
Defines functions extractFromModel extractFromModel0

Documented in extractFromModel extractFromModel0

#' @title Extrac objects from lists returned by function \code{\link[mopa]{mopaTrain}}
#' @description Extract values returned by function \code{\link[mopa]{mopaTrain}}
#' @param models Object returned by \code{\link[mopa]{mopaTrain}}.
#' @param value Any character of the following: "model", "auc", "kappa", "tss", "fold.models", "ObsPred"
#' @return Depending on the specified value:
#'  \item{"model" }{fitted model using all data for training}
#'  \item{"auc" }{AUC statistic in the cross validation}
#'  \item{"kappa" }{kappa statistic in the cross validation}
#'  \item{"tss" }{true skill statistic in the cross validation }
#'  \item{"fold.models" }{fitted model with partitioned data}
#'  \item{"ObsPred" }{Observed and prediced (cross model prediction) values}
#' @details \code{ObsPred} allows to calculate further accuracy measures. 
#' @author M. Iturbide 
#' @examples
#' ## Load presence data
#' data(Oak_phylo2)
#' ## Load Climate data
#' destfile <- tempfile()
#' data.url <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SantanderMetGroup/mopa/master/data/biostack.rda"
#' download.file(data.url, destfile)
#' load(destfile, verbose = TRUE)
#' ## Spatial reference
#' r <- biostack$baseline[[1]]
#' ## Create background grid
#' bg <- backgroundGrid(r)
#' ## Generate pseudo-absences
#' RS_random <-pseudoAbsences(xy = Oak_phylo2, background = bg$xy, 
#'                            exclusion.buffer = 0.083*5, prevalence = -0.5, kmeans = FALSE)
#' ## Model training
#' fittedRS <- mopaTrain(y = RS_random, x = biostack$baseline, 
#'                       k = 10, algorithm = "glm", weighting = TRUE)
#' ## Extract fitted models
#' mods <- extractFromModel(models = fittedRS, value = "model")
#' ## Extract observed and predicted values
#' ObsPred <- extractFromModel(models = fittedRS, value = "ObsPred")
#' @export

extractFromModel <- function(models, value = c("model", "auc", "kappa", "tss", "fold.models", "ObsPred")){
  extmod <- list()  
  for(i in 1:length(models)){
    extmod1 <- list()
    for(l in 1:length(models[[i]])){
      extmod2 <- list()
      for(n in 1:length(models[[i]][[l]])){
        extmod3 <- list()
        for(h in 1:length(models[[i]][[l]][[n]])){
          extmod3[[h]] <- extractFromModel0(models = models[[i]][[l]][[n]][[h]], value = value)
        names(extmod3) <- names(models[[i]][[l]][[n]])
        extmod2[[n]] <- extmod3
      names(extmod2) <- names(models[[i]][[l]])
      extmod1[[l]] <- extmod2
    names(extmod1) <- names(models[[i]])
    extmod[[i]] <- extmod1
  names(extmod) <- names(models)


#' @title Internal function to extrac objects from lists returned by function \code{\link[mopa]{mopaTrain}}
#' @description Internal function to extract values returned by function \code{\link[mopa]{mopaTrain}}
#' @param models Object returned by \code{\link[mopa]{mopaTrain}}.
#' @param value Any character of the following: "model", "auc", "kappa", "tss", "fold.models", "ObsPred"
#' @return Depending on the specified value:
#'  \item{model }{fitted model using all data for training}
#'  \item{auc }{AUC statistic in the cross validation}
#'  \item{kappa }{kappa statistic in the cross validation}
#'  \item{tss }{true skill statistic in the cross validation }
#'  \item{fold.models }{fitted model with partitioned data}
#'  \item{ObsPred }{Observed and prediced (cross model prediction) values}
#' @details \code{ObsPred} allows to calculate further accuracy measures. 
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M. Iturbide 

extractFromModel0 <- function(models, value = c("model", "auc", "kappa", "tss", "fold.models", "ObsPred")){
  value <- match.arg(value, choices = c("model", "auc", "kappa", "tss", "fold.models", "ObsPred"))
  if (value == "model"){modelvalue <- models$model
    } else if (value == "auc"){modelvalue <- models$auc
    } else if (value == "kappa"){modelvalue <-models$kappa
    } else if (value == "tss"){modelvalue<-models$tss
    } else if (value == "fold.models"){modelvalue <-models$fold.models
    } else if (value == "ObsPred"){modelvalue <-models$ObsPred}


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mopa documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:47 a.m.