transf: Transform Data from/to Matrix/List Formats

transfR Documentation

Transform Data from/to Matrix/List Formats


Function to transform data from/to matrix/list formats or edge list representing a network.


transf(x, type = c("toarray", "tolist", "toarray2", "toedgel"), lbs = NULL, lb2lb, 
    sep, ord, sort, sym, add, adc, na.rm)



an array or a list of pair relations


The type of transformation.

toarray from a list of pair relations to an array format

tolist from a matrix to a list of pair relations

toarray2 from a list of pair relations to a square array

toedgel from arrays to edge list


(optional) the labels in the transformation


(optional and logical) whether the transformation is label-to-label. Default TRUE for "toarray" and FALSE for "tolist"


(optional) the pair separator for the pairwise relations


(optional) the order of the resulted structure (for "toarray"; otherwise ignored)


(optional and logical) sort the arrays in the output?


(optional and logical) symmetrize the arrays? (for "toarray"; otherwise ignored)


(optional) add elements in the array's ‘domain’


(optional) add elements in the array's ‘codomain’


(optional) remove NAs?


Option "tolist" is for transforming a matrix or an array to a list of pair elements. In case that the lb2lb is enabled in this type of transformation, then lbs must be provided, whereas the pair separator is optional. On the other hand "toarray" will produce a matrix from a list of pair elements, and in this case is advisable to specify the order of the structure. Three dimensional structures are supported in the transformations with all options.

Data frames are also accepted for the "tolist" option; however, in case that this information is given as a list of pair relations the output will be a square matrix.

When the transformation option is "edgel", the output is a data frame with the first two columns for the sending and receiving ties. For simple networks, these two columns are enough and for multiplex networks additional columns are for the types of tie, one for each (cf. function edgel).


Depending on the input data, the result is either a list of pair relations or a matrix of relations.


For high dimensional arrays, the rel.sys function privides additional information other than the list of pair relations of the entire structure.


Antonio Rivero Ostoic

See Also

edgel, bundles, reduc, rel.sys


## scan the multiplication table data
s <- matrix(data=c(1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3), nrow=3, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)

## transform the matrix to a list format
transf(s, lb2lb = TRUE, lbs = c('n','m','u'))

multiplex documentation built on Nov. 16, 2023, 5:08 p.m.