API for mlrMBO
Bayesian Optimization and Model-Based Optimization of Expensive Black-Box Functions

Global functions
.onLoad Source code
MBOControl Man page
MBOInfillCrit Man page
MBOMultiObjResult Man page
MBOSingleObjResult Man page
OptProblem Man page
OptResult Man page
OptState Man page
addApproxMBO Source code
addGgsToGgplot Source code
addParegoWeightLines Source code
buildTrafoList Source code
calculateGap Source code
checkAndRepairNegativeValues Source code
checkFailedModels Source code
checkInitDesign Source code
checkLearner Source code
checkPredictionData Source code
checkStuff Source code
chooseFinalPoint Source code
combWithSum Source code
convertToDesign Source code
createBasicSpacePlot Source code
createSinglePointControls Source code
crit.aei Man page
crit.cb Man page
crit.cb1 Man page
crit.cb2 Man page
crit.dib1 Man page
crit.ei Man page
crit.eqi Man page
crit.mr Man page
crit.se Man page
deepCopyOptPath Source code
distToNB Source code
distToNN Source code
error_handling Man page
evalCritFunForMultiObjModels Source code
evalFinalPoint Source code
evalMBODesign.OptState Source code
evalProposedPoints.OptState Source code
evalTargetFun.OptState Source code
evaluate Source code
exampleRun Man page Source code
exampleRunMultiObj Man page Source code
fillBackgroundWithInfillCrit Source code
filterProposedPoints Source code
finalizeMboLoop Source code
finalizeSMBO Man page Source code
generateParEgoDf Source code
generateParEgoDfData Source code
getColorPalette Source code
getDominatedHV Source code
getEffectiveBestPoint Source code
getEvals Source code
getExtras Source code
getFileBackupName Source code
getGlobalOpt Man page Source code
getGlobalOptString Source code
getHyperParsString2 Source code
getHypervolumeContributions Source code
getIDX Source code
getInfillCritGrid Source code
getInfillOptFunction Source code
getLeafLearner Source code
getMBOInfillCrit Man page
getMBOInfillCritComponents Man page Source code
getMBOInfillCritDummyComponents Source code
getMBOInfillCritId Man page Source code
getMBOInfillCritMultiplier Source code
getMBOInfillCritName Man page Source code
getMBOInfillCritParam Man page Source code
getMBOInfillCritParams Man page Source code
getNonDominatedPoints Source code
getOptProblemAllPossibleWeights Source code
getOptProblemControl Source code
getOptProblemDesign Source code
getOptProblemFun Source code
getOptProblemLearner Source code
getOptProblemMoreArgs Source code
getOptProblemParSet Source code
getOptProblemShowInfo Source code
getOptResultMboResult Source code
getOptResultResampleResults Source code
getOptResultStoredModels Source code
getOptStateDesigns Source code
getOptStateFinalPoints Source code
getOptStateLoop Source code
getOptStateLoopStarttime Source code
getOptStateModels Source code
getOptStateOptPath Source code
getOptStateOptProblem Source code
getOptStateOptResult Source code
getOptStateProgress Source code
getOptStateRandomSeed Source code
getOptStateShouldSave Source code
getOptStateState Source code
getOptStateTasks Source code
getOptStateTermination Source code
getOptStateTimeLastSaved Source code
getOptStateTimeModel Source code
getOptStateTimeUsed Source code
getOptStateValidStates Source code
getOptStateValidTerminationStates Source code
getPlotData Source code
getRandomSeed Source code
getSupportedInfillOptFunctions Man page Source code
getSupportedMultipointInfillOptFunctions Man page Source code
getWorstExtremePoint Source code
hasRequiresInfillCritStandardError Man page Source code
infillOptCMAES Source code
infillOptEA Source code
infillOptFocus Source code
infillOptMultiObjNSGA2 Source code
infillcrits Man page
initCrit Man page Source code
initCrit.InfillCritAdaCB Source code
initCrit.InfillCritCB Source code
initCrit.default Source code
initCritOptDirection Source code
initOptProblem Source code
initSMBO Man page Source code
isDominated Source code
isSimpleNumeric Source code
joinProposedPoints Source code
loadOptState Source code
loadOptState.OptProblem Source code
loadOptState.character Source code
loadPackages Source code
makeMBOControl Man page Source code
makeMBOInfillCrit Man page Source code
makeMBOInfillCritAEI Man page Source code
makeMBOInfillCritAdaCB Man page Source code
makeMBOInfillCritCB Man page Source code
makeMBOInfillCritDIB Man page Source code
makeMBOInfillCritEI Man page Source code
makeMBOInfillCritEQI Man page Source code
makeMBOInfillCritMeanResponse Man page Source code
makeMBOInfillCritStandardError Man page Source code
makeMBOLearner Man page Source code
makeMBOOptPath Source code
makeMBOResult.OptState Source code
makeMBOTerminationMaxBudget Source code
makeMBOTerminationMaxEvals Source code
makeMBOTerminationMaxExecBudget Source code
makeMBOTerminationMaxIter Source code
makeMBOTerminationTargetFunValue Source code
makeMBOTrafoFunction Man page Source code
makeOptProblem Source code
makeOptResult Source code
makeOptState Source code
makeOptStateMboResult Source code
makeProposal Source code
makeTaskSingleObj Source code
makeTasks Source code
makeTasksMultiObj Source code
makeTasksParEGO Source code
makeXPlot Source code
makeYPlot Source code
mbo Man page Source code
mboContinue Man page Source code
mboFinalize Man page Source code
mboFinalize2 Source code
mboTemplate Source code
mboTemplate.OptProblem Source code
mboTemplate.OptState Source code
mbo_OptPath Man page
mbo_default_learner Man page
mbo_parallel Man page
measureTime Source code
mlrMBO_examples Man page
nds_1d_selection Source code
plot.MBOMultiObjResult Man page Source code
plot.MBOSingleObjResult Man page Source code
plot.OptState Man page Source code
plotExampleRun Man page Source code
plotMBOResult Man page
print.MBOControl Man page Source code
print.MBOExampleRun Source code
print.MBOExampleRunMultiObj Source code
print.MBOInfillCrit Source code
print.MBOMultiObjResult Source code
print.MBOResult Source code
print.OptProblem Source code
print.OptState Source code
proposePoints Man page Source code
proposePointsByInfillOptimization Source code
proposePointsConstantLiar Source code
proposePointsDIB Source code
proposePointsMOIMBO Source code
proposePointsMSPOT Source code
proposePointsParEGO Source code
proposePointsParallelCB Source code
proposePointsRandom Source code
recodeTypes Source code
renderExampleRunPlot Man page Source code
renderExampleRunPlot.MBOExampleRun Source code
renderExampleRunPlot.MBOExampleRunMultiObj Source code
renderExampleRunPlot1d Source code
renderExampleRunPlot2d Source code
saveOptState Source code
setMBOControlInfill Man page Source code
setMBOControlMultiObj Man page Source code
setMBOControlMultiPoint Man page Source code
setMBOControlTermination Man page Source code
setOptProblemAllPossibleWeights Source code
setOptProblemDesign Source code
setOptResultMboResult Source code
setOptResultResampleResults Source code
setOptResultStoredModels Source code
setOptStateLoop Source code
setOptStateLoopStarttime Source code
setOptStateModels Source code
setOptStateProgress Source code
setOptStateRandomSeed Source code
setOptStateState Source code
setOptStateTasks Source code
setOptStateTimeLastSaved Source code
setOptStateTimeModel Source code
setOptStateTimeUsed Source code
shouldTerminate.OptState Source code
showInfo Source code
trafoLog Man page Source code
trafoSqrt Man page Source code
trafos Man page
trainModels Source code
updateSMBO Man page Source code
mlrMBO documentation built on July 4, 2022, 9:05 a.m.