
Defines functions view_spatial

Documented in view_spatial

#' View movements on an interactive map
#' \code{view_spatial} is a simple wrapper that displays movement tracks on an interactive \code{mapview} or \code{leaflet} map.
#' @inheritParams frames_spatial
#' @param m \code{move} or \code{moveStack}. May contain a column named \code{colour} to control path colours (see \code{details}).
#' @param render_as character, either \code{'mapview'} to return a \code{mapview} map or \code{'leaflet'} to return a \code{leaflet} map. 
#' @param time_labels logical, wether to display timestamps for each track fix when hovering it with the mouse cursor.
#' @param stroke logical, whether to draw stroke around circles.
#' @details If argument \code{path_colours} is not defined (set to \code{NA}), path colours can be defined by adding a character column named \code{colour} to \code{m}, containing a colour code or name per row (e.g. \code{"red"}. This way, for example, column \code{colour} for all rows belonging to individual A can be set to \code{"green"}, while column \code{colour} for all rows belonging to individual B can be set to \code{"red"}.
#' Colours could also be arranged to change through time or by behavioral segments, geographic locations, age, environmental or health parameters etc. If a column name \code{colour} in \code{m} is missing, colours will be selected automatically. Call \code{colours()} to see all available colours in R.
#' @return An interatcive \code{mapview} or \code{leaflet} map.
#' @author Jakob Schwalb-Willmann
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' library(moveVis)
#' library(move)
#' data("move_data")
#' # return a mapview map (mapview must be installed)
#' view_spatial(move_data)
#' # return a leaflet map (leaflet must be installed)
#' view_spatial(move_data, render_as = "leaflet")
#' # turn off time labels and legend
#' view_spatial(move_data, time_labels = FALSE, path_legend = FALSE)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{frames_spatial}}
#' @export

view_spatial <- function(m, render_as = "mapview", time_labels = TRUE,  stroke = TRUE, path_colours = NA, path_legend = TRUE,
                         path_legend_title = "Names", verbose = TRUE){
  ## dependency check
    if(!isTRUE(render_as %in% c("mapview", "leaflet"))) out("Argument 'render_as' must be either 'mapview' or 'leaflet'.", type = 3)
  } else{out("Argument 'render_as' must be of type 'character'.", type = 3)}

  ## check input arguments
  if(inherits(verbose, "logical")) options(moveVis.verbose = verbose)
  if(all(!c(inherits(m, "MoveStack"), inherits(m, "Move")))) out("Argument 'm' must be of class 'Move' or 'MoveStack'.", type = 3)
  if(inherits(m, "Move")) m <- moveStack(m)
  if(is.character(path_colours)) if(length(path_colours) != n.indiv(m)) out("Argument 'path_colours' must be of same length as the number of individual tracks of 'm', if defined. Alternatively, use a column 'colour' for individual colouring per coordinate within 'm' (see details of ?frames_spatial).", type = 3)
  if(!is.logical(path_legend)) out("Argument 'path_legend' must be of type 'logical'.", type = 3)
  if(!is.logical(time_labels)) out("Argument 'time_labels' must be of type 'logical'.", type = 3)
  if(!is.character(path_legend_title)) out("Argument 'path_legend_title' must be of type 'character'.", type = 3)
  ## preprocess movement data
  m.df <- .m2df(m, path_colours = path_colours) # create data.frame from m with frame time and colour
  m.df$frame <- m.df$time <- NULL
  ## render as mapview object
  if(render_as == "mapview"){
    if(length(grep("mapview", rownames(utils::installed.packages()))) == 0) out("'mapview' has to be installed to use this function. Use install.packages('mapview').", type = 3)
    map <- mapview::mapview(m.df, map.types = "OpenStreetMap", xcol = "x", ycol = "y", zcol = "name", legend = path_legend,
                     crs = st_crs(m)$proj4string, grid = F, layer.name = path_legend_title, col.regions = unique(m.df$colour),
                     label = if(isTRUE(time_labels)) m.df$time_chr else NULL, stroke = stroke)
  ## render as leaflet object
  if(render_as == "leaflet"){
    if(length(grep("leaflet", rownames(utils::installed.packages()))) == 0) out("'leaflet' has to be installed to use this function. Use install.packages('leaflet').", type = 3)
    m.split <- split(m.df, m.df$name)
    map <- leaflet::addTiles(map = leaflet::leaflet(m.df))
    for(i in 1:length(m.split)) map <- leaflet::addCircleMarkers(map = map, lng = m.split[[i]]$x, lat = m.split[[i]]$y,
                                                                 radius = 5.5, color = "black", stroke = stroke, fillColor = m.split[[i]]$colour, fillOpacity = 0.6, weight = 2, opacity = 1,
                                                                 label = if(isTRUE(time_labels)) m.split[[i]]$time_chr else NULL)
    map <- leaflet::addScaleBar(map = leaflet::addLegend(map = map, colors = unique(m.df$colour),
                                                         labels = unique(m.df$name), opacity = 1, title = path_legend_title), position = "bottomleft")

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

moveVis documentation built on March 31, 2020, 5:08 p.m.