
#' Multivariate Non-normal Random Number Generator based on Marginal Measures (Vale and Maurelli's method)
#' @description Generate Multivariate Non-normal Data using Vale and Maurelli (1983) method. The codes are copied from mvrnonnorm function in the semTools package.
#' @param n Sample size
#' @param mu A mean vector
#' @param Sigma A covariance matrix
#' @param skewness A skewness vector
#' @param kurtosis A kurtosis vector
#' @param empirical If TRUE, mu and Sigma specify the empirical not population mean and covariance matrix
#' @return A data matrix (multivariate data)
#' @importFrom stats nlminb
#' @export unonr
#' @references Vale, C. D. & Maurelli, V. A. (1983) Simulating multivariate nonormal distributions. Psychometrika, 48, 465-471.
#' @usage unonr(n, mu, Sigma, skewness = NULL, kurtosis = NULL, empirical = FALSE)
#' @examples unonr(1000, c(1, 2), matrix(c(10, 2, 2, 5), 2, 2), skewness = c(1, 2), kurtosis = c(3, 8))
unonr <- function (n, mu, Sigma, skewness = NULL, kurtosis = NULL, empirical = FALSE) {
  p = length(mu)
  if (!all(dim(Sigma) == c(p, p)))
    stop("incompatible arguments")
  eS = eigen(Sigma, symmetric = TRUE)
  ev = eS$values
  if (!all(ev >= -1e-06 * abs(ev[1L])))
    stop("'Sigma' is not positive definite")
  X = NULL
  if (is.null(skewness) && is.null(kurtosis)) {
    X = MASS::mvrnorm(n = n, mu = mu, Sigma = Sigma, empirical = empirical)
  else {
    if (empirical)
      warnings("The empirical argument does not work when the Vale and Maurelli's method is used.")
    if (is.null(skewness))
      skewness = rep(0, p)
    if (is.null(kurtosis))
      kurtosis = rep(0, p)
    Z = ValeMaurelli1983copied(n = n, COR = stats::cov2cor(Sigma),
                               skewness = skewness, kurtosis = kurtosis)
    TMP = scale(Z, center = FALSE, scale = 1/sqrt(diag(Sigma)))[,
                                                                , drop = FALSE]
    X = sweep(TMP, MARGIN = 2, STATS = mu, FUN = "+")

#  According to Univariate Measures (Vale and Maurelli, 1983)
#  The default version is normal generator.
#mvrnonnorm {semTools} copied from lavaan
ValeMaurelli1983copied <- function (n = 100L, COR, skewness, kurtosis, debug = FALSE) {
  fleishman1978_abcd <- function(skewness, kurtosis) {
    system.function <- function(x, skewness, kurtosis) {
      b. = x[1L]
      c. = x[2L]
      d. = x[3L]
      eq1 = b.^2 + 6 * b. * d. + 2 * c.^2 + 15 * d.^2 -
      eq2 = 2 * c. * (b.^2 + 24 * b. * d. + 105 * d.^2 +
                        2) - skewness
      eq3 = 24 * (b. * d. + c.^2 * (1 + b.^2 + 28 * b. *
                                      d.) + d.^2 * (12 + 48 * b. * d. + 141 * c.^2 +
                                                      225 * d.^2)) - kurtosis
      eq = c(eq1, eq2, eq3)
    out = nlminb(start = c(1, 0, 0), objective = system.function,
                 scale = 10, control = list(trace = 0), skewness = skewness,
                 kurtosis = kurtosis)
    if (out$convergence != 0)
      warning("no convergence")
    b. = out$par[1L]
    c. = out$par[2L]
    d. = out$par[3L]
    a. = -c.
    c(a., b., c., d.)
  getICOV = function(b1, c1, d1, b2, c2, d2, R) {
    objectiveFunction = function(x, b1, c1, d1, b2, c2,
                                 d2, R) {
      rho = x[1L]
      eq = rho * (b1 * b2 + 3 * b1 * d2 + 3 * d1 * b2 +
                    9 * d1 * d2) + rho^2 * (2 * c1 * c2) + rho^3 *
        (6 * d1 * d2) - R
    out = nlminb(start = R, objective = objectiveFunction,
                 scale = 10, control = list(trace = 0), b1 = b1, c1 = c1,
                 d1 = d1, b2 = b2, c2 = c2, d2 = d2, R = R)
    if (out$convergence != 0)
      warning("no convergence")
    rho = out$par[1L]
  nvar = ncol(COR)
  if (is.null(skewness)) {
    SK = rep(0, nvar)
  else if (length(skewness) == nvar) {
    SK = skewness
  else if (length(skewness) == 1L) {
    SK = rep(skewness, nvar)
  else {
    stop("skewness has wrong length")
  if (is.null(kurtosis)) {
    KU = rep(0, nvar)
  else if (length(kurtosis) == nvar) {
    KU = kurtosis
  else if (length(kurtosis) == 1L) {
    KU = rep(kurtosis, nvar)
  else {
    stop("kurtosis has wrong length")
  FTable = matrix(0, nvar, 4L)
  for (i in 1:nvar) {
    FTable[i, ] = fleishman1978_abcd(skewness = SK[i], kurtosis = KU[i])
  ICOR = diag(nvar)
  for (j in 1:(nvar - 1L)) {
    for (i in (j + 1):nvar) {
      if (COR[i, j] == 0)
      ICOR[i, j] = ICOR[j, i] = getICOV(FTable[i, 2],
                                        FTable[i, 3], FTable[i, 4], FTable[j, 2], FTable[j,
                                                                                         3], FTable[j, 4], R = COR[i, j])
  if (debug) {
    cat("\nOriginal correlations (for Vale-Maurelli):\n")
    cat("\nIntermediate correlations (for Vale-Maurelli):\n")
    cat("\nEigen values ICOR:\n")
  X = Z = MASS::mvrnorm(n = n, mu = rep(0, nvar), Sigma = ICOR)
  for (i in 1:nvar) {
    X[, i] = FTable[i, 1L] + FTable[i, 2L] * Z[, i] + FTable[i,
                                                             3L] * Z[, i]^2 + FTable[i, 4L] * Z[, i]^3

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mnonr documentation built on Feb. 12, 2020, 1:06 a.m.