
Defines functions view.contribution

Documented in view.contribution

#' Evaluate the contribution of data views in making prediction
#' Evaluate the contribution of each data view in making prediction. The function has two options.
#' If `force` is set to `NULL`, the data view contribution is benchmarked by the null model.
#' If `force` is set to a list of data views, the contribution is benchmarked by the model fit on
#' this list of data views, and the function evaluates the marginal contribution of each additional data
#' view on top of this benchmarking list of views.
#' The function returns a table showing the percentage improvement in reducing error as compared to the bechmarking model
#' made by each data view.
#' @inheritParams cv.multiview
#' @param eval_data If `train`, we evaluate the contribution of data views based on training data
#' using cross validation error; if `test`, we evaluate the contribution of data views based on test data.
#' Default is `train`. If set to `test`, users need to provide the test data, i.e.
#' `x_list_test` and `y_test`.
#' @param s Value(s) of the penalty parameter `lambda` at which
#' predictions are required. Default is the value `s="lambda.1se"` stored
#' on the CV `object`. Alternatively `s="lambda.min"` can be used. If
#' `s` is numeric, it is taken as the value(s) of `lambda` to be
#' used. (For historical reasons we use the symbol 's' rather than 'lambda' to
#' reference this parameter)
#' @param x_list_test A list of `x` matrices in the test data for evaluation.
#' @param test_y The quantitative response in the test data with length equal to the
#' number of rows in each `x` matrix of the test data.
#' @param force If `NULL`, the data view contribution is benchmarked by the null model.
#' If users want to benchmark by the model fit on a specified list of data views, `force` needs to
#' be set to this list of benchmarking data views, i.e. a list of `x` matrices. The function then
#' evaluates the marginal contribution of each additional data, i.e. the data views in `x_list` but not in
#' `force`, on top of the benchmarking views.
#' @return a data frame consisting of the view, error metric, and percentage improvement.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(3)
#' # Simulate data based on the factor model
#' x = matrix(rnorm(200*20), 200, 20)
#' z = matrix(rnorm(200*20), 200, 20)
#' w = matrix(rnorm(200*20), 200, 20)
#' U = matrix(rep(0, 200*10), 200, 10) # latent factors
#' for (m in seq(10)){
#'     u = rnorm(200)
#'     x[, m] = x[, m] + u
#'     z[, m] = z[, m] + u
#'     w[, m] = w[, m] + u
#'     U[, m] = U[, m] + u}
#' beta_U = c(rep(2, 5),rep(-2, 5))
#' y = U %*% beta_U + 3 * rnorm(100)
#' # Split training and test sets
#' smp_size_train = floor(0.9 * nrow(x))
#' train_ind = sort(sample(seq_len(nrow(x)), size = smp_size_train))
#' test_ind = setdiff(seq_len(nrow(x)), train_ind)
#' train_X = scale(x[train_ind, ])
#' test_X = scale(x[test_ind, ])
#' train_Z <- scale(z[train_ind, ])
#' test_Z <- scale(z[test_ind, ])
#' train_W <- scale(w[train_ind, ])
#' test_W <- scale(w[test_ind, ])
#' train_y <- y[train_ind, ]
#' test_y <- y[test_ind, ]
#' foldid = sample(rep_len(1:10, dim(train_X)[1]))
#' # Benchmarked by the null model:
#' rho = 0.3
#' view.contribution(x_list=list(x=train_X,z=train_Z), train_y, rho = rho,
#'                   eval_data = 'train', family = gaussian())
#' view.contribution(x_list=list(x=train_X,z=train_Z), train_y, rho = rho,
#'                   eval_data = 'test', family = gaussian(),
#'                   x_list_test=list(x=test_X,z=test_Z), test_y=test_y)
#' # Force option -- benchmarked by the model train on a specified list of data views:
#' view.contribution(x_list=list(x=train_X,z=train_Z,w=train_W), train_y, rho = rho,
#'                   eval_data = 'train', family = gaussian(), force=list(x=train_X))
#' @importFrom glmnet cv.glmnet
#' @export
view.contribution = function(x_list, y, family = gaussian(),
                             rho, s = c("lambda.min", "lambda.1se"),
                             eval_data = c('train', 'test'),
                             weights = NULL,
                             type.measure = c("default", "mse", "deviance", "class", "auc", "mae", "C"),
                             x_list_test = NULL, test_y = NULL,
                             nfolds = 10, foldid = NULL,
                             force = NULL,
                             ...) {

  type.measure <- match.arg(type.measure)
  s <- match.arg(s)
  m <- length(x_list)
  N <- nrow(x_list[[1L]])
  p <- do.call(sum, lapply(x_list, ncol))
  view_names <- names(x_list)
  y <- drop(y)

  ## if (!is.null(lambda) && length(lambda) < 2)
  ##   stop("Need more than one value of lambda for cv.glmnet")

  if (is.null(foldid)) {
    foldid <- sample(rep(seq(nfolds), length = N))
  } else {
    nfolds <- max(foldid)
  if (nfolds < 3) {
    stop("nfolds must be bigger than 3; nfolds=10 recommended")

  if (is.null(weights)) {
    weights  <- rep(1.0, N)

  if (eval_data == 'test' && (is.null(x_list_test) | is.null(test_y))) {
    stop("please provide test data if you want to evaluate the view contribution based on test data")
  fam_to_subclass <- function(family){
    if (is.list(family)) family <- family$family
           "gaussian" = "elnet",
           "binomial" = "lognet",
           "poisson" = "fishnet",
           "cox" = "coxnet",
  subclass <- fam_to_subclass(family)
  type.measure <- cvtype(type.measure, subclass)
  auc <- function(y,prob,w){
  deviance_binomial <- function(pred, y){
    prob_min = 1e-05
    prob_max = 1 - prob_min
    nc = dim(y)
    if (is.null(nc)) {
      y = as.factor(y)
      ntab = table(y)
      nc = as.integer(length(ntab))
      y = diag(nc)[as.numeric(y), , drop=FALSE]
    predmat = pred
    predmat = pmin(pmax(predmat, prob_min), prob_max)
    lp = y[, 1] * log(1 - predmat) + y[, 2] * log(predmat)
    ly = log(y)
    ly[y == 0] = 0
    ly = drop((y * ly) %*% c(1, 1))
    return(mean(2 * (ly - lp)))
  deviance_poisson <- function(eta, y) {
    deveta = y * eta - exp(eta)
    devy = y * log(y) - y
    devy[y == 0] = 0
    return(mean(2 * (devy - deveta)))
  process_deviance_null = list(
    "gaussian" = function(true_y, pred_y) {mean((true_y - mean(pred_y))^2)},
    "binomial" = function(true_y, pred_y) deviance_binomial(rep(mean(pred_y), length(true_y)), true_y),
    "poisson" = function(true_y, pred_y) deviance_poisson(rep(log(mean(pred_y)), length(true_y)), true_y),
    "cox" = function(true_y, pred_y) glmnet::coxnet.deviance(y=true_y)
  process_deviance = list(
    "gaussian" = function(true_y, pred_y) {mean((true_y - pred_y)^2)},
    "binomial" = function(true_y, pred_y) deviance_binomial(pred_y, true_y),
    "poisson" = function(true_y, pred_y) deviance_poisson(pred_y, true_y),
    "cox" = function(true_y, pred_y) glmnet::coxnet.deviance(pred_y, true_y)
  Cindex = function(pred,y,weights=rep(1,nrow(y))){
    if (!is.Surv(y)) y = Surv(y[,"time"],y[,"status"])
    f = -pred
    if (missing(weights))
  process_measure_null = list(
    "mse" = function(true_y, pred_y, family) {mean((true_y - mean(pred_y))^2)},
    "class" = function(true_y, pred_y, family) {mean(true_y != as.numeric(mean(pred_y) >= 0.5))},
    "auc" = function(true_y, pred_y, family) {auc(true_y, rep(mean(pred_y), length(true_y)))},
    "mae" = function(true_y, pred_y, family) {mean(abs(true_y - mean(pred_y)))},
    "C" = function(true_y, pred_y, family) {0.5}, #{Cindex(rep(1, dim(true_y)[1]), true_y)}
    "deviance" = function(true_y, pred_y, family) process_deviance_null[[family]](true_y, pred_y)
  if (is.list(family)) {
    family_measure <- family$family
  } else {
    family_measure <- family
  if (is.null(force)){
    # Benchmarked by the null model
    if (eval_data == 'test'){
      err_null = process_measure_null[[type.measure]](test_y, y, family_measure)
    } else if (eval_data == 'train' & family_measure == 'cox'){
      err_null_fold = sapply(X = seq(max(foldid)),
                             FUN = function(i) {
                               ind <- foldid == i
                               process_measure_null[[type.measure]](y[ind,], y[!ind,], family_measure)
      err_null = mean(err_null_fold)
    } else{
      err_null_fold = sapply(X = seq(max(foldid)),
                             FUN = function(i) {
                               ind <- foldid == i
                               process_measure_null[[type.measure]](y[ind], y[!ind], family_measure)
      err_null = mean(err_null_fold)
    process_measure = list(
      "mse" = function(true_y, pred_y, family) {mean((true_y - pred_y)^2)},
      "class" = function(true_y, pred_y, family) {mean(true_y != pred_y)},
      "auc" = function(true_y, pred_y, family) {auc(true_y, pred_y)},
      "mae" = function(true_y, pred_y, family) {mean(abs(true_y - pred_y))},
      "C" = function(true_y, pred_y, family) {Cindex(pred_y, true_y)},
      "deviance" = function(true_y, pred_y, family) process_deviance[[family]](true_y, pred_y)

    # Cooperative learning, all views
    full_fit_no_pf = cv.multiview(x_list, y = y, rho = rho, family = family,
                                    weights = weights, type.measure = type.measure,
                                    foldid = foldid, ...)
    if (eval_data == 'test'){
      if (type.measure == "class"){
        yhat_test_no_pf = predict.cv.multiview(full_fit_no_pf, x_list_test, s=s, type="class")
      } else if (type.measure == "deviance" & family_measure == "binomial"){
        yhat_test_no_pf = predict.cv.multiview(full_fit_no_pf, x_list_test, s=s, type="response")
        yhat_test_no_pf = predict.cv.multiview(full_fit_no_pf, x_list_test, s=s)
      err_all_view = process_measure[[type.measure]](test_y, yhat_test_no_pf, family_measure) #mean((yhat_test_no_pf - test_y)^2)
    } else if (eval_data == 'train'){
      err_all_view = min(full_fit_no_pf$cvm)

    # Use only one data view
    if (is.list(family)) {family <- family$family}
    err_each_view_list = c()
    err_view_name = c()
    for (i in seq(m)){
      data_view = x_list[[i]]
      fit_data_view = glmnet::cv.glmnet(data_view, y, standardize = F, foldid = foldid, 
                                        type.measure = type.measure, family=family, ...)

      if (eval_data == 'test'){
        data_view_test = x_list_test[[i]]
        if (type.measure == "class"){
          data_view_pred = predict(fit_data_view, data_view_test, s=s, type="class")
        } else if (type.measure == "deviance" & family == "binomial"){
          data_view_pred = predict(fit_data_view, data_view_test, s=s, type="response")
        } else {
          data_view_pred = predict(fit_data_view, data_view_test, s=s)
        err_each_view = process_measure[[type.measure]](test_y, data_view_pred, family) #mean((data_view_pred - test_y)^2)
      } else if (eval_data == 'train'){
        err_each_view = min(fit_data_view$cvm)
      err_each_view_list = c(err_each_view_list, err_each_view)
      err_view_name = c(err_view_name, view_names[i])
    err_list = c(err_null, err_each_view_list, err_all_view)
    if (type.measure == "mse" | type.measure == "mae" | type.measure == "class" | type.measure == "deviance"){
      err_list_contribution = (err_null - err_list) / err_null
    } else if (type.measure == "auc" | type.measure == "C"){
      err_list_contribution = (err_list - err_null) / err_null
    df_res = data.frame(view = c("null", err_view_name, "cooperative (all)"),
                        metric = err_list,
                        percentage_improvement = err_list_contribution*100)

  } else {
    x_list_base <- force
    base_model <- cv.multiview(x_list_base, y = y, rho = rho, family = family,
                              weights = weights, type.measure = type.measure,
                              foldid = foldid, ...)
    if (eval_data == 'test'){
      x_list_base_test = x_list_test[names(x_list_test) %in% names(force)]
      if (type.measure == "class"){
        yhat_base_model = predict(base_model, x_list_base_test, s=s, type="class")
      } else if (type.measure == "deviance" & family_measure == "binomial"){
        yhat_base_model = predict(base_model, x_list_base_test, s=s, type="response")
      } else {
        yhat_base_model = predict(base_model, x_list_base_test, s=s)
      err_base_model = process_measure[[type.measure]](test_y, yhat_base_model, family_measure) #mean((yhat_base_model - test_y)^2)
    } else if (eval_data == 'train'){
      err_base_model = min(base_model$cvm)

    x_list_additional <- x_list[!(names(x_list) %in% names(force))] #x_list[!(x_list %in% force)]
    additional_view_names <- names(x_list_additional)
    m_add <- length(x_list_additional)
    err_each_view_list <- c()
    err_view_name <- c()

    for (i in seq(m_add)){
      x_list_base_add = append(x_list_base, list(x_list_additional[[i]]))

      each_model = cv.multiview(x_list_base_add, y = y, rho = rho, family = family,
                                weights = weights, type.measure = type.measure,
                                foldid = foldid, ...)
      if (eval_data == 'test'){
        x_list_base_test = x_list_test[names(x_list_test) %in% names(force)]
        if (type.measure == "class"){
          yhat_base_model = predict(base_model, x_list_base_test, s=s, type="class")
        } else if (type.measure == "deviance" & family_measure == "binomial"){
          yhat_base_model = predict(base_model, x_list_base_test, s=s, type="response")
        } else {
          yhat_base_model = predict(base_model, x_list_base_test, s=s)
        err_base_model = process_measure[[type.measure]](test_y, yhat_base_model, family_measure) #mean((yhat_base_model - test_y)^2)
      } else if (eval_data == 'train'){
        err_base_model = min(base_model$cvm)

      if (eval_data == 'test'){
        x_list_additional_test = x_list_test[!(names(x_list_test) %in% names(force))]
        x_list_base_add_test = append(x_list_base_test, list(x_list_additional_test[[i]]))
        if (type.measure == "class"){
          yhat_each_model = predict(each_model, x_list_base_add_test, s=s, type="class")
        } else if (type.measure == "deviance" & family_measure == "binomial"){
          yhat_each_model = predict(each_model, x_list_base_add_test, s=s, type="response")
        } else{
          yhat_each_model = predict(each_model, x_list_base_add_test, s=s)
        err_each_model = process_measure[[type.measure]](test_y, yhat_each_model, family_measure) #mean((yhat_each_model - test_y)^2)
      } else if (eval_data == 'train'){
        err_each_model = min(each_model$cvm)

      err_each_view_list = c(err_each_view_list, err_each_model)
      err_view_name = c(err_view_name, additional_view_names[i])

  err_list = c(err_base_model, err_each_view_list)
  if (type.measure == "mse" | type.measure == "mae" | type.measure == "class" | type.measure == "deviance"){
    err_list_contribution = (err_base_model - err_list) / err_base_model
  } else if (type.measure == "auc" | type.measure == "C"){
    err_list_contribution = (err_list - err_base_model) / err_base_model
  df_res = data.frame(view = c("baseline", err_view_name),
                      metric = err_list,
                      percentage_improvement = err_list_contribution*100)


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multiview documentation built on April 3, 2023, 5:20 p.m.