now called keep_model
task that made it impossible to predict the target$distr
called for a learner that does not support this return typeas_task_dens
and as_prediction_dens
and p_max
to Graf, Schmid and Integrated Log-loss as an alternative to times
. t_max
is equivalent to times = seq(t_max)
and p_max
is the proportion of censoring to integrate up to in the dataset.mlr3extralearners
from Suggestsresponse
to as_prediction_surv
is now in Depends
not imports
predictions are now internally stored as matrices to significantly reduce prediction object sizessurv.graf
, surv.schmid
, and surv.intlogloss
now allow training data to be passed to the score function with task
and train_set
to allow the censoring distribution to be estimated on the training data. This is automatically applied for resample and benchmark results.surv.graf
, surv.schmid
, and surv.intlogloss
now include a parameter proper
to determine what weighting scheme should be applied by the estimated censoring distribution, The current method (Graf, 1999) proper = FALSE
, weights observations either by their event time or 'current' time depending if they're dead or not, the new method proper = TRUE
weights observations by event time. The proper = TRUE
method is strictly proper when censoring and survival times are independent and G is estimated on large enough data. The proper = FALSE
method is never proper. The default is currently proper = FALSE
to enable backward compatibility, this will be changed to proper = TRUE
in v0.6.0.rm_cens
parameter in surv.logloss
has been deprecated in favour of IPCW
. rm_cens
will be removed in v0.6.0. If rm_cens
are TRUE
then censored observations are removed and the score is weighted by an estimate of the censoring distribution at individual event times. Otherwise if rm_cens
and IPCW
then no deletion or weighting takes place. The IPCW = TRUE
method is strictly proper when censoring and survival times are independent and G is estimated on large enough data. The ipcw = FALSE
method is never proper.surv.dcalib
for the D-Calibration measure from Haider et al. (2020)."interval2"
task type not to work$aggregate
including times
(observed survival times), status
(observed survival indicator), unique_times
(set of sorted unique outcome times), unique_event_times
(set of sorted unique failure times), risk_set
(set of observations alive 'just before' a given time)"interval2"
censoring type has been removed from TaskSurv
as this is covered by the other typestime
and event
arguments in TaskSurv
can now include distr
return type (equivalent to learner$model
updated to fix bottleneck in computation via mean
. Now Inf
or NA
is replaced by 0
for response
and imputed with the median for crank
predict types fixed that lead to fitting degenerate distributions and returning incorrect values for mean survival time and crank
was previously returning ranks with the reverse ordering so that higher ranks implied higher risk not lower.MeasureSurvLogloss
now inherits from TaskUnsupervised
which means target
has been removed. No specification of a target
column is required, instead a one-column matrix-like object or numeric vector should be passed to the task backend
and the density will be estimated for this column, or two columns and one set as weight
to fix name of data columnspracma
dependency in learnersPipeOpDistrCompositor
, previously base distribution was only using the first predicted distribution, now the baseline is taken by averaging over all predictions with uniform weightsLearnerDensityKDE
is now Epan
to reduce importsMeasureSurvCalibrationBeta
now returns NA
not error if lp
predict type not availablePredictionRegr
causing masking issues with {mlr3}
causing some cdf
predictions to be lostmlr3pipelines
: public train and predict methods to privategrace
, actg
, gbcs
, whas
to crankcompositor
pipeop and pipelinesurv.kaplan
added. Generalises all c-index measures with a fast C++ implementationmlr3learners/mlr3learners.proba
and MeasureSurvCalibrationAlpha
alias added for surv.graf
parameter added to PipeOpCrankCompositor
and crankcompositor
to now optionally fill response
predict type with same values as crank
and compose_probregr
for composition to distr
return type from (a) regression learner(s) predicting response
and se
and surv_averager
pipeline for weighted model averaging of distr, lp, crank, and response predictions.MeasureSurvCindex
instead with following parameters: MeasureSurvBeggC
, use defaults; MeasureSurvHarrellC
, use defaults; MeasureSurvUnoC
, use weight_meth = 'G/2'
; MeasureSurvGonenC
, use weight_method = 'GH'
, MeasureSurvLoglossSE
, MeasureSurvIntLoglossSE
, MeasureSurvRMSESE
, MeasureSurvMSESE
, and MeasureSurvMAESE
all deprecated and will be deleted in v0.4.0. Use msr("surv.graf", se = TRUE)
instead (for example).surv.nagelkR2
is now surv.nagelk_r2
, analogously for all R2, AUC, TPR, and TNR measures. Old constructors will be deleted in v0.4.0.distrcompose
and crankcompose
to distr_compose
and crank_compose
. Old ids will be deleted in v0.4.0.surv.nagelkR2
is now surv.nagelk_r2
, analogously for all R2, AUC, TPR, and TNR measures. Old constructors will be deleted in v0.4.0.MeasureSurvGraf
and MeasureSurvIntLogloss
now have much faster C++ implementationLearnerSurvGlmnet
, LearnerSurvCVGlmnet
, LearnerSurvXgboost
and LearnerSurvRanger
have been moved to mlr-org/mlr3learners
has been moved to
, LearnerSurvGlmBoost
, LearnerSurvGamboost
, LearnerSurvBlackboost
have been moved to
family of learners: added gehan
family, fixed parameters for cindex
, added support for: weights
, response
predict type, importance
, selected_features
and LearnerDensKDE
have been moved to the mlr3learners org
mlr3learners org
, LearnerSurv: Flexible
, ObliqueRSF
, Penalized
, RandomForestSRC
previously lp
was erroneously returned as exp(lp)
and LearnerSurvNelson
moved to mlr3learners/mlr3learners.survival
and LearnerSurvCVCoxboost
moved to mlr3learners/mlr3learners.coxboost
moved to mlr3learners/mlr3learners.survivalsvm
, LearnerSurvCoxPH
, and LearnerDensHist
will be moved to the mlr3learners
, LearnerDens
, PredictionDens
, and MeasureDens
and mlr_tasks_precip
for density task examplesmlr_task_generators_simdens
for generating density tasksmlr3::mlr_learners$keys("^dens")
for the full listtrain_internal
, predict_internal
, score_internal
are now private methods .train
in surv.parametric
to include the intercept, which is in line with survival::survreg
. Now exp(pred$lp)
is equal to the predicted survival time for AFTsmboost
to suggests
predict type, which predicts the time until event. Currently only supported for AFT models in surv.parametric
predict type: MeasureSurvMAE, MeasureSurvMAESE, MeasureSurvMSE, MeasureSurvMSESE, MeasureSurvRMSE, MeasureSurvRMSESE
option to crankcompositor
argument to integrated scores and added weighting by bin-widthmethod
to MeasureSurvIntegrated
constructor and fieldsTaskSurv
, MeasureSurvUnoC
parameter parms
and cost
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