#' Train a learning algorithm.
#' Given a [Task], creates a model for the learning machine
#' which can be used for predictions on new data.
#' @template arg_learner
#' @template arg_task
#' @template arg_subset
#' @param weights ([numeric])\cr
#' Optional, non-negative case weight vector to be used during fitting.
#' If given, must be of same length as `subset` and in corresponding order.
#' By default `NULL` which means no weights are used unless specified in the task ([Task]).
#' Weights from the task will be overwritten.
#' @return ([WrappedModel]).
#' @export
#' @seealso [predict.WrappedModel]
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{ if (requireNamespace("rpart")) \{ }
#' \dontshow{ if (requireNamespace("MASS")) \{ }
#' \dontshow{ if (requireNamespace("rpart")) \{ }
#' training.set = sample(seq_len(nrow(iris)), nrow(iris) / 2)
#' ## use linear discriminant analysis to classify iris data
#' task = makeClassifTask(data = iris, target = "Species")
#' learner = makeLearner("classif.lda", method = "mle")
#' mod = train(learner, task, subset = training.set)
#' print(mod)
#' ## use random forest to classify iris data
#' task = makeClassifTask(data = iris, target = "Species")
#' learner = makeLearner("classif.rpart", minsplit = 7, predict.type = "prob")
#' mod = train(learner, task, subset = training.set)
#' print(mod)
#' \dontshow{ \} }
#' \dontshow{ \} }
#' \dontshow{ \} }
train = function(learner, task, subset = NULL, weights = NULL) {
learner = checkLearner(learner)
assertClass(task, classes = "Task")
if (is.logical(subset)) {
subset = which(subset)
} # I believe this is a bug, see #2098
task = subsetTask(task, subset)
if (is.null(subset)) {
subset = seq_len(getTaskSize(task))
} else {
if (is.logical(subset)) {
subset = which(subset)
} # I believe this is a bug, see #2098
else {
subset = asInteger(subset)
if (learner$fix.factors.prediction) {
tdat = getTaskData(task)
ttargidx = which(colnames(tdat) %in% getTaskTargetNames(task))
task = changeData(task, droplevels(tdat, except = ttargidx))
# make sure that pack for learner is loaded, probably needed when learner is exported
tn = getTaskTargetNames(task)
# make pars list for train call
pars = list(.learner = learner, .task = task, .subset = NULL)
# FIXME: code is bad here, set weights, the simply check it in checktasklearner
if (!is.null(weights)) {
assertNumeric(weights, len = getTaskSize(task), any.missing = FALSE, lower = 0)
} else {
weights = getTaskWeights(task)
checkLearnerBeforeTrain(task, learner, weights)
pars$.weights = weights
# only pass train hyper pars as basic rlearner in ...
pars = c(pars, getHyperPars(learner, c("train", "both")))
vars = getTaskFeatureNames(task)
# no vars? then use no vars model
if (length(vars) == 0L) {
learner.model = makeNoFeaturesModel(targets = task$env$data[, tn], task.desc = getTaskDesc(task))
time.train = 0
} else {
opts = getLearnerOptions(learner, c("show.learner.output", "on.learner.error", "on.learner.warning", "on.error.dump"))
# set the seed
debug.seed = getMlrOption("debug.seed", NULL)
if (!is.null(debug.seed)) {
# for optwrappers we want to see the tuning / varsel logging
# FIXME: is case really ok for optwrapper? can we supppress then too?
fun1 = if (opts$show.learner.output || inherits(learner, "OptWrapper")) identity else function(x) capture.output(suppressMessages(x))
fun2 = if (opts$on.learner.error == "stop") identity else function(x) try(x, silent = TRUE)
fun3 = if (opts$on.learner.error == "stop" || !opts$on.error.dump) {
} else {
function(x) {
withCallingHandlers(x, error = function(c) utils::dump.frames())
if (opts$on.learner.warning == "quiet") {
old.warn.opt = getOption("warn")
on.exit(options(warn = old.warn.opt))
options(warn = -1L)
time.train = measureTime(fun1({
learner.model = fun2(fun3(, pars)))
# was there an error during training? maybe warn then
if (is.error(learner.model) && opts$on.learner.error == "warn") {
warningf("Could not train learner %s: %s", learner$id, as.character(learner.model))
factor.levels = getTaskFactorLevels(task)
makeWrappedModel(learner, learner.model, getTaskDesc(task), subset, vars, factor.levels, time.train)
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