#' Plot out model values
#' @param model the model to display graphically.
#' Can also be an ensemble produced with `mod_ensemble()`
#' @param formula setting the y ~ x + color variables
#' @param data optional data set from which to extract levels for explanatory variables
#' @param nlevels how many levels to display for those variables shown at discrete levels
#' @param at named list giving specific values at which to hold the variables. You can accomplish
#' this without forming a list by using \code{...}. See examples.
#' @param interval show confidence or prediction intervals: values "none", "confidence", "prediction"
#' @param bootstrap when > 1, this will generate bootstrap replications of the model
#' and plot all of them. Use as an alternative to `interval` for confidence intervals.
#' @param post_transform a scalar transformation and new name for the response variable,
#' e.g. \code{post_transform = c(price = exp)} to undo a log transformation of price.
#' @param size numerical value for line width (default: 1)
#' @param alpha numerical value in 0 to 1 for transparency (default: 0.8)
#' @param class_level character string. If a probability for a classifier is being shown,
#' which levels of the response variable to use in the plot. (Default: the first one.)
#' @param ... specific values for explantory variables
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' mod1 <- lm(wage ~ age * sex + sector, data = mosaicData::CPS85)
#' mod_plot(mod1)
#' mod_plot(mod1, n = Inf, interval = "confidence")
#' mod_plot(mod1, ~ sector + sex + age) # not necessarily a good ordering
#' mod_plot(mod1, ~ age + sex + sector, nlevels = 8)
#' mod2 <- lm(log(wage) ~ age + sex + sector, data = mosaicData::CPS85)
#' mod_plot(mod2, post_transform = c(wage = exp),
#' interval = "confidence") # undo the log in the display
#' mod3 <- glm(married == "Married" ~ age + sex * sector,
#' data = mosaicData::CPS85, family = "binomial")
#' mod_plot(mod3)
#' E3 <- mod_ensemble(mod3, 10)
#' mod_plot(E3)
#' mod4 <- rpart::rpart(sector ~ age + sex + married, data = mosaicData::CPS85)
#' mod_plot(mod4)
#' mod_plot(mod4, class_level = "manag")
#' mod5 <- randomForest::randomForest(
#' sector ~ age + sex + married, data = mosaicData::CPS85)
#' mod_plot(mod5)
#' mod_plot(mod5, class_level = "manag")
#' }
#' @export
mod_plot <- function(model=NULL, formula = NULL,
data = NULL, bootstrap = 0,
nlevels = 3, at = list(), class_level = NULL,
interval = c("none", "confidence", "prediction"),
post_transform = NULL, size = 1, alpha = 0.8, ...) {
all_models <- NULL
if (inherits(model, "bootstrap_ensemble")) {
orig_model <- model$original_model
} else if (bootstrap > 1) {
ensemble <- mod_ensemble(model, nreps = bootstrap, data = data)
res <-
mod_plot(ensemble, formula = formula, data = data, bootstrap = 0, nlevels = nlevels,
at = at, class_level = class_level, interval = "none",
post_transform = post_transform,
size = size, alpha = alpha, ...)
} else {
orig_model <- model
# Deal with the arguments
dots <- handle_dots_as_variables(orig_model, ...)
extras <- dots$extras
inline_values <- dots$at
# Override the values in <at> with any set as inline arguments.
at[names(inline_values)] <- NULL
at <- c(at, inline_values)
interval <- match.arg(interval)
if (length(extras) > 0) {
if ("intervals" %in% names(extras))
stop("The name for the argument is \"interval\", not intervals.")
stop("You've given some extraneous arguments. ")
# If data not explicitly provided, get from model
levels_data <-
if (is.null(data)) data_from_mod(orig_model) else data
# Pick out the variables to be displayed, and their roles
explan_vars <- explanatory_vars(orig_model)
response_var_name <- response_var(orig_model)
if (is.null(formula)) show_vars <- explan_vars
else show_vars <- all.vars(mosaic::rhs(formula))
# Use the first var as <x>
# Use the second var as <color>
# Use the third var as <facet>
# Use the fourth as the second <facet> variable.
if (length(show_vars) > 4) show_vars <- show_vars[1:4]
# Set a large number of levels for the first explanatory variable,
# then nlevels for the remaining ones.
how_many <- as.list(c(Inf, rep(nlevels, length(show_vars) - 1)))
names(how_many) <- show_vars
eval_levels <- df_typical(data = levels_data[explan_vars],
model = orig_model,
nlevels = how_many, at = at)
# Evaluate the model at the specified levels
model_vals <- mod_eval(model = model, data = eval_levels, interval = interval,
append = TRUE)
# If it's the probability from a classifier, pick out the selected level
if ( ! "model_output" %in% names(model_vals)) {
if (is.null(class_level)) class_level = names(model_vals)[ncol(model_vals)] # default
if (class_level %in% names(model_vals))
model_vals$model_output <- model_vals[[class_level]]
stop("Class level \"", class_level, "\" is not in the model output.")
response_var_name <- paste(response_var_name, "==", class_level)
# Apply the transform, if any
if ( ! is.null(post_transform)) {
the_transform <- post_transform[[1]]
if ("model_output" %in% names(model_vals)) {
model_vals[["model_output"]] <- the_transform(model_vals[["model_output"]])
} else {
for (column in setdiff(names(model_vals), explanatory_vars(orig_model))) {
model_vals[[column]] <- the_transform(model_vals[[column]])
# if (any(names(model_vals) %in% names(eval_levels)))
# stop("Name conflict in output of `mod_eval()`, Eval_levels has response var name in it.")
# model_vals <- cbind(eval_levels, model_vals)
# figure out the components of the plot
if (length(show_vars) > 1) {
model_vals[[show_vars[2]]] <- as.factor(model_vals[[show_vars[2]]])
P <- if (length(show_vars) > 1 ) {
ggplot(data = model_vals,
aes_string(x = show_vars[1], color = show_vars[2], y = "model_output"),
group = show_vars[2])
} else {
ggplot(data = model_vals,
aes_string(x = show_vars[1], y = "model_output"))
first_var_quantitative <- is.numeric(eval_levels[[show_vars[1]]])
if (length(show_vars) == 1) {
if (first_var_quantitative) {
P <- P + geom_line(size = size, alpha = alpha)
else {
P <- P + geom_point(size = size, alpha = alpha)
} else { # more than one explanatory variable
if (first_var_quantitative) {
if (is.numeric(model_vals[[show_vars[2]]]))
for_aes <- aes_string(color = show_vars[2])
for_aes <- aes_string(color = show_vars[2], linetype = show_vars[2])
if (inherits(model, "bootstrap_ensemble")) {
for (k in unique(model_vals[[".trial"]])) {
P <- P + geom_line(data = model_vals[model_vals$.trial == k,],
for_aes, alpha = alpha, size = size)
} else {
P <- P + geom_line(for_aes, alpha = alpha, size = size)
} else {
P <- P + geom_point(
aes_string(color = show_vars[2]),
alpha = alpha, size = size)
# The mode for confidence intervals
if (first_var_quantitative) {
Qfun <- geom_ribbon
} else {
Qfun <- geom_errorbar
Q <- NULL # nothing to show, unless ...
if (interval != "none") {
if (length(show_vars) > 1) {
Q <- Qfun(data = model_vals,
aes_string(x = show_vars[1],
ymax = "upper", ymin = "lower", fill = show_vars[2]),
color = NA, alpha = alpha/4)
} else {
Q <- Qfun(data = model_vals,
aes_string(x = show_vars[1],
ymax = "upper", ymin = "lower"),
color = "black", alpha = alpha/4)
if (length(show_vars) == 3)
P <- P + facet_wrap(show_vars[3], labeller = label_both)
if (length(show_vars) == 4)
P <- P + facet_grid(paste(show_vars[3], "~", show_vars[4]),
labeller = label_both)
if ( ! is.null(post_transform)) response_var_name <- names(post_transform)
P <- P + ylab(response_var_name)
P + Q # return the plot
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