
Defines functions gstdint

Documented in gstdint

#' Integral of pdf of distances
#' Computes the integral of \code{distpdf} with scale=1 (\code{stdint=TRUE}) or
#' specified scale (\code{stdint=FALSE}).
#' @param x lower, upper value for integration
#' @param ddfobj distance detection function specification
#' @param index specific data row index
#' @param select logical vector for selection of data values
#' @param width truncation width
#' @param left left truncation width
#' @param standardize if \code{TRUE}, divide through by the function evaluated
#' at 0
#' @param point logical to determine if point (\code{TRUE}) or line
#' transect(\code{FALSE})
#' @param stdint if \code{TRUE}, scale=1 otherwise specified scale used
#' @param doeachint if \code{TRUE} perform integration using
#' \code{\link{integrate}}
#' @return vector of integral values of detection function
#' @note This is an internal function that is not intended to be invoked
#' directly.
#' @author Jeff Laake and David L Miller
#' @keywords utility
#' @importFrom stats pnorm smooth.spline
gstdint <- function(x, ddfobj, index=NULL, select=NULL, width,
                    standardize=TRUE, point=FALSE, stdint=TRUE,
                    doeachint=FALSE, left=left){

    x <- matrix(x, ncol=2)
  ## NB this calculates the integral of:
  ##       g(x)/w             for line transects
  ##       2*r*g(r)/width^2   for point transects

  # Set of observations for computation of detection function can
  # be specified with logical (select) and numeric (index) values.
  # Either or both can be specified although the latter is unlikely.
    # use all
      scale.dm <- ddfobj$scale$dm
      # use only those with specific indices
      scale.dm <- ddfobj$scale$dm[index, , drop=FALSE]
    # Use those with select=TRUE
      scale.dm <- ddfobj$scale$dm[select, , drop=FALSE]
      # use the numeric index within those with select=TRUE
      scale.dm <- ddfobj$scale$dm[select, , drop=FALSE][index, , drop=FALSE]

  # when we have half-normal, key only use the exact analytic expression
  # for the integral using the error function/analytic expression
  if(ddfobj$type=="hn" & is.null(ddfobj$adjustment) & !doeachint){

    key.scale <- scalevalue(ddfobj$scale$parameters, scale.dm)

      # analytic expression for integral of 2*r*g(r)/width^2 when
      #  g(r) is half-normal
      int <- (2*(key.scale^2*exp(-x[ ,1]^2/(2*key.scale^2))-
                 key.scale^2*exp(-x[ ,2]^2/(2*key.scale^2))))/width^2
      # define the error function in terms of pnorm
      erf <- function(x) 2 * pnorm(x * sqrt(2)) - 1
      # analytic expression for integral of g(x)/w when g(x) is half-normal

      # let's speed the above up a bit
      # when the left limit is zero (i.e. no left truncation) then just
      # need one call to erf
        int <- (1/width)*(sqrt(pi/2)*key.scale*(erf(x[, 2]/

        int <- (1/(width-left))*sqrt(pi/2)*key.scale*
                  (-erf(x[, 1]/(key.scale*sqrt(2)))+
                    erf(x[, 2]/(key.scale*sqrt(2))))
  }else if(ddfobj$type=="hr" & is.null(ddfobj$adjustment) &
           !doeachint & !point & all(x[, 1]==0)){

    # do the spline shortcut
    # note that this will only work for a given shape parameter
    # don't do this if you have left truncation, point transects or
    # adjustments

    # Documentation by Jeff Laake from a previous incarnation of this code:
    # uses the cgftab which is a spline fitted to a table of standardized
    # integrals and the value is interpolated from the spline for each
    # observation.
    # This used to speed up integration of the detection function with scale
    # covariates. The detection function is integrated at a series of points
    # from 0 to W and then a spline is fitted to the computed values which are
    # cumulative (integral from 0 to x < integral from 0 to x+dx fr dx>0). The
    # spline is then used to predict values of the integral which depend on the 
    # scale which can depend on observation specific covariates.

    # set up the integration grid (these are values of x/sigma)
    xx <- exp(0.05*(1:100))-1
    xx <- cbind(c(0, xx[1:99]), xx)
    # fix scale and shape matrices
    ddfobj$scale$dm <- matrix(1, nrow=nrow(xx))
      ddfobj$shape$dm <- matrix(1, nrow=nrow(xx))

    # Create cumulative sums of values of g(x) integrals from grid (xx)
    y <- cumsum(gstdint(xx, ddfobj=ddfobj, index=1:nrow(xx), width=width,
                        standardize=standardize, point=point, doeachint=TRUE,
    # Return smoothed spline of cumulative integral values
    spp <- smooth.spline(c(0, xx[ ,2]), c(0, y))

    # get the scale parameter
    xscale <- scalevalue(ddfobj$scale$parameters, scale.dm)

    # do the integration via predict.smooth.spline
    integrals <- predict(spp, as.vector(x[, 2]/xscale))$y -
                 predict(spp, as.vector(x[, 1]/xscale))$y

    # rescale for point or line
      integrals <- xscale*integrals
      integrals <- xscale^2*integrals


  }else if(ddfobj$type=="tpn" & is.null(ddfobj$adjustment) & !doeachint){

    apex <- exp(ddfobj$shape$parameters)

    # left key
    ddfobj$xmat$.dummy_apex_side <- 0
    left.scale.dm <- setcov(ddfobj$xmat, ddfobj$scale$formula)
    left.scale <- scalevalue(ddfobj$scale$parameters, left.scale.dm)
    # right key
    ddfobj$xmat$.dummy_apex_side <- 1
    right.scale.dm <- setcov(ddfobj$xmat, ddfobj$scale$formula)
    right.scale <- scalevalue(ddfobj$scale$parameters, right.scale.dm)

    int1 <- int2 <- left.scale*0

    for(i in 1:length(int1)){
      int1[i] <- left.scale[i]*(pnorm(apex, mean=apex, sd=left.scale[i]) -
                                pnorm(left[i], mean=apex, sd=left.scale[i]))
      int2[i] <- right.scale[i]*(pnorm(width[i], mean=apex, sd=right.scale[i]) -
                                 pnorm(apex, mean=apex, sd=right.scale[i]))
    int <- int1+int2

    # loop over the integration ranges, calculating integrals
    res <- rep(NA, nrow(x))

    # duplicate width/left if necessary
    if(length(width) != nrow(x)){
      width <- rep(width, nrow(x))
    if(length(left) != nrow(x)){
      left <- rep(left, nrow(x))

    # wrapper around detection function to handle the case where g(x) < 0
    dpdf <- function(x, width, ddfobj, select, index, standardize, stdint,
                     point, left){
      v <- distpdf(x, width=width, ddfobj=ddfobj, select=select, index=index,
                   standardize=standardize, stdint=stdint, point=point,
      v[v<1e-6] <- 0

    # now integrate for each observation
    xmatsave <- ddfobj$xmat
    for(i in 1:nrow(x)){
      ddfobj$xmat <- xmatsave[i, , drop=FALSE]
      res[i] <- integrate(dpdf, lower=x[i, 1], upper=x[i, 2], width=width[i],
                          ddfobj=ddfobj, select=select[i], index=index[i],
                          rel.tol=1e-7, standardize=standardize,
                          stdint=stdint, point=point, left=left[i])$value

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mrds documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:56 a.m.