
Defines functions sethazard

Documented in sethazard

sethazard <- function(ddfobj, dmat, width, left=0, point=FALSE){

  if("distend" %in% names(ddfobj$xmat)){
    binned <- TRUE
    binned <- FALSE

  # temporary function to evaluate the likelihood for hazard rate
  evallike <- function(fpar, ddfobj, binned, left){
    ddfobj$intercept.only <- TRUE
    ddfobj$shape$parameters[1] <- fpar[1]
    ddfobj$scale$parameters[1] <- fpar[2]
    # set adjustment parameters to zero for now...
      ddfobj$adjustment$parameters <- rep(0, length(ddfobj$adjustment$order))

    fpar <- getpar(ddfobj)
    ddfobj$shape$parameters[1] <- NA
    ddfobj$scale$parameters[1] <- NA
      ddfobj$adjustment$parameters <- rep(NA, length(ddfobj$adjustment$order))

    flnl(fpar, ddfobj, FALSE,
         misc.options=list(width=width, int.range=c(0, width), showit=0,
                           integral.numeric=FALSE, standardize=FALSE,
                           binned=binned, left=left,
                           fitting="none", point=point))

  # Using code from CDS in Distance.
  #  First find the scale parameter as you (CDS) would for half-normal,
  #  by finding:
  ss <- sqrt(sum(dmat$distance^2)/length(dmat$distance))

  # Then find the shape parameter by using the following algorithm:
  for(j in 1:10){
    scale <- log(ss/2+j*0.2*ss)
    for(i in seq(1, 30, 2)){
      shape <- log(i)
      # evaluate likelihood at this value
      newlnl <- evallike(c(shape, scale), ddfobj, binned, left)
      if(i==1 & j==1){
        lnl <- newlnl
        ival <- 2
        jval <- 1
        if(newlnl < lnl){
          lnl <- newlnl
          ival <- i
          jval <- j
    shape <- log(2)
    scale <- log(ss/2+jval*0.2*ss)
    shape <- log(ival)
  return(list(shape = shape,
              scale = scale))

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