
Defines functions metrics.ctx_node_covlmc covariate_memory merged_with is_merged model find_sequence.covlmc is_ctx_node_covlmc

Documented in covariate_memory find_sequence.covlmc is_merged merged_with metrics.ctx_node_covlmc model

is_ctx_node_covlmc <- function(node) {
  methods::is(node, "ctx_node_covlmc")

assertthat::on_failure(is_ctx_node_covlmc) <- function(call, env) {
  paste0(deparse(call$node), " is not a ctx_node_covlmc object")

#' Find the node of a sequence in a COVLMC context tree
#' This function checks whether the sequence `ctx` is represented in the context
#' tree of the COVLMC model `ct`. If this is the case, it returns a description
#' of matching node, an object of class `ctx_node_covlmc`. If the sequence is
#' not represented in the tree, the function return `NULL`.
#' @export
#' @inherit find_sequence
#' @returns an object of class `ctx_node_covlmc` if the sequence `ctx` is represented
#'   in the context tree, `NULL` when this is not the case
#' @examples
#' pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
#' dts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power, probs = c(0.5, 1))))
#' dts_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
#' m_cov <- covlmc(dts, dts_cov, min_size = 10)
#' ## not in the tree
#' vals <- states(m_cov)
#' find_sequence(m_cov, c(vals[2], vals[2]))
#' ## in the tree but not a context
#' node <- find_sequence(m_cov, c(vals[1]))
#' node
#' is_context(node)
#' ## in the tree and a context
#' node <- find_sequence(m_cov, c(vals[1], vals[1]))
#' node
#' is_context(node)
#' model(node)
find_sequence.covlmc <- function(ct, ctx, reverse = FALSE, ...) {
  if (length(ctx) == 0) {
    if (isTRUE(ct$keep_match) && is.null(ct$match)) {
      ct$match <- 1:ct$data_size
    new_ctx_node(ctx, ct, ct, reverse, merged = FALSE, class = "ctx_node_covlmc")
  } else {
    assertthat::assert_that((typeof(ctx) == typeof(ct$vals)) && methods::is(ctx, class(ct$vals)),
      msg = "ctx is not compatible with the model state space"
    if (!reverse) {
      ctx <- rev(ctx)
    nx <- to_dts(ctx, ct$vals)
    current <- ct
    ## first part
    for (k in seq_along(ctx[-length(ctx)])) {
      if (is.null(current$children)) {
      candidate <- current$children[[1L + nx$ix[k]]]
      if (is.null(candidate) || length(candidate) == 0L) {
      current <- candidate
    ## last value
    candidate <- current$children[[1L + nx$ix[length(ctx)]]]
    if (is.null(candidate)) {
    if (is.null(candidate[["model"]])) {
      if (!is.null(candidate[["children"]])) {
        ## internal node, not a context
        new_ctx_node(ctx, ct, candidate, reverse, merged = FALSE, class = "ctx_node_covlmc")
      } else if (is.null(current[["merged_model"]])) {
      } else {
        if (nx$ix[length(ctx)] + 1L %in% current$merged) {
          l_res <- candidate
          l_res$merged <- current$merged
          l_res$model <- current$merged_model
          l_res <- new_ctx_node(ctx, ct, l_res, reverse,
            merged = TRUE,
            parent = current, index = nx$ix[length(ctx)] + 1L, class = "ctx_node_covlmc"
        } else {
    } else {
      new_ctx_node(ctx, ct, candidate, reverse, merged = FALSE, class = "ctx_node_covlmc")

#' Logistic model of a COVLMC context
#' This function returns a representation of the logistic model associated to a
#' COVLMC context from its node in the associated context tree.
#' Full model extraction is only possible if the COVLMC model what not fully
#' trimmed (see [trim.covlmc()]). Notice that [find_sequence.covlmc()] can
#' produce node that are not context: in this case this function return `NULL`.
#' @param node A `ctx_node_covlmc` object as returned by [find_sequence()] or
#'   [contexts.covlmc()]
#' @param type specifies the model information to return, either the
#'   coefficients only (`type="coef"` default case) or the full model object
#'   (`type="full"`)
#' @export
#' @returns if `node` is a context, the coefficients of the logistic model (as a
#'   vector or a matrix depending on the size of the state space) or a logistic
#'   model as a R object. If `node` is not a context, `NULL`.
#' @examples
#' pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
#' dts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power, probs = c(0.5, 1))))
#' dts_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
#' m_cov <- covlmc(dts, dts_cov, min_size = 10)
#' vals <- states(m_cov)
#' node <- find_sequence(m_cov, c(vals[1], vals[1]))
#' node
#' model(node)
#' model(node, type = "full")
model <- function(node, type = c("coef", "full")) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if (type == "full" && isTRUE(node$tree$trimmed == "full")) {
    stop("Full model extraction is not supported by fully trimmed covlmc")
  if (!is.null(node$node[["model"]])) {
    if (type == "full") {
    } else {
  } else {

#' Merging status of a COVLMC context
#' The function returns `TRUE` if the context represented by this node is merged
#' with at least another one and `FALSE` if this is not the case.
#' When a COVLMC is built on a time series with at least three distinct states,
#' some contexts can be merged: they use the same logistic model, leading to a
#' more parsimonious model. Those contexts are reported individually by
#' functions such as [contexts.covlmc()]. The present function can be used
#' to detect such merging, while [merged_with()] can be used to recover the
#' other contexts.
#' @param node A `ctx_node_covlmc` object as returned by [find_sequence()] or
#'   [contexts.covlmc()]
#' @seealso [merged_with()]
#' @returns TRUE or FALSE, depending on the nature of the context
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 15, ]
#' dts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = c(0, 1, 2, 3, 8))
#' dts_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
#' m_cov <- covlmc(dts, dts_cov, min_size = 5, alpha = 0.1)
#' ctxs <- contexts(m_cov)
#' ## no merging
#' sapply(ctxs, is_merged)
is_merged <- function(node) {

#' Merged contexts in a COVLMC
#' The function returns `NULL` when the context represented by the `node`
#' parameter is not merged with another context (see [is_merged()]). In the
#' other case, it returns a list of contexts with which this one is merged.
#' If the context is merged, the function returns a list with one value for each
#' element in the state space (see [states()]). The value is `NULL` if the
#' corresponding context is not merged with the `node` context, while it is a
#' `ctx_node_covlmc` object in the other case. A context merged with `node`
#' differs from the context represented by `node` only in its last value (in
#' temporal order) which is used as its name in the list. For instance, if the
#' context `ABC` is merged only with `CBC` (when represented in temporal
#' ordering), then the resulting list is of the form `list("A" = NULL, "B" =
#' NULL, "C"= ctx_node_covlmc(CBX))`.
#' @param node A `ctx_node_covlmc` object as returned by [find_sequence()] or
#'   [contexts.covlmc()]
#' @seealso [is_merged()]
#' @returns NULL or a list of contexts merged with `node` represented by
#'   `ctx_node_covlmc` objects
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pc_week_15_16 <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week %in% c(15, 16), ]
#' elec <- pc_week_15_16$active_power
#' elec_dts <- cut(elec, breaks = c(0, 0.4, 2, 8), labels = c("low", "typical", "high"))
#' elec_cov <- data.frame(day = (pc_week_15_16$hour >= 7 & pc_week_15_16$hour <= 18))
#' elec_tune <- tune_covlmc(elec_dts, elec_cov, min_size = 5)
#' elec_model <- prune(as_covlmc(elec_tune), alpha = 3.961e-10)
#' ctxs <- contexts(elec_model)
#' for (ctx in ctxs) {
#'   if (is_merged(ctx)) {
#'     print(ctx)
#'     cat("\nis merged with\n\n")
#'     print(merged_with(ctx))
#'   }
#' }
merged_with <- function(node) {
  if (node$merged) {
    pnode <- node$parent
    pseq <- node$sequence[-length(node$sequence)]
    merged <- setdiff(node$node$merged, node$index)
    res <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(pnode[["children"]]))
    for (k in merged) {
      the_ctx <- c(pseq, node$tree$vals[k])
      res[[k]] <- new_ctx_node(the_ctx, node$tree, pnode$children[[k]],
        merged = TRUE,
        parent = pnode, index = k,
        class = "ctx_node_covlmc"
      res[[k]]$node$model <- node$node[["model"]]
      res[[k]]$node$merged <- node$node$merged
    names(res) <- as.character(node$tree$vals)
  } else {

#' Covariate memory length for a COVLMC context
#' This function returns the length of the memory of a COVLMC context represented
#' by a `ctx_node_covlmc` object.
#' @param node A `ctx_node_covlmc` object as returned by [find_sequence()] or
#'   [contexts.covlmc()]
#' @export
#' @returns the memory length, an integer
#' @examples
#' pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
#' dts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power, probs = c(0.5, 1))))
#' dts_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
#' m_cov <- covlmc(dts, dts_cov, min_size = 10)
#' ctxs <- contexts(m_cov)
#' ## get all the memory lengths
#' sapply(ctxs, covariate_memory)
covariate_memory <- function(node) {

#' Predictive quality metrics for a node of a COVLMC context tree
#' This function computes and returns predictive quality metrics for a node
#' (`ctx_node_covlmc`) extracted from a covlmc
#' Compared to [metrics.covlmc()], this function focuses on a single context and
#' assesses the quality of its predictions, disregarding observations that have
#' other contexts. Apart from this limited scope, the function operates as
#' [metrics.covlmc()].
#' @param model A `ctx_node_covlmc` object as returned by [find_sequence()] or
#'   [contexts.covlmc()]
#' @inherit metrics
#' @examples
#' pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
#' breaks <- c(
#'   0,
#'   median(powerconsumption$active_power, na.rm = TRUE),
#'   max(powerconsumption$active_power, na.rm = TRUE)
#' )
#' labels <- c(0, 1)
#' dts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = breaks, labels = labels)
#' dts_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
#' m_cov <- covlmc(dts, dts_cov, min_size = 5)
#' m_ctxs <- contexts(m_cov)
#' ## get the predictive metrics for each context
#' lapply(m_ctxs, metrics)
#' @returns an object of class `metrics.covlmc` with the following components:
#'  - `accuracy`: the accuracy of the predictions
#'  - `conf_mat`: the confusion matrix of the predictions, with predicted values
#'    in rows and true values in columns
#'  - `auc`: the AUC of the predictive model
#' @export
metrics.ctx_node_covlmc <- function(model, ...) {
  res <- model$node$model$metrics
  rownames(res$conf_mat) <- model$tree$vals
  colnames(res$conf_mat) <- model$tree$vals
  res$model <- model
  structure(res, class = "metrics.covlmc")

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