#' Decode msgpack messages.
#' `unpackMsg` converts a raw array containing one message in msgpack
#' format into the corresponding R data structure.
#' @param x A [raw()] object, perhaps read from a file or socket.
#' @param ... Options passed to [unpackOpts].
#' @return `unpackMsg(x)` returns one decoded message (which might be
#' shorter than the input raw), or throws an error.
#' @useDynLib msgpack, .registration = TRUE
#' @examples
#' msg <- as.raw(c(0x82, 0xa7, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x70, 0x61, 0x63, 0x74, 0xc3,
#' 0xa6, 0x73, 0x63, 0x68, 0x65, 0x6d, 0x61, 0x00))
#' unpackMsg(msg)
#' @export
unpackMsg <- function(x, ...) {
.Call("_unpack_msg", x, unpackOpts(...))
dbg <- alist
#dbg <- cat
#' `unpackMsgs` extracts a number of msgpack messages from a raw object.
#' @param n How many messages to read. An "NA" here means to read as
#' much as possible.
#' @param reader For implementing connections; a function that takes
#' no arguments and returns a raw containing more data.
#' @return `unpackMsgs(r, n)` returns a list `X` with four elements:
#' * `X$msgs` is a list of the messages unpacked.
#' * `X$remaining` is data remaining to be parsed.
#' * `X$status` is a status message, typically "ok", "end of input",
#' or "buffer underflow".
#' * `x$bytes_read` the number of bytes consumed.
#' @examples
#' x <- packMsgs(list("one", "two", "three"))
#' unpackMsgs(x, 2)
#' @rdname unpackMsg
#' @export
unpackMsgs <- function(x, n = NA, reader = NULL, ...) {
if ( {
n <- .Machine$integer.max
bread <- 0 # bytes read
saveMessage <- lister() # messages read so far
saveData <- catenator(x) # bytes pending
offset <- 0 # position within buffer
status <- "ok"
readMore <- function(current, desired) {
dbg("readMore:", "current =", current, "desired =", desired, "\n")
start <- saveData(action="start")
new_start <- saveData(action="start")
current <- new_start - start + current
result <- c(saveData(action="contents"), current)
# cat("after read: "); print(saveData(action="contents"))
opts = unpackOpts(...,
underflow_handler = if (is.null(reader)) NULL else readMore)
# cat("buffer: "); print(saveData(action="contents"))
while(saveMessage(action="length") < n) {
last_start <- saveData(action="start")
result <- .Call("_unpack_msg_partial",
## result is a pairlist( message, status, new_offset )
# cat("unpack result: "); print(result)
status <- result[[1]]
if (status == "ok") {
# got a good message,
message_length <- ((result[[3]] - offset) +
(saveData(action="start") - last_start))
bread <- bread + message_length
saveData(message_length, action="drop")
offset <- result[[3]]
# dbg("after 1 msg, buffer: "); print(saveData(action="contents"))
} else {
error = function(e) {
dbg("Stopping with exception: ", e$message, "in", deparse(e$call), "\n")
status <<- e$message
# dbg("after failure, buffer: "); print(saveData(action="contents"))
list(msgs = saveMessage(action="read"),
remaining = saveData(action="read"),
status = status,
bytes_read = bread)
#' [unpackOpts()] interprets is passed to `...` in [unpackMsgs()],
#' [unpackMsg()], and [msgConnection()]. It is not exported.
#' @param parent When an environment is given, (such as [emptyenv()]),
#' unpack msgpack dicts into environment objects, with the given
#' value as parent. This option overrides `use_df=TRUE`. Otherwise,
#' unpack dicts into named vectors / lists.
#' @param df When `TRUE`, convert msgpack dicts, whose elements are
#' all arrays having the same length, into [data.frame()]s.
#' @param simplify If `TRUE`, simplify msgpack lists into primitive
#' vectors.
#' @param max_size The maximum length of message to decode.
#' @param max_depth The maximum degree of nesting to support.
#' @param underflow_handler Used internally.
#' @details
#' The msgpack format does not have typed arrays, so all msgpack
#' arrays are effectively lists from the R perspective. However, if an
#' array containing compatibly typed elements is read, `unpack` will
#' return a logical, integer, real or string vector as
#' appropriate. This behavior is disabled with `simplify=FALSE`. The
#' coercion used is more conservative than R's coercion: Integer
#' values may be converted to real, but boolean values will not be
#' cast to numeric, nor any types to string. If conversion from a
#' large integer to real loses precision, a warning is printed.
#' Msgpack also does not distinguish between `NA` and `NULL`. All nils
#' will be decoded as NA.
#' Strings are assumed to be UTF-8 encoded. If a msgpack string does
#' not appear to be valid UTF-8, a warning is printed and a raw object
#' is produced instead.
#' Msgpack allows any type to be the key of a dict, but R only
#' supports strings. If a non-string appears as key in a msgpack dict,
#' it will be converted to string with [deparse()].
#' Extension types will be decoded as raw objects with a class like
#' `"ext120"` and a warning.
#' @rdname unpackMsg
unpackOpts <- function(parent = NULL,
df = TRUE,
simplify = TRUE,
max_size = NA,
max_depth = NA,
underflow_handler = NULL) {
# Come up with a name when a non-string is used as key.
repr <- function(x) {
paste0(deparse(x, control = c("keepNA")), collapse="")
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