
Defines functions setinitial.ds

Documented in setinitial.ds

#' Set initial values for detection function based on distance sampling
#' For a given detection function, it computes the initial values for the
#' parameters including scale and shape parameters and adjustment function
#' parameters if any.  If there are user-defined initial values only the
#' parameters not specified by the user are computed.
#' @usage setinitial.ds(ddfobj, width, initial, point, left)
#'        sethazard(ddfobj, dmat, width, left, point)
#' @aliases setinitial.ds sethazard
#' @param ddfobj distance detection function object
#' @param width half-width of transect or radius of point count
#' @param left left truncation
#' @param initial list of user-defined initial values with possible elements:
#'   \code{scale}, \code{shape}, \code{adjustment}
#' @param point if \code{TRUE}, point count data; otherwise, line transect data
#' @param dmat \code{xmat} from \code{ddfobj}
#' @return \item{scale}{vector of initial scale parameter values}
#'   \item{shape}{vector of initial shape parameter values}
#'   \item{adjustment}{vector of initial adjustment function parameter values}
#' @author Jeff Laake, David L Miller
#' @importFrom stats lm setNames
setinitial.ds <- function(ddfobj, width, initial, point, left){

  ftype <- ddfobj$type
  if(ftype == "unif"){
    initialvalues <- list(scale=NULL, shape=NULL)

  dmat <- ddfobj$xmat

  # parameters for hazard-rate
  if(ftype == "hr"){
    initialvalues <- sethazard(ddfobj, dmat, width, left, point)
      initialvalues$shape <- c(initialvalues$shape,
                               rep(0, ncol(ddfobj$shape$dm)-1))
      initialvalues$scale <- lm(eval(parse(text=paste(
                        "log(distance+width/1000)", ddfobj$scale$formula))),
                            data=dmat[dmat$detected==1, ])$coeff
    # Set scale parameters using Ramsey's approach of linear model
    # with log(distance)
      initialvalues <- list(scale=lm(eval(parse(text=paste(
                            "log(distance+width/1000)", ddfobj$scale$formula))),
                            data=dmat[dmat$detected==1, ])$coeff)

    # Set shape parameter values in a very cheesey way...
      if(ftype == "tpn"){
        # two-part normal: use the shape for the "mu" parameter: the apex
        # reasonable estimate for mu is where the peak is in the histogram
        hh <- hist(dmat$distance, plot=FALSE)
        initialvalues$shape <- log(hh$mids[which.max(hh$count)])
        initialvalues$shape <- c(log(2), rep(0, ncol(ddfobj$shape$dm)-1))

  # Set initial values for the adjustment term parameters
    # note that setting to zero causes issues with nlminb optimization
    # this small value causes problems for solnp, so see detfct.fit.opt
    # for work-around
    initialvalues$adjustment <- rep(1e-16, length(ddfobj$adjustment$order))

      stop("\ninitial values must be specified as a list with possible elements scale, shape, adjustments")
      if(length(initialvalues$shape) == length(initial$shape)){
        initialvalues$shape <- setNames(initial$shape,
        stop("Length of initial values for shape incorrect")
      if(length(initialvalues$scale) == length(initial$scale)){
        initialvalues$scale <- setNames(initial$scale,
        stop("Length of initial values for scale incorrect")

      if(length(initialvalues$adjustment) == length(initial$adjustment)){
        initialvalues$adjustment <- setNames(initial$adjustment,
        stop("Length of initial values for adjustments incorrect")

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mrds documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:56 a.m.