IND4" "IND5" "IND6" "ENT1" "ENT2" "ENT3" "ENT4" "ENT5" "ENT6"

   0    1    2 
3295   99 1907 
[1] "Model Check: Ok!"
[1] "<== Beginning Model Fit! ==>"
Iter: 1 Elbo: -16810.2
E-Step: -7327.02
M-Step: -4597.15
Iter: 2 Elbo: -4597.15
E-Step: -3918.33
M-Step: -3683.89
Iter: 3 Elbo: -3683.89
E-Step: -3553.89
M-Step: -3482.22
Iter: 4 Elbo: -3482.22
E-Step: -3431.85
M-Step: -3387.2
Iter: 5 Elbo: -3387.2
E-Step: -3348.1
M-Step: -3315.84
Iter: 6 Elbo: -3315.84
E-Step: -3283.93
M-Step: -3260.79
Iter: 7 Elbo: -3260.79
E-Step: -3245.36
M-Step: -3232.12
Iter: 8 Elbo: -3232.12
E-Step: -3218.89
M-Step: -3207.97
Iter: 9 Elbo: -3207.97
E-Step: -3197.42
M-Step: -3185.78
Iter: 10 Elbo: -3185.78
E-Step: -3176.62
M-Step: -3172.02
Iter: 11 Elbo: -3172.02
E-Step: -3168.75
M-Step: -3166.36
Iter: 12 Elbo: -3166.36
E-Step: -3164.26
M-Step: -3162.2
Iter: 13 Elbo: -3162.2
E-Step: -3159.82
M-Step: -3157.87
Iter: 14 Elbo: -3157.87
E-Step: -3156.44
M-Step: -3155.21
Iter: 15 Elbo: -3155.21
E-Step: -3154.08
M-Step: -3153
Iter: 16 Elbo: -3153
E-Step: -3151.96
M-Step: -3150.97
Iter: 17 Elbo: -3150.97
E-Step: -3150
M-Step: -3149.08
Iter: 18 Elbo: -3149.08
E-Step: -3148.18
M-Step: -3147.33
Iter: 19 Elbo: -3147.33
E-Step: -3146.5
M-Step: -3145.71
Iter: 20 Elbo: -3145.71
E-Step: -3144.94
M-Step: -3144.2
Iter: 21 Elbo: -3144.2
E-Step: -3143.47
M-Step: -3142.76
Iter: 22 Elbo: -3142.76
E-Step: -3142.07
M-Step: -3141.39
Iter: 23 Elbo: -3141.39
E-Step: -3140.73
M-Step: -3140.09
Iter: 24 Elbo: -3140.09
E-Step: -3139.47
M-Step: -3138.87
Iter: 25 Elbo: -3138.87
E-Step: -3138.28
M-Step: -3137.71
Iter: 26 Elbo: -3137.71
E-Step: -3137.16
M-Step: -3136.63
Iter: 27 Elbo: -3136.63
E-Step: -3136.11
M-Step: -3135.62
Iter: 28 Elbo: -3135.62
E-Step: -3135.14
M-Step: -3134.68
Iter: 29 Elbo: -3134.68
E-Step: -3134.23
M-Step: -3133.81
Iter: 30 Elbo: -3133.81
E-Step: -3133.4
M-Step: -3133
Iter: 31 Elbo: -3133
E-Step: -3132.62
M-Step: -3132.26
Iter: 32 Elbo: -3132.26
E-Step: -3131.91
M-Step: -3131.58
Iter: 33 Elbo: -3131.58
E-Step: -3131.25
M-Step: -3130.94
Iter: 34 Elbo: -3130.94
E-Step: -3130.65
M-Step: -3130.36
Iter: 35 Elbo: -3130.36
E-Step: -3130.09
M-Step: -3129.83
Iter: 36 Elbo: -3129.83
E-Step: -3129.58
M-Step: -3129.34
Iter: 37 Elbo: -3129.34
E-Step: -3129.11
M-Step: -3128.9
Iter: 38 Elbo: -3128.9
E-Step: -3128.69
M-Step: -3128.49
Iter: 39 Elbo: -3128.49
E-Step: -3128.3
M-Step: -3128.11
Iter: 40 Elbo: -3128.11
E-Step: -3127.94
M-Step: -3127.77
Iter: 41 Elbo: -3127.77
E-Step: -3127.61
M-Step: -3127.45
Iter: 42 Elbo: -3127.45
E-Step: -3127.3
M-Step: -3127.16
Iter: 43 Elbo: -3127.16
E-Step: -3127.02
M-Step: -3126.89
Iter: 44 Elbo: -3126.89
E-Step: -3126.76
M-Step: -3126.64
Iter: 45 Elbo: -3126.64
E-Step: -3126.52
M-Step: -3126.41
Iter: 46 Elbo: -3126.41
E-Step: -3126.29
M-Step: -3126.18
Iter: 47 Elbo: -3126.18
E-Step: -3126.07
M-Step: -3125.97
Iter: 48 Elbo: -3125.97
E-Step: -3125.86
M-Step: -3125.76
Iter: 49 Elbo: -3125.76
E-Step: -3125.65
M-Step: -3125.55
Iter: 50 Elbo: -3125.55
E-Step: -3125.45
M-Step: -3125.36
Iter: 51 Elbo: -3125.36
E-Step: -3125.26
M-Step: -3125.16
Iter: 52 Elbo: -3125.16
E-Step: -3125.07
M-Step: -3124.98
Iter: 53 Elbo: -3124.98
E-Step: -3124.89
M-Step: -3124.81
Iter: 54 Elbo: -3124.81
E-Step: -3124.73
M-Step: -3124.66
Iter: 55 Elbo: -3124.66
E-Step: -3124.59
M-Step: -3124.52
Iter: 56 Elbo: -3124.52
E-Step: -3124.46
M-Step: -3124.4
Iter: 57 Elbo: -3124.4
E-Step: -3124.34
M-Step: -3124.29
Iter: 58 Elbo: -3124.29
E-Step: -3124.24
M-Step: -3124.19
Iter: 59 Elbo: -3124.19
E-Step: -3124.15
M-Step: -3124.1
Iter: 60 Elbo: -3124.1
E-Step: -3124.06
M-Step: -3124.02
Iter: 61 Elbo: -3124.02
E-Step: -3123.98
M-Step: -3123.94
Iter: 62 Elbo: -3123.94
E-Step: -3123.9
M-Step: -3123.87
Iter: 63 Elbo: -3123.87
E-Step: -3123.83
M-Step: -3123.8
Iter: 64 Elbo: -3123.8
E-Step: -3123.76
M-Step: -3123.73
Iter: 65 Elbo: -3123.73
E-Step: -3123.7
M-Step: -3123.67
Iter: 66 Elbo: -3123.67
E-Step: -3123.64
M-Step: -3123.61
Iter: 67 Elbo: -3123.61
E-Step: -3123.58
M-Step: -3123.56
Iter: 68 Elbo: -3123.56
E-Step: -3123.53
M-Step: -3123.5
Iter: 69 Elbo: -3123.5
E-Step: -3123.48
M-Step: -3123.46
Iter: 70 Elbo: -3123.46
E-Step: -3123.43
M-Step: -3123.41
Iter: 71 Elbo: -3123.41
E-Step: -3123.39
M-Step: -3123.37
Iter: 72 Elbo: -3123.37
E-Step: -3123.35
M-Step: -3123.33
Iter: 73 Elbo: -3123.33
E-Step: -3123.31
M-Step: -3123.29
Iter: 74 Elbo: -3123.29
E-Step: -3123.27
M-Step: -3123.26
Iter: 75 Elbo: -3123.26
E-Step: -3123.24
M-Step: -3123.22
Iter: 76 Elbo: -3123.22
E-Step: -3123.21
M-Step: -3123.19
Iter: 77 Elbo: -3123.19
E-Step: -3123.18
M-Step: -3123.16
Iter: 78 Elbo: -3123.16
E-Step: -3123.15
M-Step: -3123.14
Iter: 79 Elbo: -3123.14
E-Step: -3123.13
M-Step: -3123.12
Iter: 80 Elbo: -3123.12
E-Step: -3123.1
M-Step: -3123.09
Iter: 81 Elbo: -3123.09
E-Step: -3123.08
M-Step: -3123.07
Iter: 82 Elbo: -3123.07
E-Step: -3123.06
M-Step: -3123.06
Iter: 83 Elbo: -3123.06
E-Step: -3123.05
M-Step: -3123.04
Iter: 84 Elbo: -3123.04
E-Step: -3123.03
M-Step: -3123.02
Iter: 85 Elbo: -3123.02
E-Step: -3123.02
M-Step: -3123.01
Iter: 86 Elbo: -3123.01
E-Step: -3123
M-Step: -3123
Iter: 87 Elbo: -3123
E-Step: -3122.99
M-Step: -3122.98
Iter: 88 Elbo: -3122.98
E-Step: -3122.98
M-Step: -3122.97
Iter: 89 Elbo: -3122.97
E-Step: -3122.97
M-Step: -3122.96
Iter: 90 Elbo: -3122.96
E-Step: -3122.96
M-Step: -3122.95
Iter: 91 Elbo: -3122.95
E-Step: -3122.95
M-Step: -3122.95
Iter: 92 Elbo: -3122.95
E-Step: -3122.94
M-Step: -3122.94
Iter: 93 Elbo: -3122.94
E-Step: -3122.93
M-Step: -3122.93
Iter: 94 Elbo: -3122.93
E-Step: -3122.93
M-Step: -3122.92
Iter: 95 Elbo: -3122.92
E-Step: -3122.92
M-Step: -3122.92
Iter: 96 Elbo: -3122.92
E-Step: -3122.92
M-Step: -3122.91
Iter: 97 Elbo: -3122.91
E-Step: -3122.91
M-Step: -3122.91
Iter: 98 Elbo: -3122.91
E-Step: -3122.91
M-Step: -3122.9
Iter: 99 Elbo: -3122.9
E-Step: -3122.9
M-Step: -3122.9
Iter: 100 Elbo: -3122.9
E-Step: -3122.9
M-Step: -3122.9
Iter: 101 Elbo: -3122.9
E-Step: -3122.89
M-Step: -3122.89
Iter: 102 Elbo: -3122.89
E-Step: -3122.89
M-Step: -3122.89
Iter: 103 Elbo: -3122.89
E-Step: -3122.89
M-Step: -3122.89
Fit Complete! Elbo: -3122.89 Iter: 103
== Summary for Mixed Membership Model ==
Total: 279		 K: 3		 ELBO: -3122.89

 Variable   Variable Type     Replicates     Categories  
   1        multinomial       1              3           
   2        multinomial       1              3           
   3        multinomial       1              3           
   4        multinomial       1              3           
   5        multinomial       1              3           
   6        multinomial       1              3           
   7        multinomial       1              3           
   8        multinomial       1              3           
   9        multinomial       1              3           
   10       multinomial       1              3           
   11       multinomial       1              3           
   12       multinomial       1              3           
   13       multinomial       1              3           
   14       multinomial       1              3           
   15       multinomial       1              3           
   16       multinomial       1              3           
   17       multinomial       1              3           
   18       multinomial       1              3           
   19       multinomial       1              3           

mixedMem documentation built on Dec. 2, 2020, 1:09 a.m.