
Defines functions bp_out_of_range

# bp_ranges: list of 2-element vectors, with the names the chromosomes (1-19 and X)
# bp_lengths: vector of chromosome lengths with names 1-19 and X
bp_out_of_range <-
    function(bp_ranges, bp_lengths=mmconvert::grcm39_chrlen)
        chr_flag <- NULL
        for(chr in names(bp_ranges)) {
            if(!chr %in% names(bp_lengths)) next
            if(bp_ranges[[chr]][1] < 1 ||
               bp_ranges[[chr]][2] > bp_lengths[chr]) {
                chr_flag <- c(chr_flag, chr)
        if(length(chr_flag) > 0) {
            warning("Positions out of range of GRCm39 genome on chr ",
                    paste(chr_flag, collapse=", "))

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mmconvert documentation built on April 25, 2023, 5:13 p.m.