
#' Execution time data
#' These data were collected from the CRAN web page for 13,626 R
#' packages. The time to complete the standard package checking
#' routine was collected In some cases, the package checking
#' process is stopped due to errors and these data are treated as
#' censored. It is less than 1 percent.
#' As predictors, the associated package source code were
#' downloaded and parsed to create predictors, including
#' * `authors`: The number of authors in the author field.
#' * `imports`: The number of imported packages.
#' * `suggests`: The number of packages suggested.
#' * `depends`: The number of hard dependencies.
#' * `Roxygen`: a binary indicator for whether Roxygen was used
#'   for documentation.
#' * `gh`: a binary indicator for whether the URL field contained
#'   a GitHub link.
#' * `rforge`: a binary indicator for whether the URL field
#'   contained a link to R-forge.
#' * `descr`: The number of characters (or, in some cases, bytes)
#'   in the description field.
#' * `r_count`: The number of R files in the R directory.
#' * `r_size`: The total disk size of the R files.
#' * `ns_import`: Estimated number of imported functions or methods.
#' * `ns_export`: Estimated number of exported functions or methods.
#' * `s3_methods`: Estimated number of S3 methods.
#' * `s4_methods`: Estimated number of S4 methods.
#' * `doc_count`: How many Rmd or Rnw files in the vignettes
#'   directory.
#' * `doc_size`: The disk size of the Rmd or Rnw files.
#' * `src_count`: The number of files in the `src` directory.
#' * `src_size`: The size on disk of files in the `src` directory.
#' * `data_count`  The number of files in the `data` directory.
#' * `data_size`: The size on disk of files in the `data` directory.
#' * `testthat_count`: The number of files in the `testthat`
#'   directory.
#' * `testthat_size`: The size on disk of files in the `testthat`
#'   directory.
#' * `check_time`: The time (in seconds) to run `R CMD check`
#'   using the "r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64` flavor.
#' * `status`: An indicator for whether the tests completed.
#' Data were collected on 2019-01-20.
#' @name check_times
#' @aliases check_times
#' @docType data
#' @return \item{check_times}{a data frame}
#' @source CRAN
#' @keywords datasets
#' @examples
#' data(check_times)
#' str(check_times)

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modeldata documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:16 a.m.