
Defines functions simulate.vlmc_cpp

Documented in simulate.vlmc_cpp

#' @inherit simulate.vlmc
#' @param sample specifies which implementation of [base::sample()] to use.
#'  See the dedicated section.
#' @section sampling method:
#' The R backend for [vlmc()] uses [base::sample()] to generate samples for each
#' context. Internally, this function sorts the probabilities of each state in
#' decreasing probability order (among other things), which is not needed in our
#' case. The C++ backend can be used with three different implementations:
#' - `sample="fast"` uses a dedicated C++ implementation adapted to the data structures
#'   used internally. In general, the simulated time series obtained with this
#'   implementation will be different from the one generated with the R backend,
#'   even using the same seed.
#' - `sample="slow"` uses another C++ implementation that mimics [base::sample()] in
#'   order to maximize the chance to provide identical simulation results regardless
#'   of the backend (when using the same random seed). This process is not perfect
#'   as we use the std::lib sort algorithm which is not guaranteed to give identical
#'   results as the ones of R internal 'revsort'.
#' - `sample="R"` uses direct calls to [base::sample()]. Results are guaranteed
#'   to be identical between the two backends, but at the price of higher running
#'   time.
#' @export
simulate.vlmc_cpp <- function(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, init = NULL, burnin = 0L, sample = c("fast", "slow", "R"), ...) {
  sample <- match.arg(sample)
  if (!is.null(seed)) {
    attr(seed, "kind") <- as.list(RNGkind())
  } else {
    if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)) {
    seed <- .Random.seed
  if (burnin == "auto") {
    burnin <- 64L * context_number(object)
  } else {
    burnin <- as.integer(burnin)
    if (burnin < 0L) {
      stop("burnin must be non negative or \"auto\"")
  if (!is.null(init)) {
    assertthat::assert_that((typeof(init) == typeof(object$vals)) && (class(init) == class(object$vals)),
      msg = "init is not compatible with the model state space"
    assertthat::assert_that(length(init) <= nsim + burnin, msg = "too many initial values")
    init_dts <- to_dts(init, object$vals)
    ctx <- init_dts$ix
  } else {
    ctx <- vector(mode = "integer")
  isample <- 0L
  if (sample == "slow") {
    isample <- 1L
  } else if (sample == "R") {
    isample <- 2L
  pre_res <- object$root$simulate(ctx, nsim, burnin, isample)
  pre_res <- object$vals[pre_res + 1]
  structure(pre_res, "seed" = seed, "class" = c("dts", class(pre_res)))

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mixvlmc documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 5:32 p.m.