
# Multisensi R package ; file graph.pc.r (last modified: 2016-04-18) 
# Authors: C. Bidot, M. Lamboni, H. Monod
# Copyright INRA 2011-2018 
# MaIAGE, INRA, Univ. Paris-Saclay, 78350 Jouy-en-Josas, France
# More about multisensi in https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=multisensi
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graph.pc <-function(x, nb.plot=15, nb.comp=NULL, xmax=NULL, beside=TRUE, cor.plot=FALSE, xtick=TRUE, type="l",...)
    ## INPUTS
    ##  x       :          GSI object
    ##  nb.plot :       A number decribing the max number of factor bars to be ploted


  if (is.null(nb.comp)){
    nbcomp <- ncol(x$L)
  } else {
    nbcomp <- min(nb.comp,ncol(x$L))

  inertie <- rep(0,nbcomp)
  inertie[1] <- x$inertia[1]
    for(k in 2:nbcomp) {
      inertie[k] <- x$inertia[k]-x$inertia[k-1]

  main.comp <- paste(colnames(x$L)[1:nbcomp],signif(inertie,3),sep=" (" )
  main.comp <- paste(main.comp," %)",sep="")

  if(cor.plot){ # on trace la sortie cor de multisensi = sdH*L
        toWrite <- "Correlation"
        toWrite <- "Weighted loadings"

    toPlot <- x$cor
    if(toPlot[floor(nrow(toPlot)/2),1]<0){ toPlot[,1] <- -toPlot[,1]}

    corrmin <- min(toPlot,na.rm=TRUE)
    corrmax <- max(toPlot,na.rm=TRUE)

    if(nbcomp>1){ if(toPlot[1,2]<0){toPlot[,2] <- -toPlot[,2]}}


    for (k in 1:nbcomp){
        plot(toPlot[,k], ylim=c(corrmin, corrmax) , type=type, col="blue", main= main.comp[k],  ylab=toWrite, lwd=3 ,cex.axis=2 ,cex=4, xlab="", xaxt="n",...)

    for(k in 1:nbcomp){
        graph.bar(x ,k ,nb.plot, xmax=xmax, beside=beside, ...)

  }else{ # on trace la variabilite des vecteurs de base L multiplies par leurs coeff H : H*L
    for(k in 1:nbcomp){
      Lk=matrix(rep(x$L[, k],times=length(quantH)),ncol=length(quantH))

      lines(1:nrow(qHLk),qHLk[, 1],lwd=2,col=1)

#      if(k==1){
#        legend("topright",legend=c("median","min H", "1st quart.", "3rd quart.","max H"),col=c(1:length(quantH)),lty=c(1:length(quantH)),lwd=c(2,rep(1,length(quantH))))
#      }

    for(k in 1:nbcomp){
        par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 0 ,2.1))
        graph.bar(x ,k ,nb.plot, xmax=xmax, beside=beside, xlab="SI",...)



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multisensi documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:14 p.m.