Man pages for mlPhaser
Multi-Locus Haplotype Phasing

getHaploGroupProbGet haplotype group probability
getValidHaploGroupsGet haplo groups for a genotype
listGenoToTableGenotype list to genotype table
listHaploToTableHaplotype list to Haplotype table.
listValidHaplotypesList valid haplotypes
phaseReportBest/all hapltype groups for a genotype
printHaploGroupsPrint haplotype groups
printHaploProbsPrint haplo group probabilities
recurseHaplosRecurse to get haplo groups
reduceRedundantListRemove redundant haplotype groups
remGenoExtract haplotype from genotype
simGenoFromHaploSimulate genotypes
tableGenoToListConvert genotype table to list of lists
tableHaploToListHaplotype table to haplotype list
testHaploInGenoTest genotype for presence of haplotype
mlPhaser documentation built on May 2, 2019, 7:59 a.m.