
Defines functions process.data

Documented in process.data

#' Process data for fitting distance sampling detection function
#' Sets up dataframe and does some basic error checking. Adds needed fields to
#' dataframe and to \code{meta.data}.
#' The function does a number of error checking tasks, creating fields and
#' adding to \code{meta.data} including:
#' 1) If \code{check=TRUE}, check to make sure the record structure is okay for
#' mrds data. The number of primary records (observer=1) must equal the number
#' of secondary records (observer=2). Also, a field in the dataframe is created
#' \code{timesseen} which counts the number of times an object was detected
#' 0,1,2; if \code{timesseen=0} then the record is tossed from the analysis.
#' Also if there are differences in the data (distance, size, covariates) for
#' observer 1 and 2 a warning is issued that the analysis may fail.  The code
#' assumes these values are the same for both observers.
#' 2) Based on the presence of fields \code{distbegin} and \code{distend}, a
#' determination is made of whether the data analysis should be based on binned
#' distances and a field \code{binned} is created, which is \code{TRUE} if the
#' distance for the observation is binned.  By assigning for each observation
#' this allows an analysis of a mixture of binned and unbinned distances.
#' 4) Data are restricted such that distances are not greater than \code{width}
#' and not less than \code{left} if those values are specified in
#' \code{meta.data}.  If they are not specified then \code{left} defaults to 0
#' and \code{width} defaults to the largest distance measurement.
#' 5) Determine if an integration range (\code{int.begin} and \code{int.end}
#' has been specified for the observations.  If it has, add the structure to
#' \code{meta.data}.  The integration range is typically used for aerial
#' surveys in which the altitude varies such that the strip width (left to
#' width) changes with a change in altitude.
#' 6) Fields defined as factors are cleaned up such that any unused levels are
#' eliminated.
#' 7) If the restrictions placed on the data, eliminated all of the data, the
#' function stops with an error message
#' @param data dataframe object
#' @param meta.data meta.data options; see \code{\link{ddf}} for a description
#' @param check if \code{TRUE} check data for errors in the mrds structure; for
#'   \code{method="ds" check=FALSE}
#' @return \item{xmat}{processed \code{data.frame} with added fields}
#'   \item{meta.data}{meta.data list}
#' @author Jeff Laake
#' @keywords utility
process.data <- function(data, meta.data=list(), check=TRUE){

  set.default.width <- function(data, meta.data){
  # set.default.width - sets default transect width when none was specified
  #  Arguments:
  #  data      - dataframe
  #  meta.data - meta.data list
  # Values:  width of transect
      width <- max(c(data$distend, data$distance), na.rm=TRUE)
      width <- max(data$distance)

  # assign dataframe to data

  # Check to make sure the record structure is ok. Number of primary
  # records = number of secondary
    if(length(data$detected[data$observer==1]) !=
      stop("number of records for primary observer not equal to number for secondary observer")
    # check each object is included twice
    objtab <- table(data$object)
    if(all(objtab != 2)){
                 paste(names(objtab)[objtab!=2], collapse=", "),
                 "do not have records for both observers"))

  # Create field which counts the number of times an object was detected 0,1,2
    timesdetected <- data$detected[data$observer==1] +
    data$timesdetected <- rep(0, dim(data)[1])
    data$timesdetected[data$observer==1] <- timesdetected
    data$timesdetected[data$observer==2] <- timesdetected

    # If any 00 (not detected by either observer), stop and issue error message
      stop("following objects were never detected:",
            paste(data$object[data$observer==1 & data$timesdetected==0],
                  collapse=","), "\n")

  # Determine if data are binned by presence of distbegin and distend fields
  if(is.null(data$distend) | is.null(data$distbegin)){
    binned <- FALSE
    if(all(is.null(data$distend)) | all(is.null(data$distbegin))){
      binned <- FALSE
      if(any(is.null(data$distend) & !is.null(data$distbegin)) |
         any(is.null(data$distbegin) & !is.null(data$distend))){
        stop("mismatched distance intervals - one or more endpoints are missing")
        binned <- TRUE

  if(meta.data$binned & !binned){
    stop("binned=TRUE in meta.data but distbegin/distend fields are missing")

  if(!meta.data$binned & binned){
    warning("data contain distbegin/distend fields but binned=FALSE. Analyzing as not binned", immediate.=TRUE)
    binned <- FALSE

  meta.data$binned <- binned

  if(meta.data$binned & is.null(meta.data$breaks)){
    stop("breaks must be set in meta.data for binned data")

  # Fill in distance field for binned observations and create logical variable
  data$binned <- rep(FALSE, dim(data)[1])
    meta.data$binned <- TRUE
    data$binned[!is.na(data$distbegin)] <- TRUE

  # Restrict data to width interval
  # If no width set, use largest measured distance as width
    width <- set.default.width(data, meta.data)
    meta.data$width <- width
    xmat <- data
      warning("no truncation distance specified; using largest observed distance",immediate.=TRUE)
    # change: jll 2 June 05; ref to width changed to meta.data$width
    # This piece of code makes sure that the set width is as large as the
    # largest bin end point for binned data.
      if(any(data$binned & data$distend > meta.data$width)){
        stop("width must exceed largest interval end point")
        xmat <- data[data$binned |
                     (!data$binned & data$distance <= meta.data$width), ]
      xmat <- data[data$distance <= meta.data$width, ]

  # Determine if integration range has been specified
  if(is.null(xmat$int.begin) | is.null(xmat$int.end)){
      meta.data$int.range <- c(meta.data$left, meta.data$width)
      meta.data$int.range <- meta.data$int.range
      meta.data$int.range <- cbind(xmat$int.begin, xmat$int.end)

  # If left >0 perform left truncation by restricting values
  if(meta.data$left > 0){
      if(any(data$binned & data$distbegin < meta.data$left)){
        stop("left truncation must be smaller than the smallest interval begin point")
        xmat <- data[data$binned | (!data$binned &
                                    data$distance >= meta.data$left), ]
      xmat <- xmat[xmat$distance>=meta.data$left, ]

  # Clean up factor levels
  b <- dim(xmat)[2]
  for(i in 1:b){
    if(is.factor(xmat[, i])){
      xmat[,i] <- factor(xmat[, i])

  # If the exclusion eliminated all of the data, stop with error message
    stop("no data to analyze")

  return(list(xmat=xmat, meta.data=meta.data))

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mrds documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:56 a.m.