
Defines functions scoreEstimation

Documented in scoreEstimation

#' Gradient score function for the Brown--Resnick model.
#' Compute the peaks-over-threshold gradient score function for the Brown--Resnick model.
#' The function computes the gradient score based on the representation developed by Wadsworth et al. (2014).
#' Margins must have been standardized. The weighting function must be differentiable and verify some properties
#' for consistency, see de Fondeville and Davison (2018) for more details.
#' @author Raphael de Fondeville
#' @param obs List of vectors exceeding an R-threshold, see de Fondeville and Davison (2018) for more details.
#' @param loc Matrix of coordinates as given by \code{expand.grid()}.
#' @param vario Semi-variogram function taking a vector of coordinates as input.
#' @param weightFun Function of weights.
#' @param dWeightFun Partial derivative function of \code{weightFun}.
#' @param ... Parameters for \code{weightFun} and \code{dWeightFun}.
#' @param nCores Number of cores used for the computation
#' @param cl Cluster instance as created by \code{makeCluster} of the \code{parallel} package.
#' @references de Fondeville, R. and Davison A. (2018). High-dimensional peaks-over-threshold inference. Biometrika, 105(3), 575-592.
#' @references Wadsworth, J. L. and J. A. Tawn (2014). Efficient inference for spatial extreme value
#'  processes associated to log-Gaussian random functions. Biometrika, 101(1), 1-15.
#' @return Evaluation of the gradient score function for the set of observations \code{obs} and semi-variogram \code{vario}.
#' @examples
#' #Define variogram function
#' vario <- function(h){
#'    1 / 2 * norm(h,type = "2")^1.5
#' }
#' #Define locations
#' loc <- expand.grid(1:4, 1:4)
#' #Simulate data
#' obs <- simulPareto(1000, loc, vario)
#' #Evaluate risk functional
#' sums <- sapply(obs, sum)
#' #Define weighting function
#' weightFun <- function(x, u){
#'  x * (1 - exp(-(sum(x / u) - 1)))
#' }
#' #Define partial derivative of weighting function
#' dWeightFun <- function(x, u){
#' (1 - exp(-(sum(x / u) - 1))) + (x / u) * exp( - (sum(x / u) - 1))
#' #Select exceedances
#' threshold <- quantile(sums, 0.9)
#' exceedances <- obs[sums > threshold]
#' #Evaluate gradient score function
#' scoreEstimation(exceedances, loc, vario, weightFun = weightFun, dWeightFun, u = threshold)
#' @export
scoreEstimation <- function(obs, loc, vario, weightFun = NULL, dWeightFun = NULL, nCores = 1L, cl = NULL,  ... ){

  #Backwards compatibility for versions 0.1.3 and below
  ellipsis <- list(...)
  if("weigthFun" %in% names(ellipsis) && is.null(weightFun)){
    weightFun <- ellipsis[['weigthFun']]
    ellipsis[['weigthFun']] <- NULL
  if("dWeigthFun" %in% names(ellipsis) && is.null(dWeightFun)){
    dWeightFun <- ellipsis[['dWeigthFun']]
    ellipsis[['dWeigthFun']] <- NULL
   stop("`weightFun` argument missing, with no default value.")
    stop("`dWeightFun` argument missing, with no default value.")
  if(!inherits(obs, "list") || length(obs) < 1 || !inherits(obs[[1]], c("numeric","integer"))){
    stop('`obs` must be a list of vectors.')
  if(!inherits(loc, "data.frame")) {
    stop('`loc` must be the data frame of coordinates as generated by `expand.grid()`.')
  if(!inherits(weightFun, "function")){
    stop('`weightFun` must be a function.')
  if(!inherits(dWeightFun, "function")){
    stop('`dWeightFun` must be a function.')
  if(!is.numeric(nCores) || nCores < 1) {
    stop('`nCores` must a positive number of cores.')
  if(nCores > 1 && !inherits(cl, "cluster")) {
    stop('For parallel computation, `cl` must an cluster created by `makeCluster` of the package parallel.')

  n <- length(obs)
  dim <- nrow(loc)

  if(dim != length(obs[[1]])){
    stop('The size of the vectors of observations does not match grid size.')

  gamma <- tryCatch({
    dists <- lapply(1:ncol(loc), function(i) {
      outer(loc[,i],loc[,i], "-")

    computeVarMat <- sapply(1:length(dists[[1]]), function(i){
      h <- rep(0,ncol(loc))
      for(j in 1:ncol(loc)){
        h[j] = dists[[j]][i]
    matrix(computeVarMat, dim, dim)
  }, warning = function(war) {
  }, error = function(err) {
    stop('The semi-variogram is not valid for the locations provided.')
  gammaOrigin <- apply(loc, 1, vario)

  SigmaS <- (outer(gammaOrigin, gammaOrigin, "+") - gamma)
  sigmaInv <- MASS::ginv(SigmaS)
  sigma <- diag(SigmaS)
  q <- rowSums(sigmaInv)

  A <- sigmaInv - q %*% t(q)/sum(q)
  zeroDiagA <- A
  diag(zeroDiagA) <- 0
  mtp <- 2*q / (sum(q)) + 2 + sigmaInv %*% sigma - (q %*% t(q) %*% sigma)/(sum(q))

  computeScores = function(i){
    gradient <- - 1 / 2 * ((A + t(A)) %*% log(obs[[i]])) *  (1 / obs[[i]]) - 1/2* (1/obs[[i]]) * mtp
    diagHessian <- - 1 / 2 * diag(A + t(A)) * (1/ obs[[i]]^2) + 1 / 2 * ((A + t(A)) %*% log(obs[[i]])) * (1/obs[[i]])^2  + 1/2* (1/obs[[i]])^2 * mtp
    #hack due to intercept in ellipsis function
    weights <- do.call(what = "weightFun", args = c(ellipsis, x = list(obs[[i]])))
    dWeights  <- do.call(what = "dWeightFun", args = c(ellipsis, x = list(obs[[i]])))

    sum(2 * (weights * dWeights) * gradient + weights^2 * diagHessian + 1 / 2 * weights^2 * gradient^2)

  if(nCores > 1){
    scores <- parallel::parLapply(cl, 1:n, computeScores)
  } else {
    scores <- lapply(1:n, computeScores)


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