
# Multisensi R package ; file predict.gsi.r (last modified: 2016-04-19) 
# Authors: C. Bidot, M. Lamboni, H. Monod
# Copyright INRA 2011-2018 
# MaIAGE, INRA, Univ. Paris-Saclay, 78350 Jouy-en-Josas, France
# More about multisensi in https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=multisensi
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predict.gsi <- function(object, newdata=NULL, ...)

##  object: Object of class gsi

## newdata: An optional data frame in which to look for variables with
##          which to predict.  If omitted, the fitted values are used.

    if(missing(newdata) || is.null(newdata)){
#      cat("Message pour dire qu'en l'absence de newdata, on a deja les valeurs ajustees dans object$pred\n")
      cat("newdata argument is missing. Predicted values for fitted values are already available in object$pred.")

      #tester keep.output
        stop("Cannot process predict as the outputs are not there. \nRun again multisensi with argument keep.outputs=TRUE in analysis.args list.")

        ## Mise sous forme de facteurs des variables du plan factoriel
        for (i in 1:ncol(newdata)){
          newdata[,i] <- as.factor(newdata[,i])
        ## initialisation du vecteur des sorties de  predictions issues de l'ANOVA
        # utilisees pour le metamodele (fonction yapprox)
        Hpred <- array(0,dim=c(nrow(newdata),ncol(object$L)))

        # recuperer les aov

        # faire pour chque newdata un predict sur les aov
        #-> reconstruction d'une matrice H
        for(i in 1:ncol(object$L)){
          Hpred[,i]=predict(object$outputs[[i]],newdata=as.data.frame(newdata), ...)

      # ou faire directement les calculs sans passer par yapprox
      pred <- Hpred %*% t(object$L)

        # variance de simuls
        sdY <- sqrt(apply(object$Y,2,var)) 
        ## reconstitution des  valeurs de Yapp du fait que les Y utilises pour multivar.obj etaient (ou non) reduits
        pred <- pred %*% diag(sdY,ncol(pred),ncol(pred));
      # si on est centre, centering vaut la moyenne, 0 sinon
      ## decentre
      centering <- 0+object$centered*t(matrix(rep(colMeans(object$Y),nrow(pred)),ncol(object$Y),nrow(pred)))
      pred <- centering + pred



      }#else de if(object$outputs==FALSE)
    }#else de if(is.null(newdata))
  } else{
    stop("Cannot process predict as there is no predict function defined for sensitivity methods. \nTry multisensi with argument analysis=analysis.anoasg.")
  }#else de if(object$call.info$analysis=="anova")

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multisensi documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:14 p.m.