
Defines functions multiscale.grid bandwidths.default

Documented in bandwidths.default multiscale.grid

#' Default choice for the set of multiple bandwidths
#' Create bandwidths according to a default function of the sample size
#' @param n integer representing the sample size
#' @param d.min integer for the minimal mutual distance of change points that can be expected
#' @param G.min integer for the minimal allowed bandwidth
#' @param G.max integer for the maximal allowed bandwidth
#' @details Returns an integer vector of bandwidths (G_1,...,G_m), 
#' with G_0 = G_1 = max(\code{G.min}, 2/3*\code{d.min}), G_{j+1} = G_{j-1} + G_j (for j = 1, ..., m-1)
#' and m satisfying G_m <= \code{G.max} while G_{m+1} > \code{G.max}.
#' @return an integer vector of bandwidths
#' @references A. Meier, C. Kirch and H. Cho (2021)
#' mosum: A Package for Moving Sums in Change-point Analysis.
#' \emph{Journal of Statistical Software}, Volume 97, Number 8, pp. 1-42.
#' <doi:10.18637/jss.v097.i08>.
#' @references H. Cho and C. Kirch (2022) Two-stage data segmentation permitting multiscale change points, heavy tails and dependence. \emph{Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics}, Volume 74, Number 4, pp. 653-684.
#' @examples 
#' bandwidths.default(1000, 10, 10, 200)
#' @export
bandwidths.default <- function(n, d.min=10, G.min=10, G.max=min(n/2, n^(2/3))) {
  G_0 <- G_1 <- max(G.min, round(2/3*d.min))
  G <- c(G_0, G_1)
  j <- 3
  G_j <- G[j-2] + G[j-1]
  while (G_j <= G.max) {
    G[j] <- G_j
    j <- j+1
    G_j <- G[j-2] + G[j-1]

#' Multiscale bandwidth grids
#' Create asymmetric bandwidth grids to be used with \code{multiscale.localPrune}
#' @param bandwidths.left left parts of the bandwidths
#' @param bandwidths.right right parts of the bandwidths
#' @param method how the asymmetric bandwidths are created;
#' possible values are
#' \itemize{
#'    \item{\code{'cartesian'}}{create all bandwidths in the Cartesian product of 
#'           bandwidths.left and bandwidths.right}
#'    \item{\code{'concatenate'}}{join bandwidths.left and bandwidths.right element-wise} 
#' }
#' @param max.unbalance a numeric value for the maximal ratio between maximal and minimal bandwidth,
#' \code{1 <= max.unbalance <= Inf}; use iff \code{method='cartesian'}
#' @return S3 \code{multiscale.grid} object to be used in the \code{multiscale.grid} function
#' @keywords internal
multiscale.grid <- function(bandwidths.left, bandwidths.right=bandwidths.left, 
                            method='cartesian', max.unbalance=4) {
  stopifnot(bandwidths.left > 0)
  stopifnot(bandwidths.right > 0)
  stopifnot(max.unbalance >= 1.0)
  H.left <- integer(0)
  H.right <- integer(0)
  if (method == 'cartesian') {
    for (G.left in bandwidths.left) {
      for (G.right in bandwidths.right) {
        ratio <- max(G.left, G.right) / min(G.left, G.right)
        if (ratio <= max.unbalance) {
          H.left <- c(H.left, G.left)
          H.right <- c(H.right, G.right) 
  } else {
    stopifnot(method == 'concatenate')
    H.left <- bandwidths.left
    H.right <- bandwidths.right 
  structure(list(grid=cbind(H.left, H.right),
            class = 'multiscale.grid'

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