
## ----echo=FALSE,results='hide'----------------------------
options(prompt = "R> ", continue = " ", width = 60, useFancyQuotes = FALSE)
opts_chunk$set(tidy=TRUE, highlight=FALSE, background="white")
opts_chunk$set(dev=c('pdf','postscript'), fig.path='cancerfigure/')

## ----message=FALSE, eval=FALSE----------------------------
#  #The data files below were downloaded on June 1, 2016
#  require("openxlsx")
#  library("mpath")
#  bc <- t(read.delim("GSE20194_series_matrix.txt.gz",sep="",header=FALSE,skip=80))
#  colnames(bc) <- bc[1,]
#  bc <- bc[-1, -c(1, 2)]
#  ###The last column is empty with variable name !series_matrix_table_end, thus omitted
#  bc <- bc[, -22284]
#  mode(bc) <- "numeric" ### convert character to numeric
#  dat1 <- openxlsx::openxlsx("GSE20194_MDACC_Sample_Info.xls", sheet=1, header=TRUE)
#  y <- dat1$characteristics..ER_status
#  y <- ifelse(y=="P", 1, -1)
#  table(y)
#  res <- rep(NA, dim(bc)[2])
#  for(i in 1:dim(bc)[2])
#  res[i] <- abs(t.test(bc[,i]~y)$statistic)
#  ### find 3000 largest absolute value of t-statistic
#  tmp <- order(res, decreasing=TRUE)[1:3000]
#  dat <- bc[, tmp]
#  ### standardize variables
#  dat <- scale(dat)

## ----message=FALSE----------------------------------------
### number of replicates
nrun <- 100
### penalty type
penalty <- c("enet", "snet", "mnet")
### Smallest value for lambda, as a fraction of lambda.max, the smallest value for which all coefficients are zero except the intercept
ratio <- 0.25
type.path <- "nonactive"
nlam <- ifelse(type.path!="onestep", 30, 100)
### The training data is contaminated by randomly switching response variable labels at varying pre-specified proportions
per <- c(0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15)
### what quantity is minimized for tuning parameter selection
tuning <- "error"
n.cores <- 5
### robust nonconvex loss function, rfamily type and logistic
type <- c("closs", "gloss", "qloss", "binomial")
### and corresponding labels
type1 <- c("Closs", "Gloss", "Qloss", "Logistic")
### and corresponding tuning parameter 
s <- c(0.9, 1.01, 0.5)
mstop <- 50 <- TRUE

## ----brcancer,'hold', eval=FALSE----------------
#  summary7 <- function(x) c(summary(x), sd=sd(x))
#  ptm <- proc.time()
#  for(k in (1:4)){   ### k controls family argument rfamily type (see above)
#    if(type[k]=="gloss")
#    nu <- 0.1
#    else
#    nu <- 0.01
#    for(j in (1:3)){    ### j controls argument penalty type (see above)
#      gam <- ifelse(penalty[j]=="snet", 3.7, 12)
#      err.m1 <- nvar.m1 <- errbest.m1 <- lambest.m1 <- matrix(NA, ncol=4, nrow=nrun)
#      nvarbest.m1 <- mstopcv.m1 <- matrix(NA, ncol=4, nrow=nrun)
#      colnames(err.m1) <- c("cont-0%", "cont-5%", "cont-10%", "cont-15%")
#      colnames(mstopcv.m1) <- colnames(nvarbest.m1) <- colnames(err.m1)
#      colnames(nvar.m1) <- colnames(err.m1)
#      colnames(errbest.m1) <- colnames(err.m1)
#      colnames(lambest.m1) <- colnames(err.m1)
#      for (ii in 1:nrun){
#        set.seed(1000+ii)
#        trid <- c(sample(which(y==1))[1:50], sample(which(y==-1))[1:50])
#        dtr <- dat[trid, ]
#        dte <- dat[-trid, ]
#        ytrold <- y[trid]
#        yte <- y[-trid]
#        ### number of patients/no. variables in training and test data
#        dim(dtr)
#        dim(dte)
#        ### randomly contaminate data
#        ntr <- length(trid)
#        set.seed(1000+ii)
#        con <- sample(ntr)
#        for(i in (1:4)){    ### i controls how many percentage of data contaminated, see argument per above
#          ytr <- ytrold
#          percon <- per[i]
#          ### randomly flip labels of the samples in training set according to pre-defined contamination level
#          if(percon > 0){
#            ji <- con[1:(percon*ntr)]
#            ytr[ji] <- -ytrold[ji]
#          }
#          ### fit a model with nclreg for nonconvex loss or glmreg for logistic loss, and use cross-validation to select best penalization parameter
#  	if(type[k] %in% c("closs", "gloss", "qloss")){
#          dat.m1 <- nclreg(x=dtr, y=ytr, s=s[k], iter=100, rfamily = type[k], penalty=penalty[j], lambda.min.ratio=ratio, gamma=gam, mstop.init=mstop, nu.init=nu, type.path=type.path, decreasing=FALSE, type.init="bst")
#          lambda <- dat.m1$lambda[1:nlam]
#          set.seed(1000+ii)
#  	cvm1 <- cv.nclreg(x=dtr, y=ytr, nfolds=5, n.cores=n.cores, parallel=TRUE, s=s[k], lambda=lambda, rfamily = type[k], penalty=penalty[j], gamma=gam, type=tuning,, type.init=dat.m1$type.init, mstop.init=dat.m1$mstop.init, nu.init=dat.m1$nu.init, type.path=type.path, decreasing=dat.m1$decreasing)
#          err1 <- predict(dat.m1, newdata=dte, newy=yte, type="error")
#        }
#        else{
#          dat.m1 <- glmreg(x=dtr, y=(ytr+1)/2, family = type[k], penalty=penalty[j], lambda.min.ratio=ratio, gamma=gam)
#          set.seed(1000+ii)
#  	cvm1 <- cv.glmreg(x=dtr, y=(ytr+1)/2, nfolds=5, n.cores=n.cores, parallel=TRUE, lambda=dat.m1$lambda,
#          family = type[k], penalty=penalty[j], gamma=gam,
#          err1 <- apply((yte > -1)!=predict(dat.m1, newx=dte, type="class"), 2, mean)
#        }
#        optmstop <- cvm1$lambda.which
#        err.m1[ii, i] <- err1[optmstop]
#        if(ii==1) varid <- names(predict(dat.m1, which=optmstop, type="nonzero")) else
#         varid <- intersect(varid, names(predict(dat.m1, which=optmstop, type="nonzero")))
#        nvar.m1[ii, i] <- length(predict(dat.m1, which=optmstop, type="nonzero"))
#        errbest.m1[ii, i] <- min(err1, na.rm=TRUE)
#        lambest.m1[ii, i] <- which.min(err1)
#        nvarbest.m1[ii, i] <- length(predict(dat.m1, which=which.min(err1), type="nonzero"))
#      }
#      if(ii %% nrun ==0){
#      if(type[k]%in% c("closs", "gloss", "qloss"))
#      cat(paste("\nfamily ", type1[k], ", s=", s[k], sep=""), "\n")
#      else cat(paste("\nfamily ", type1[k], sep=""), "\n")
#      pentype <- switch(penalty[j],
#      "enet"="LASSO",
#      "mnet"="MCP",
#      "snet"="SCAD")
#      cat("penalty=", pentype, "\n")
#      if(penalty[j] %in% c("snet", "mnet")) cat("gamma=", gam, "\n")
#      cat("common variables selected:", varid, "\n")
#      cat("best misclassification error\n")
#      print(round(apply(errbest.m1, 2, summary7),4))
#      cat("which lambda has best error\n")
#      print(round(apply(lambest.m1, 2, summary7),1))
#      cat("number of variables selected with best error\n")
#      print(round(apply(nvarbest.m1, 2, summary7),1))
#      cat("CV based misclassification error\n")
#      print(round(apply(err.m1, 2, summary7),4))
#      cat("number of variables selected by CV\n")
#      print(round(apply(nvar.m1, 2, summary7),1))
#      if({
#        par(mfrow=c(2, 1))
#        boxplot(err.m1, main="Misclassification error", subset="", sub=paste(type1[k], "-", pentype, sep=""))
#        boxplot(nvar.m1, main="No. variables", subset="", sub=paste(type1[k], "-", pentype, sep=""))
#      }
#    }
#  }
#  }
#    }
#      print(proc.time()-ptm)

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