complex: Methods With Complex Linkage

complexR Documentation

Methods With Complex Linkage


This documentation covers a few complex methods. In particular:

  • L-PLS - Partial Least Squares in L configuration (lpls)

  • SO-PLS-PM - Sequential and Orthogonalised PLS Path Modeling (sopls_pm)

See Also

Overviews of available methods, multiblock, and methods organised by main structure: basic, unsupervised, asca, supervised and complex.


sim <- lplsData(I = 30, N = 20, J = 5, K = 6, ncomp = 2)
X1  <- sim$X1; X2 <- sim$X2; X3 <- sim$X3
lp  <- lpls(X1,X2,X3) # exo-L-PLS

multiblock documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 9:06 a.m.