
Defines functions .coef.ncvreg .ncvnet msaenet.tune.nsteps.ncvreg msaenet.tune.ncvreg

Documented in msaenet.tune.ncvreg msaenet.tune.nsteps.ncvreg

#' Automatic (parallel) parameter tuning for ncvreg models
#' @return Optimal model object, parameter set, and criterion value
#' @author Nan Xiao <\url{https://nanx.me}>
#' @importFrom ncvreg cv.ncvreg
#' @importFrom ncvreg cv.ncvsurv
#' @importFrom foreach %dopar%
#' @importFrom foreach %:%
#' @importFrom foreach foreach
#' @references
#' Chen, Jiahua, and Zehua Chen. (2008).
#' Extended Bayesian information criteria for model selection with
#' large model spaces. \emph{Biometrika} 95(3), 759--771.
#' @keywords internal
msaenet.tune.ncvreg <- function(
    x, y, family, penalty,
    gammas, alphas,
    eps, max.iter,
    seed, parallel, ...) {
  if (tune == "cv") {
    if (!parallel) {
      model.list <- vector("list", length(gammas))
      for (k in seq_along(model.list)) {
        model.list[[k]] <- vector("list", length(alphas))

      for (i in seq_along(gammas)) {
        for (j in seq_along(alphas)) {
          if (family == "cox") {
            model.list[[i]][[j]] <- cv.ncvsurv(
              X = x, y = y, penalty = penalty,
              gamma = gammas[i], alpha = alphas[j],
              nfolds = nfolds,
              eps = eps, max.iter = max.iter, ...
          } else {
            model.list[[i]][[j]] <- cv.ncvreg(
              X = x, y = y, family = family, penalty = penalty,
              gamma = gammas[i], alpha = alphas[j],
              nfolds = nfolds,
              eps = eps, max.iter = max.iter, ...
    } else {
      if (family == "cox") {
        model.list <- foreach(gammas = gammas) %:%
          foreach(alphas = alphas) %dopar% {
              X = x, y = y, penalty = penalty,
              gamma = gammas, alpha = alphas,
              nfolds = nfolds,
              eps = eps, max.iter = max.iter, ...
      } else {
        model.list <- foreach(gammas = gammas) %:%
          foreach(alphas = alphas) %dopar% {
              X = x, y = y, family = family, penalty = penalty,
              gamma = gammas, alpha = alphas,
              nfolds = nfolds,
              eps = eps, max.iter = max.iter, ...

    simple.model.list <- unlist(model.list, recursive = FALSE)

    errors <- unlist(lapply(simple.model.list, function(x) min(sqrt(x$"cve"))))
    errors.min.idx <- which.min(errors)
    best.model <- simple.model.list[[errors.min.idx]]

    best.gamma <- best.model$"fit"$"gamma"
    best.alpha <- best.model$"fit"$"alpha"
    best.lambda <- best.model$"lambda.min"

    step.criterion <- errors[errors.min.idx]
  } else {
    if (!parallel) {
      model.list <- vector("list", length(gammas))
      for (k in seq_along(model.list)) {
        model.list[[k]] <- vector("list", length(alphas))

      for (i in seq_along(gammas)) {
        for (j in seq_along(alphas)) {
          if (family == "cox") {
            model.list[[i]][[j]] <- ncvsurv(
              X = x, y = y, penalty = penalty,
              gamma = gammas[i], alpha = alphas[j],
              eps = eps, max.iter = max.iter, ...
          } else {
            model.list[[i]][[j]] <- ncvreg(
              X = x, y = y, family = family, penalty = penalty,
              gamma = gammas[i], alpha = alphas[j],
              eps = eps, max.iter = max.iter, ...
    } else {
      if (family == "cox") {
        model.list <- foreach(gammas = gammas) %:%
          foreach(alphas = alphas) %dopar% {
              X = x, y = y, penalty = penalty,
              gamma = gammas, alpha = alphas,
              eps = eps, max.iter = max.iter, ...
      } else {
        model.list <- foreach(gammas = gammas) %:%
          foreach(alphas = alphas) %dopar% {
              X = x, y = y, family = family, penalty = penalty,
              gamma = gammas, alpha = alphas,
              eps = eps, max.iter = max.iter, ...

    simple.model.list <- unlist(model.list, recursive = FALSE)

    if (tune == "aic") {
      ics.list <- mapply(
        deviance = lapply(simple.model.list, .deviance),
        df = lapply(simple.model.list, .df),

    if (tune == "bic") {
      ics.list <- mapply(
        deviance = lapply(simple.model.list, .deviance),
        df = lapply(simple.model.list, .df),
        nobs = lapply(simple.model.list, .nobs),

    if (tune == "ebic") {
      ics.list <- mapply(
        deviance = lapply(simple.model.list, .deviance),
        df = lapply(simple.model.list, .df),
        nobs = lapply(simple.model.list, .nobs),
        nvar = lapply(simple.model.list, .nvar),
        gamma = ebic.gamma,

    ics <- sapply(ics.list, function(x) min(x))
    ics.min.idx <- which.min(ics)
    best.model <- simple.model.list[[ics.min.idx]]

    best.gamma <- best.model$"gamma"
    best.alpha <- best.model$"alpha"

    best.ic.min.idx <- which.min(ics.list[[ics.min.idx]])
    best.lambda <- best.model$"lambda"[[best.ic.min.idx]]

    step.criterion <- ics.list[[ics.min.idx]][[best.ic.min.idx]]

    "best.model" = best.model,
    "best.gamma" = best.gamma,
    "best.alpha" = best.alpha,
    "best.lambda" = best.lambda,
    "step.criterion" = step.criterion

#' Select the number of adaptive estimation steps
#' @return optimal step number
#' @author Nan Xiao <\url{https://nanx.me}>
#' @keywords internal

msaenet.tune.nsteps.ncvreg <- function(
    model.list, tune.nsteps, ebic.gamma.nsteps) {
  nmods <- length(model.list)

  if (tune.nsteps == "max") {
    ics <- NULL
    best.step <- nmods
  } else {
    if (tune.nsteps == "aic") {
      ics <- .aic(
        deviance = sapply(model.list, .deviance),
        df = sapply(model.list, .df)

    if (tune.nsteps == "bic") {
      ics <- .bic(
        deviance = sapply(model.list, .deviance),
        df = sapply(model.list, .df),
        nobs = sapply(model.list, .nobs)

    if (tune.nsteps == "ebic") {
      ics <- .ebic(
        deviance = sapply(model.list, .deviance),
        df = sapply(model.list, .df),
        nobs = sapply(model.list, .nobs),
        nvar = sapply(model.list, .nvar),
        gamma = ebic.gamma.nsteps

    best.step <- which.min(ics)

  list("best.step" = best.step, "ics" = ics)

# Wrapper for ncvreg that works around the "single lambda" warning.
# After balancing all other options, this seems to be the simplest solution
# without causing confusions or complications in this context (cross validation).
.ncvnet <- function(
    x, y, family, penalty,
    gamma, alpha, lambda,
    eps, max.iter, ...) {
  if (family == "cox") {
    fit <- ncvreg::ncvsurv(
      X = x, y = y, penalty = penalty,
      gamma = gamma, alpha = alpha, lambda = c(lambda + 0.001, lambda),
      eps = eps, max.iter = max.iter, ...
  } else {
    fit <- ncvreg::ncvreg(
      X = x, y = y, family = family, penalty = penalty,
      gamma = gamma, alpha = alpha, lambda = c(lambda + 0.001, lambda),
      eps = eps, max.iter = max.iter, ...

  # Remove results corresponding to lambda + 0.001
  fit$beta <- fit$beta[, -c(1), drop = FALSE]
  fit$iter <- fit$iter[-c(1)]
  fit$lambda <- fit$lambda[-c(1)]
  fit$loss <- fit$loss[-c(1)]
  fit$linear.predictors <- fit$linear.predictors[, -c(1), drop = FALSE]


# check if ncvreg model object has an intercept
# return a coef vector without intercept
.coef.ncvreg <- function(model, nvar) {
  nvar.model <- length(as.vector(model$"beta"))

  bhat <- if (nvar.model == nvar + 1L) {
  } else {


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