
Defines functions ref_unvectorize ref_vectorize

# # reference implementations for functions implemented in C++

# # small constant used in soft abs and soft sign
# eps <- 1e-6

# # g differentiated with respect to (the vector) D1
# ref_dlossdD1 <- function(xi1, D1, xi2, D2, X, mask) {
#   V1 <- ref_Vxi(xi1)
#   V2 <- ref_Vxi(xi2)
#   diag(-2*t(V1) %*% (mask * (X - V1 %*% diag(D1 * D2) %*% t(V2))) %*% V2 %*%
#     diag(D2))
# }

# # g differentiated with respect to (the matrix) xi1
# ref_dlossdxi1 <- function(xi1, D1, xi2, D2, X, mask) {
#   n <- nrow(xi1)
#   k <- ncol(xi1)
#   T2 <- ref_Vxi(xi2) %*% diag(D2 * D1)
#   T1 <- t((mask * (X-ref_Vxi(xi1)%*%t(T2)))%*%T2)
#   dgdxi1 <- matrix(0, n, k)
#   V <- diag(n)
#   for (j in 1:min(k, n-1)) {
#     for (i in (j+1):n) {
#       dgdR <- -2*ref_VpartR(i, j, xi1) %*% T1 %*% V
#       dgdxi1[i, j] <- sum(t(dgdR) * ref_dR(i, j, n, xi1[i, j]))
#       V <- V %*% ref_R(i, j, n, xi1[i, j])
#     }
#   }
#   return(dgdxi1)
# }

# # R differentiated with respect to xi
# ref_dR <- function(i, j, n, xi) {
#   dR <- matrix(0, n, n)
#   dR[i, i] <- dR[j, j] <- -sin(xi)
#   dR[j, i] <- cos(xi)
#   dR[i, j] <- -dR[j, i]
#   return(dR)
# }

# ref_gradient <- function(x, X, masks, inds, k, p, lambda) {
#   n <- max(inds)
#   tmp <- ref_unvectorize(x, k, n, p)
#   xi <- tmp$xi
#   D <- tmp$D
#   dxi <- list()
#   dD <- matrix(0, k, n)
#   for (i in 1:n) {
#     dxi[[i]] <- matrix(0, nrow(xi[[i]]), ncol(xi[[i]]))
#   }
#   for (i in 1:length(X)) {
#     row <- inds[i, 1]
#     col <- inds[i, 2]
#     dxi[[row]] <- dxi[[row]] +
#       ref_dlossdxi1(xi[[row]], D[, row], xi[[col]], D[, col], X[[i]],
#       masks[[i]])
#     dxi[[col]] <- dxi[[col]] +
#       ref_dlossdxi1(xi[[col]], D[, col], xi[[row]], D[, row], t(X[[i]]),
#       t(masks[[i]]))
#     dD[, row] <- dD[, row] +
#       ref_dlossdD1(xi[[row]], D[, row], xi[[col]], D[, col], X[[i]], masks[[i]])
#     dD[, col] <- dD[, col] +
#       ref_dlossdD1(xi[[col]], D[, col], xi[[row]], D[, row], t(X[[i]]),
#       t(masks[[i]]))
#   }
#   for (view in 1:n) {
#     V <- ref_Vxi(xi[[view]])
#     vd <- V %*% diag(D[, view])
#     for (j in 1:min(k, p[view]-1)) {
#       for (i in (j+1):p[view]) {
#         A <- ref_VpartL(i, j, xi[[view]])
#         B <- ref_VpartR(i, j, xi[[view]])
#         dxi[[view]][i, j] <- dxi[[view]][i, j] + lambda[3] * sum(
#           t(A)%*%ref_soft_sign(vd)%*%diag(D[, view])%*%t(B)*
#           ref_dR(i, j, p[view], xi[[view]][i, j]))
#         for (row in 1:p[view]) {
#           denom <- sqrt(sum(vd[row, ]^2))
#           if (denom > 1e-8) {
#             L <- matrix(0, 1, p[view])
#             L[1, row] <- 1
#             dxi[[view]][i, j] <- dxi[[view]][i, j] + lambda[4] * sum(
#               t(A)%*%t(L)%*%L%*%V%*%diag(D[, view]^2)%*%t(B)*
#               ref_dR(i, j, p[view], xi[[view]][i, j])
#               ) / denom
#           }
#         }
#       }
#     }
#   }
#   dD <- dD + matrix(ref_penalty_gradient(D, xi) %*% lambda, k, n)
#   return(ref_vectorize(dxi, dD))
# }

# ref_penalty_gradient <- function(D, xi) {
#   a <- sqrt(rowSums(D^2))
#   find_k_penalty <- D / (a %*% matrix(1, 1, ncol(D)))
#   find_k_penalty[a < 1e-8, ] <- 0
#   sparsity_penalty <- matrix(NA, nrow(D), ncol(D))
#   varsel_penalty <- matrix(0, nrow(D), ncol(D))
#   for (i in 1:length(xi)) {
#     V <- ref_Vxi(xi[[i]])
#     vd <- V %*% diag(D[, i])
#     sparsity_penalty[, i] <- diag(t(V) %*% ref_soft_sign(vd))
#     denom <- sqrt(rowSums(vd^2))
#     for (j in 1:nrow(V)) {
#       if (denom[j] > 1e-8) {
#         varsel_penalty[, i] <- varsel_penalty[, i] + (V[j, ] * vd[j, ])/denom[j]
#       }
#     }
#   }
#   cbind(c(ref_soft_sign(D)), c(find_k_penalty), c(sparsity_penalty),
#     c(varsel_penalty))
# }

# ref_objective <- function(x, X, masks, inds, k, p, lambda) {
#   n <- max(inds)
#   tmp <- ref_unvectorize(x, k, n, p)
#   xi <- tmp$xi
#   V <- lapply(xi, ref_Vxi)
#   D <- tmp$D
#   loss <- 0
#   for (i in 1:length(X)) {
#     row <- inds[i, 1]
#     col <- inds[i, 2]
#     loss <- loss +
#       sum(masks[[i]] *
#         (X[[i]] - V[[row]] %*% diag(D[, row] * D[, col]) %*% t(V[[col]]))^2)
#   }
#   penalties <- rep(NA, 3)
#   penalties[1] <- sum(ref_soft_abs(D)) # integration penalty
#   penalties[2] <- sum(apply(D, 1, function(x) sqrt(sum(x^2)))) # rank penalty
#   penalties[3] <- sum(sapply(1:n,
#     function(i) sum(abs(V[[i]] %*% diag(D[, i])))))# sparsity penalty
#   penalties[4] <- 0 # variable selection penalty
#   for (i in 1:n) {
#     vd <- V[[i]] %*% diag(D[, i])
#     for (j in 1:p[i]) {
#       penalties[4] <- penalties[4] + sqrt(sum(vd[j, ]^2))
#     }
#   }
#   return(loss + sum(lambda * penalties))
# }

# ref_optim_mmpca <- function(start, x, inds, k, p, lambda, trace) {
#   f <- function(theta) ref_objective(theta, x, inds, k, p, lambda)
#   df <- function(theta) ref_gradient(theta, x, inds, k, p, lambda)
#   sol <- stats::optim(start, f, df, method='BFGS',
#     control=list(maxit=1e6, reltol=.Machine$double.eps))
#   if (trace) {
#     message(sol[-1])
#   }
#   list(sol$par, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)
# }

# # a rotation in a 2D subspace
# ref_R <- function(i, j, n, xi) {
#   R <- diag(n)
#   R[i, i] <- R[j, j] <- cos(xi)
#   R[j, i] <- sin(xi)
#   R[i, j] <- -R[j, i]
#   return(R)
# }

# ref_soft_abs <- function(x) {
#   eps * gsl::lncosh(1/eps * x)
# }

# ref_soft_sign <- function(x) {
#   tanh(1/eps * x)
# }

ref_vectorize <- function(xi, D) {
  do.call(base::c, lapply(c(xi, D), function(x) x[]))

# # the part of V (R_1...R_a) to the left of R_{ii,jj}
# ref_VpartL <- function(ii, jj, xi) {
#   n <- nrow(xi)
#   k <- ncol(xi)
#   V <- diag(n)
#   for (j in k:1) {
#     for (i in n:(j+1)) {
#       if (j < jj || (j == jj && i < ii)) {
#         V <- ref_R(i, j, n, xi[i, j]) %*% V
#       }
#     }
#   }
#   return(V)
# }

# # the part of V (R_a...R_mI_{nk}) to the right of R_{ii,jj}
# ref_VpartR <- function(ii, jj, xi) {
#   n <- nrow(xi)
#   k <- ncol(xi)
#   V <- matrix(0, n, k)
#   diag(V) <- 1
#   for (j in min(k, n-1):1) {
#     for (i in n:(j+1)) {
#       if (j > jj || (j == jj && i > ii)) {
#         V <- ref_R(i, j, n, xi[i, j]) %*% V
#       }
#     }
#   }
#   return(V)
# }

# # the rotation matrix for a set of angles
# # xi is lower triangular
# ref_Vxi <- function(xi) {
#   n <- nrow(xi)
#   if (n == 1) {
#     return(matrix(c(1, rep(0, ncol(xi)-1)), 1, ncol(xi)))
#   }
#   k <- min(n, ncol(xi))
#   V <- diag(n)[, 1:k, drop=FALSE]
#   for (j in min(k, n-1):1) {
#     for (i in n:(j+1)) {
#       V <- ref_R(i, j, n, xi[i, j]) %*% V
#     }
#   }
#   return(cbind(V, matrix(0, n, max(0, ncol(xi)-n))))
# }

ref_unvectorize <- function(x, k, n, p) {
  i <- 1
  xi <- list()
  for (view in seq_len(n)) {
    xi[[view]] <- matrix(x[i:(i + k * p[view] - 1)], p[view], k)
    i <- i + k * p[view]
  D <- matrix(x[i:(i + k * n - 1)], k, n)
  return(list(xi = xi, D = D))

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