
Defines functions .set.accept .set.jump .set.data.out sde.post

Documented in sde.post

#' MCMC sampler for the SDE posterior.
#' A Metropolis-within-Gibbs sampler for the Euler-Maruyama approximation to the true posterior density.
#' @param model An `sde.model` object constructed with [sde.make.model()].
#' @param init An `sde.init` object constructed with [sde.init()].
#' @param hyper The hyperparameters of the SDE prior.  See [sde.prior()].
#' @param nsamples Number of MCMC iterations.
#' @param burn Integer number of burn-in samples, or fraction of `nsamples` to prepend as burn-in.
#' @param mwg.sd Standard deviation jump size for Metropolis-within-Gibbs on parameters and missing components of first SDE observation (see Details).
#' @param adapt Logical or list to specify adaptive Metropolis-within-Gibbs sampling (see Details).
#' @param loglik.out Logical, whether to return the loglikelihood at each step.
#' @param last.miss.out Logical, whether to return the missing sde components of the last observation.
#' @param update.data Logical, whether to update the missing data.
#' @param data.out A scalar, integer vector, or list of three integer vectors determining the subset of data to be returned (see Details).
#' @param update.params Logical, whether to update the model parameters.
#' @param fixed.params Logical vector of length `nparams` indicating which parameters are to be held fixed in the MCMC sampler.
#' @param ncores If `model` is compiled with `OpenMP`, the number of cores to use for parallel processing.  Otherwise, uses `ncores = 1` and gives a warning.
#' @param verbose Logical, whether to periodically output MCMC status.
#' @details The Metropolis-within-Gibbs (MWG) jump sizes can be specified as a scalar, a vector or length `nparams + ndims`, or a named vector containing the elements defined by `sde.init$nvar.obs.m[1]` (the missing variables in the first SDE observation) and `fixed.params` (the SDE parameters which are not held fixed).  The default jump sizes for each MWG random variable are `.25 * |initial_value|` when `|initial_value| > 0`, and 1 otherwise.
#' `adapt == TRUE` implements an adaptive MCMC proposal by Roberts and Rosenthal (2009).  At step \eqn{n} of the MCMC, the jump size of each MWG random variable is increased or decreased by \eqn{\delta(n)}, depending on whether the cumulative acceptance rate is above or below the optimal value of 0.44.  If \eqn{\sigma_n} is the size of the jump at step \eqn{n}, then the next jump size is determined by
#' \deqn{
#' \log(\sigma_{n+1}) = \log(\sigma_n) \pm \delta(n), \qquad \delta(n) = \min(.01, 1/n^{1/2}).
#' }{
#' log(sigma_(n+1)) = log(sigma_n) \pm delta(n), where delta(n) = min(.01, 1/n^(1/2)).
#' }
#' When `adapt` is not logical, it is a list with elements `max` and `rate`, such that `delta(n) = min(max, 1/n^rate)`.  These elements can be scalars or vectors in the same manner as `mwg.sd`.
#' For SDE models with thousands of latent variables, `data.out` can be used to thin the MCMC missing data output.  An integer vector or scalar returns specific or evenly-spaced posterior samples from the `ncomp x ndims` complete data matrix.  A list with elements `isamples`, `icomp`, and `idims` determines which samples, time points, and SDE variables to return.  The first of these can be a scalar or vector with the same meaning as before.
#' @return A list with elements:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{`params`}{An `nsamples x nparams` matrix of posterior parameter draws.}
#'   \item{`data`}{A 3-d array of posterior missing data draws, for which the output dimensions are specified by `data.out`.}
#'   \item{`init`}{The `sde.init` object which initialized the sampler.}
#'   \item{`data.out`}{A list of three integer vectors specifying which timepoints, variables, and MCMC iterations correspond to the values in the `data` output.}
#'   \item{`mwg.sd`}{A named vector of Metropolis-within-Gibbs standard devations used at the last posterior iteration.}
#'   \item{`hyper`}{The hyperparameter specification.}
#'   \item{`loglik`}{If `loglik.out == TRUE`, the vector of `nsamples` complete data loglikelihoods calculated at each posterior sample.}
#'   \item{`last.iter`}{A list with elements `data` and `params` giving the last MCMC sample.  Useful for resuming the MCMC from that point.}
#'   \item{`last.miss`}{If `last.miss.out == TRUE`, an `nsamples x nmissN` matrix of all posterior draws for the missing data in the final observation.  Useful for SDE forecasting at future timepoints.}
#'   \item{`accept`}{A named list of acceptance rates for the various components of the MCMC sampler.}
#' }
#' @example examples/sde.post.R
#' @references Roberts, G.O. and Rosenthal, J.S. "Examples of adaptive MCMC." *Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics* 18.2 (2009): 349-367. <http://www.probability.ca/jeff/ftpdir/adaptex.pdf>.
#' @export
sde.post <- function(model, init, hyper,
                     nsamples, burn, mwg.sd = NULL, adapt = TRUE,
                     loglik.out = FALSE, last.miss.out = FALSE,
                     update.data = TRUE, data.out,
                     update.params = TRUE, fixed.params,
                     ncores = 1, verbose = TRUE) {
  # model constants
  if(class(model) != "sde.model") {
    stop("model must be an sde.model object.")
  ndims <- model$ndims
  data.names <- model$data.names
  nparams <- model$nparams
  param.names <- model$param.names
  # initial values
  if(class(init) != "sde.init") {
    # all argument checking done at construction time
    stop("init must be an sde.init object.")
  dt <- init$dt.m
  par.index <- init$nvar.obs.m
  init.data <- init$data
  init.params <- init$params
  if(missing(fixed.params)) fixed.params <- rep(FALSE, nparams)
  # parse inputs
  ncomp <- nrow(init.data)
  nmiss0 <- ndims - par.index[1]
  nparams2 <- nparams+nmiss0
  ## if(length(dt) == 1) dt <- rep(dt, ncomp-1) # time
  ## .check.init(init.data, dt, init.params, param.names, data.names)
  if(missing(burn)) burn <- max(.1, 1e3)
  if(burn < 1) burn <- nsamples*burn
  burn <- floor(burn)
  # output sizes
  if(all(par.index == ndims)) update.data <- FALSE
  data.out <- .set.data.out(data.out, nsamples, ncomp, ndims, update.data)
  nsamples.out <- length(data.out$isamples)
  ncomp.out <- length(data.out$icomp)
  ndims.out <- length(data.out$idims)
  ndata.out <- ifelse(update.data, nsamples.out*ndims.out*ncomp.out, 1)
  nparams.out <- ifelse(update.params, nsamples*nparams, 1)
  nmissN <- ndims - par.index[ncomp] # last missing output
  if(nmissN == 0) last.miss.out <- FALSE
  nlast.miss.out <- ifelse(last.miss.out, nsamples*nmissN, 1)
  # prior specification
  prior <- hyper
  # format hyperparameters
  prior <- model$hyper.check(prior, param.names, data.names)
  # C++ format check (is phi a list with vector-double elements)
  if(!is.valid.hyper(prior)) {
    stop("model$hyper.check must convert hyper to a list with NULL or vector-numeric elements.")
  # random walk jump size
  if(is.null(mwg.sd)) {
    mwg.sd <- .25 * abs(c(init.params, init.data[1,]))
    mwg.sd[mwg.sd == 0] <- 1
  tune.par <- .set.jump(mwg.sd, adapt, param.names, data.names)
  # multicore functionality
  if(ncores < 1) stop("ncores must be a positive integer.")
  if(!model$omp && ncores > 1) {
    warning("model not compiled with openMP: ncores set to 1.")
    ncores <- 1
  if(verbose) {
    message("Output size:")
    if(update.params) message("params = ", round(nparams.out, 2))
    if(update.data) message("data = ", round(ndata.out, 2))
    message("Running posterior sampler...")
#  if(debug) browser()
  tm <- chrono()
  # compute
  ans <- model$cobj$Post(initParams = as.double(init.params),
                         initData = as.double(t(init.data)),
                         dT = as.double(dt),
                         nDimsPerObs = as.integer(par.index),
                         fixedParams = as.logical(fixed.params),
                         nSamples = as.integer(nsamples),
                         burn = as.integer(burn),
                         nParamsOut = as.integer(nparams.out),
                         nDataOut = as.integer(ndata.out),
                         dataOutSmp = as.integer(data.out$isamples-1),
                         dataOutComp = as.integer(data.out$icomp-1),
                         dataOutDims = as.integer(data.out$idims-1),
                         updateParams = as.double(update.params),
                         updateData = as.double(update.data),
                         priorArgs = prior,
                         tunePar = tune.par,
                         updateLogLik = as.integer(loglik.out),
                         nLogLikOut = as.integer(ifelse(loglik.out, nsamples, 1)),
                         updateLastMiss = as.integer(last.miss.out),
                         nLastMissOut = as.integer(nlast.miss.out),
                         nCores = as.integer(ncores),
                         displayProgress = as.logical(verbose))
  tm <- chrono(tm, display = verbose)
  names(ans) <- c("paramsOut", "dataOut", "paramAccept", "gibbsAccept",
                  "logLikOut", "lastMissOut", "lastIter", "mwgSd")
  # acceptance rates
#  if(debug) browser()
  accept <- .set.accept(ans$gibbsAccept, ans$paramAccept,
                        nsamples+burn, par.index, fixed.params,
                        param.names, data.names,
                        update.data, update.params, verbose)
  out <- list()
  if(update.params) {
    theta.out <- matrix(ans$paramsOut,
                        ncol = nparams, byrow = TRUE,
                        dimnames = list(NULL, param.names))
    out <- c(out, list(params = theta.out))
  } else out <- c(out, list(params = init.params))
  if(update.data) {
    x.out <- array(ans$dataOut,
                   dim = c(ndims.out, ncomp.out, nsamples.out),
                   dimnames = list(data.names[data.out$idims], NULL, NULL))
    x.out <- aperm(x.out, perm = c(2,1,3))
    out <- c(out, list(data = x.out))
  } else out <- c(out, list(data = init.data))
  if(loglik.out) out <- c(out, list(loglik = ans$logLikOut))
  mwg.sd <- ans$mwgSd
  mwg.sd[1:nparams][fixed.params] <- 0
  mwg.sd[nparams+1:ndims][1:ndims <= par.index[1]] <- 0
  names(mwg.sd) <- c(param.names, data.names)
  out <- c(out, list(init = init, data.out = data.out,
                     mwg.sd = mwg.sd, hyper = hyper))
  last.iter <- list(params = ans$lastIter[1:nparams],
                    data = matrix(ans$lastIter[nparams + 1:(ncomp*ndims)],
                                  ncomp, ndims, byrow = TRUE))
  names(last.iter$params) <- param.names
  colnames(last.iter$data) <- data.names
  out <- c(out, list(last.iter = last.iter))
  if(last.miss.out) {
    last.miss <- matrix(ans$lastMissOut, nsamples, nmissN, byrow = TRUE)
    colnames(last.miss) <- data.names[par.index[ncomp]+(1:nmissN)]
    out <- c(out, list(last.miss = last.miss))
  out <- c(out, list(accept = accept))

#--- helper functions ----------------------------------------------------------

# which MCMC iterations and which time points are returned
# input is a scalar, integer vector, or list of integer vectors named
# with names(data.out) = c("icomp", "idims", "isamples") (in any order)
# output is a list of integer vectors with elements named as above
.set.data.out <- function(data.out, nsamples, ncomp, ndims, update.data) {
  if(missing(data.out)) data.out <- 2e3
  if(!is.list(data.out)) {
    # keep complete data matrix at isamples == data.out
    isamples <- data.out
    icomp <- 1:ncomp
    idims <- 1:ndims
  } else {
                  sort(c("icomp", "idims", "isamples")))) {
      stop("data.out must be scalar, vector, or list with elements icomp, idims, and isamples.")
    isamples <- data.out$isamples
    icomp <- data.out$icomp
    idims <- data.out$idims
  if(length(isamples) == 1) {
    # evenly space returned samples
   isamples <- unique(floor(seq(1, nsamples, len = isamples)))
  if(!update.data) {
    # return the data once
    isamples <- 1:nsamples
    icomp <- 1:ncomp
    idims <- 1:ndims
  # check inputs
  if(anyDuplicated(icomp) || !all(icomp %in% 1:ncomp)) {
    stop("data.out$icomp must be a vector of integers between 1 and ncomp.")
  if(anyDuplicated(idims) || !all(idims %in% 1:ndims)) {
    stop("data.out$idims must be a vector of integers between 1 and ndims.")
  if(anyDuplicated(isamples) || !all(isamples %in% 1:nsamples)) {
    stop("data.out$isamples must be a vector of integers between 1 and nsamples.")
  list(icomp = sort(icomp), idims = sort(idims), isamples = sort(isamples))

# jump sizes
.set.jump <- function(mwg.sd, adapt, param.names, data.names) {
  nparams <- length(param.names)
  ndims <- length(data.names)
  .format.arg <- function(x) {
    if(length(x) == 1) {
      x <- rep(x, nparams+ndims)
      names(x) <- c(param.names, data.names)
    } else if(length(x) == nparams+ndims && is.null(names(x))) {
      names(x) <- c(param.names, data.names)
  .set.arg <- function(x, id) {
    y <- rep(0, nparams+ndims)
    names(y) <- c(param.names, data.names)
    y[names(x)] <- x
  mwg.sd <- .format.arg(mwg.sd)
  if(!is.valid.vars(names(mwg.sd), c(param.names, data.names))) {
    stop("names(mwg.sd) must be a unique subset of param.names and data.names.")
  mwg.sd <- .set.arg(mwg.sd)
  # adaptive MCMC
  if(is.logical(adapt)) {
    if(adapt) {
      amax <- .01
      arate <- .5
    } else {
      amax <- 0
      arate <- 0
  } else {
    adapt <- TRUE
    amax <- adapt$max
    arate <- adapt$rate
    if(is.null(amax) || is.null(arate)) {
      stop("adapt must be logical or a list with elements max and rate.")
  # check args
  amax <- .format.arg(amax)
  if(!is.valid.vars(names(amax), c(param.names, data.names))) {
    stop("names(adapt$max) must be a unique subset of param.names and data.names.")
  amax <- .set.arg(amax)
  arate <- .format.arg(arate)
  if(!is.valid.vars(names(arate), c(param.names, data.names))) {
    stop("names(adapt$rate) must be a unique subset of param.names and data.names.")
  arate <- .set.arg(arate)
  if(any(arate < 0)) stop("adapt$rate must be non-negative.")
  list(sd = as.double(mwg.sd), max = as.double(amax),
       rate = as.double(arate), adapt = as.logical(amax > 0))

# parse acceptance rates
.set.accept <- function(bb.accept, vnl.accept, nsamples,
                        par.index, fixed.params,
                        param.names, data.names,
                        update.data, update.params, verbose) {
  ndims <- length(data.names)
  nparams <- length(param.names)
  accept <- NULL
  if(update.data) {
    # eraker proposals
    accept <- c(accept, list(data = bb.accept[-1]/nsamples))
    bb.acc <- accept$data[par.index[-1] < ndims]*100
    bb.acc <- signif(c(min(bb.acc), mean(bb.acc)), 3)
    if(verbose) {
      message("Bridge accept: min = ", bb.acc[1],
              "%, avg = ", bb.acc[2], "%")
  if(update.params) {
    # parameter proposals
    accept <- c(accept, list(params = vnl.accept[1:nparams]/nsamples))
    if(verbose) {
      for(ii in which(!fixed.params)) {
        message(param.names[ii], " accept: ",
                signif(accept$params[ii]*100,3), "%")
  nmiss0 <- ndims-par.index[1]
  if(update.data && (nmiss0 > 0)) {
    # initial missing data proposals
    accept <- c(
      list(miss0 = vnl.accept[nparams+par.index[1] + (1:nmiss0)]/nsamples)
    if(verbose) {
      for(ii in 1:nmiss0) {
        message(data.names[par.index[1] + ii], "0 accept: ",
                signif(accept$miss0[ii]*100,3), "%")

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