
Defines functions anova.manyglm

Documented in anova.manyglm

# R user interface to anova test for comparing multivariate linear models
# Author: Yi Wang (yi dot wang at computer dot org) and David Warton
# Last modified: 24-Mar-2015

anova.manyglm <- function(object, ...,
                    pairwise.comp = NULL,
                    block = NULL,
                    keep.boot = FALSE) {

    if (cor.type!="I" & test=="LR") {
        warning("The likelihood ratio test can only be used if correlation matrix of the abundances is is assumed to be the Identity matrix. The Wald Test will be used.")
        test <- "wald"

    if (show.time=="none") st=0
    else if (show.time=="all") st=1
    else st=2

    if (show.warning==TRUE) warn=1
    else warn=0

    if (any(class(object) == "manylm")) {
        if ( test == "LR" )
            return(anova.manylm(object, ..., resamp=resamp, test="LR", p.uni=p.uni, nBoot=nBoot, block=block, cor.type=cor.type, shrink.param=object$shrink.param, bootID=bootID))
        else {
            warning("For an manylm object, only the likelihood ratio test and F test are supported. So the test option is changed to `'F''. ")
            return(anova.manylm(object, resamp=resamp, test="F", p.uni=p.uni, nBoot=nBoot, cor.type=cor.type, bootID=bootID, ... ))
    else if (!any(class(object)=="manyglm"))
        stop("The function 'anova.manyglm' can only be used for a manyglm or manylm object.")

    #check if any non manylm object in ...
    objects <- list(object, ...)
    dots <- list(...)
    ndots <- length(dots)
    if (ndots>0) {
       which <- rep(TRUE, ndots+1)
       for (i in 1:ndots) {
           if (!any(class(dots[[i]])=="manyglm")){
              objectname <- names(dots[i])
              warning(paste(objectname, "is not a manyglm object nor a valid argument- removed from input, default value is used instead."))
              which[i+1] <- FALSE
       objects <- objects[which]

    nModels = length(objects)
    nRows <- nrow(object$y)
    nVars <- ncol(object$y)
    nParam <- ncol(object$x)
    dimnam.a <- dimnames(object$y)[[2]]
    if (is.null(dimnam.a)) dimnam.a <- paste("abund", 1:nVars)

    Y <- matrix(object$y, nrow=nRows, ncol=nVars)
    if (is.null(Y)) {
    #      mu.eta <- object$family$mu.eta
        eta <- object$linear.predictor
        Y <- object$fitted.values + object$residuals * log(eta)

    w <- object$weights
    if (is.null(w)) w  <- rep(1, times=nRows)
    else {
        if (!is.numeric(w))  stop("'weights' must be a numeric vector")
        if (any(w < 0)) stop("negative 'weights' not allowed")

    # the following values need to be converted to integer types
    if (object$family == "poisson") { familynum <- 1; linkfun = 0 }
    else if (object$family == "negative.binomial") { familynum <- 2; linkfun = 0 }
    else if (object$family == "binomial(link=logit)") { familynum <- 3; linkfun = 0 }
    else if (object$family == "binomial(link=cloglog)") { familynum <- 3; linkfun = 1}
    else if (object$family == "gamma") { familynum <- 4; linkfun = 0}
    else stop("'family' not recognised. See ?manyglm for currently available options.")

    if (object$theta.method == "ML") methodnum <- 0 # NEWTONS
    else if (object$theta.method == "Chi2") methodnum <- 1
    else if (object$theta.method == "PHI") methodnum <- 2
    else if (object$theta.method == "METHODS") methodnum <- 3

    if (resamp=="case") resampnum <- 0  #case
    # To exclude case resampling
    #if (resamp=="case") stop("Sorry, case resampling is not yet available.")
    else if (substr(resamp,1,4)=="resi") resampnum <- 1  # residual
    else if (resamp=="score") resampnum <- 2  # score
    else if (substr(resamp,1,4) =="perm") resampnum <- 3 # permuation
#    else if (substr(resamp,1,1) =="f") resampnum <- 4 # free permuation
    else if (substr(resamp,1,4) ==  "mont") resampnum <- 5 # montecarlo
    else if (substr(resamp,1,3) ==  "pit") resampnum <- 8 # PIT residual bootstrap
    else stop("'resamp' not defined. Choose one of 'case', 'resid', 'score', 'perm.resid', 'montecarlo', 'pit.trap'")

    # allows case and parametric bootstrap only for binomial regression
    if ( (familynum==3)&&(resampnum!=5)&&(resampnum!=8) ) {
    #    if (override==T)
    #       warning("'montecarlo' or 'pit.trap' should be used for binomial regression. Only proceeding because override=T, but I'd rather not...")
    #    else
    #    {
        warning("'montecarlo' or 'pit.trap' should be used for binomial regression.")
    #       resamp <- "pit.trap"
    #       resampnum <- 8
    #    }

    if (substr(test,1,1) == "w") testnum <- 2 # wald
    else if (substr(test,1,1) == "s") testnum <- 3 # score
    else if (substr(test,1,1) == "L") testnum <- 4 # LR
    else stop("'test'not defined. Choose one of 'wald', 'score', 'LR' for an manyglm object.")

    if (resampnum==0 && testnum==3) # case resampling not available for score.
      stop("Case resampling is not available for the score test. Please use LR or Wald.")

    if (cor.type == "R") {
        corrnum <- 0
        if ( nVars > nRows ) # p>N
           warning("number of variables is greater than number of parameters so R cannot be estimated reliably -- suggest using cor.type='shrink'.")
    else if (cor.type == "I") corrnum <- 1
    else if (cor.type == "shrink") corrnum <- 2
    else stop("'cor.type' not defined. Choose one of 'I', 'R', 'shrink'")

    if(substr(p.uni,1,1) == "n"){
       pu <- 0
       calc.pj <- adjust.pj <- FALSE
    } else if(substr(p.uni,1,1) == "u"){
       pu <- 1
       calc.pj <- TRUE
       adjust.pj <- FALSE
    } else if(substr(p.uni,1,1) == "a") {
       pu <- 2
       calc.pj <- adjust.pj <- TRUE
    } else {
       stop("'p.uni' not defined. Choose one of 'adjusted', 'unadjusted', 'none'.")

    if (!is.null(bootID)) {
       if (max(bootID) > nRows) {
          bootID <- as.null()
          cat(paste("Invalid bootID -- sample id larger than no. of observations. Switch to generating bootID matrix on the fly (default nBoot=999).","\n"))
       } else {
          if (is.matrix(bootID)) nBoot <- dim(bootID)[1]
          else nBoot <- as.integer(length(bootID)/nRows)

          if ((resamp == "score")) {
              if (is.numeric(bootID)) {
                 cat(paste("Using <double> bootID matrix from input for 'score' resampling.","\n"))
                 bootID <- matrix(as.numeric(bootID), nrow=nBoot, ncol=nRows)
              } else {
                 cat(paste("Invalid bootID -- 'score' resampling should use <double> matrix. Switch to generating bootID matrix on the fly.","\n"))
                 bootID <- as.null()
          } else {
             if (is.integer(bootID)) {
                cat(paste("Using <int> bootID matrix from input.","\n"))
                bootID <- matrix(as.integer(bootID-1), nrow=nBoot, ncol=nRows)
             } else {
                cat(paste("Invalid bootID -- sample id for methods other than 'score' resampling should be integer numbers up to the no. of observations. Switch to generating bootID matrix on the fly.","\n"))
                bootID <- as.null()
    # for block bootstrap sampling
    if (is.null(block) == FALSE) {
      bootID <- block_to_bootID(block, bootID, nRows, nBoot, resamp)

    # construct for param list
    modelParam <- list(tol=object$tol, regression=familynum, link=linkfun, maxiter=object$maxiter, maxiter2=object$maxiter2, warning=warn, estimation=methodnum, stablizer=FALSE, n=object$K)
    # note that nboot excludes the original data set
    testParams <- list(tol=object$tol, nboot=nBoot, cor_type=corrnum, test_type=testnum, resamp=resampnum, reprand=rep.seed, punit=pu, showtime=st, warning=warn)
    if(is.null(object$offset)) O <- matrix(0, nrow=nRows, ncol=nVars)
    else O <- as.matrix(object$offset)
    # ANOVA
    if (nModels==1) {
        # test the significance of each model terms
        X <- object$x
        varseq <- object$assign
        resdev <- resdf <- NULL
        tl <- attr(object$terms, "term.labels")
        # if intercept is included
        if (attr(object$terms,"intercept")==0) {
            minterm = 1
            nterms = max(1, varseq)
        } else {
            minterm = 0
            nterms <- max(0, varseq)+1
            tl <- c("(Intercept)", tl)
        tl <- tl[1 + unique(object$assign)] # attempt to deal with bug
        if ( nParam==1 )
            stop("An intercept model is comparing to itself. Stopped")

        XvarIn <- matrix(ncol=nParam, nrow=nterms, 1)
        for ( i in 0:(nterms-2)) { # exclude object itself
            XvarIn[nterms-i, varseq>i+minterm] <- 0 # in reversed order
            ncoef <- nParam-length(varseq[varseq>i+minterm])
            resdf <- c(resdf, nRows-ncoef)

        resdf <- c(resdf, object$df.residual)
        # get the shrinkage estimates
        tX <- matrix(1, nrow=nRows, ncol=1)
        if (corrnum==2 | resampnum==5){ # shrinkage or montecarlo bootstrap
            # shrink.param <- c(rep(NA, nterms))
            # use a single shrinkage parameter for all models
            if (object$cor.type == "shrink") {
                # shrink.param[1] <- object$shrink.param
                shrink.param <- rep(object$shrink.param,nterms)
            } else  {
                # shrink.param[1] <- ridgeParamEst(dat=object$residuals, X=tX,
                # only.ridge=TRUE)$ridgeParam
                lambda <- ridgeParamEst(dat=object$residuals, X=tX,
                shrink.param <- rep(lambda, nterms)
            # for ( i in 0:(nterms-2)){ # exclude object itself
            #     fit <- .Call("RtoGlm", modelParam, Y, X[,varseq<=i+minterm,drop=FALSE],
            #        PACKAGE="mvabund")
            #     shrink.param[nterms-i] <- ridgeParamEst(dat=fit$residuals,
            #           X=tX, only.ridge=TRUE)$ridgeParam # in reversed order
            #  }
        else if (corrnum == 0) shrink.param <- c(rep(1, nterms))
        else if (corrnum == 1) shrink.param <- c(rep(0, nterms))
        # resdev <- c(resdev, object$deviance)
        nModels <- nterms
        ord <- (nterms-1):1
#        topnote <- paste("Model:", deparse(object$call))
        topnote <- paste("Model:", deparse(formula(object), width.cutoff=500),
                         collapse = "\n")
    } else {
        targs <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
        if (targs[[1]] == "example" || any(class(object) == "traitglm"))
            modelnamelist <- paste("Model", format(1:nModels))
            modelnamelist <- as.character(c(targs[[2]], targs[[3]]))

        resdf   <- as.numeric(sapply(objects, function(x) x$df.residual))
        ####### check input arguments #######
        # check the order of models, so that each model is tested against the next smaller one
        ord <- order(resdf, decreasing=TRUE)
        objects <- objects[ord]
        resdf <- resdf[ord]
        modelnamelist <- modelnamelist[ord]

        # get the shrinkage estimates
        if (corrnum == 2 | resampnum == 5) { # shrinkage or parametric bootstrap
            shrink.param <- c(rep(NA,nModels))
                tX <- matrix(1, nrow=nRows, ncol=1)
            for ( i in 1:nModels ) {
                if (objects[[i]]$cor.type == "shrink")
                        shrink.param[i] <- objects[[i]]$shrink.param
                else shrink.param[i] <- ridgeParamEst(dat=objects[[i]]$residuals, X=tX, only.ridge=TRUE)$ridgeParam
        } else if (corrnum == 0) {
            shrink.param <- c(rep(1,nModels))
        } else if (corrnum == 1) {
            shrink.param <- c(rep(0,nModels))
        # Test if the input models are nested, construct the full matrix
        Xnull <- as.matrix(objects[[1]]$x, "numeric")
        nx <- dim(Xnull)[2]
        for ( i in 2:nModels ) {
            XAlt  <- as.matrix(objects[[i]]$x, "numeric")
            Xarg  <- cbind(XAlt, Xnull)
            tmp <- qr(Xarg)
            Xplus <- qr(XAlt)
            if ( tmp$rank == Xplus$rank ) {
                Beta <- qr.coef(Xplus, Xnull) 
                # equivalent to (XAlt\XNull) in matlab
                # The following gets the left null space of beta, ie.LT=null(t(beta));
                # note that LT is an orthogonal complement of Beta, and [Beta, LT] together forms the orthogonal basis that span the column space of XAlt
                # For some reason, it must be null(beta) instead of null(t(beta)) in R to get the same answer in matlab.
                # In case of redundant terms in the model
                RowToOmit <- which(rowSums(is.na(Beta))>0)
                Beta <- na.omit(Beta)
                tmp <- qr(Beta)
                set <- if(tmp$rank == 0) 1:ncol(Beta) else  - (1:tmp$rank)
                LT <- qr.Q(tmp, complete = TRUE)[, set, drop = FALSE]
                # Update the next null matrix with the expanded one
                if ( length(RowToOmit)>0 )
                    Xnull <- cbind(Xnull, XAlt[,-RowToOmit]%*%LT)
                    Xnull <- cbind(Xnull, XAlt%*%LT)

                # Update the Xnull dimension
                nx <- rbind(nx, dim(Xnull)[2])
        X <- Xnull  # full matrix
        # Construct XvarIn
        nParam <- dim(X)[2]
        XvarIn <- matrix(nrow=nModels, ncol=nParam, as.integer(0))
        for ( i in 1:nModels ) {
            XvarIn[nModels+1-i, 1:nx[i]] <- as.integer(1)
        Xnames <- list()   # formula of each model
        Xnames <- lapply(objects, function(x) paste(deparse(formula(x),
                         width.cutoff=500), collapse = "\n"))
        topnote <- paste(modelnamelist, ": ", Xnames, sep = "", collapse = "\n")
        tl <- modelnamelist
        if (tl[1]==tl[2]) {
            warning(paste("Two identical models. Second model's name changed to ", tl[2], "_2", sep=""))
            tl[2] <- paste(tl[2], "_2", sep="")
        ord <- (nModels-1):1

    ######## call resampTest Rcpp #########
    val <- RtoGlmAnova(modelParam, testParams, Y, X, O, XvarIn, bootID, shrink.param)

    # prepare output summary
    table <- data.frame(resdf, c(NA, val$dfDiff[ord]),
                 c(NA, val$multstat[ord]), c(NA, val$Pmultstat[ord]))
    uni.p <- matrix(ncol=nVars,nrow=nModels)
    uni.test <- matrix(ncol=nVars, nrow=nModels)
    uni.p[2:nModels, ] <- val$Pstatj[ord,]
    uni.test[2:nModels, ] <- val$statj[ord,]

    anova <- list()
    # Supplied arguments
    anova$family <- object$family
    anova$p.uni <- p.uni
    anova$test  <- if (test=="LR") "Dev" else test
    anova$cor.type <- cor.type
    anova$resamp <- if (resamp=="montecarlo") "parametric" else resamp
    anova$nBoot <- nBoot
    # estimated parameters
    anova$shrink.param <- shrink.param
    anova$n.bootsdone <- val$nSamp
    # test statistics
    anova$table <- table
    anova$uni.p <- uni.p
    anova$uni.test <- uni.test

    anova$uni.test <- uni.test
    if (keep.boot) anova$bootStat <- val$bootStat

    ########### formal displays #########
    # Title and model formulas
    title <- if (test=="LR") "Analysis of Deviance Table\n"
             else "Analysis of Variance Table\n"
    attr(anova$table, "heading") <- c(title, topnote)
    attr(anova$table, "title") <- "\nMultivariate test:\n"
    # make multivariate table
    if (!is.null(test)) {
       testname <- anova$test
       pname    <- paste("Pr(>",anova$test,")", sep="")
    } else {
       testname <- "no test"
       pname    <- ""

    dimnames(anova$table) <- list(tl, c("Res.Df", "Df.diff", testname, pname))

    # make several univariate tables, if required
    attr(anova$uni.test, "title") <- attr(anova$uni.p, "title") <- "Univariate Tests:"
    dimnames(anova$uni.p) <- dimnames(anova$uni.test) <- list(tl, dimnam.a)

    if(p.uni=="none") #hack fix because univariate P's were all coming out as 1/B for "none" (!?)
      anova$uni.p[is.numeric(anova$uni.p)] <- NA

    anova$block = block
    if(!is.null(pairwise.comp)) {
        anova$pairwise.comp.table <- do_pairwise_comp(pairwise.comp, anova, object, resamp = resamp, cor.type = cor.type, ...)
        anova$pairwise.comp <- pairwise.comp
    } else {
        anova$pairwise.comp <- NULL
        anova$pairwise.comp.table <- NULL
    class(anova) <- "anova.manyglm"

do_pairwise_comp <- function (what, anova_obj, manyglm_object, verbose = FALSE, ...) {

    if (inherits(what, 'formula')) {
        if(attr(terms(what) , "response" ) != 0) stop('Formula for pairwise.comp must be onesided without a response. ie: "~ factor1:factor2"')
        # get a new matrix from this dataframe
        mdf <- try(model.frame(what),silent=TRUE)
        if(inherits(mdf, "try-error")) #if this didn't work, try looking in object environment
          mdf <- model.frame(what, data=manyglm_object$data)
        # add the column names, to the levels
        mdf <- lapply(colnames(mdf), function(x) paste(x, mdf[[x]], sep=':'))
        # collapse all interactions into one factor level
        what <- as.factor(Reduce(paste, mdf))
    if (!is.factor(what)) what <- as.factor(what)
    n_what <- nlevels(what)
    l_what <- levels(what)
    # step 1, what are the levels
    # number of comparisons
    n_comp <- choose(n_what, 2)

    if (n_comp == 0 || n_comp == 1) {
        stop(paste0("Number of comparisons = ", n_comp, ". Please increase the number of levels in your factor."))
    Y <- manyglm_object$y
    X <- manyglm_object$x
    if (n_comp > nrow(X) && F) {
        stop(paste('More comparisons than observations:', n_comp, 'comparisons vs', nrow(X), 'observations.'))
    if (length(what) != nrow(X)) {
        stop(paste0('Number of rows of the factor: ', length(what),' , must be equal to the number or rows in X: ',nrow(X)))

    # initialise some vectors
    observed_stats <- rep(NA, n_comp)
    comp_levels <- matrix(NA, nrow = 2,ncol = n_comp)
    resampled_stats <- matrix(NA, nrow = anova_obj$nBoot, ncol = n_comp)
    k <- 0
    # remove our factor from the design matrix, and the intercept...
    # to stop it from being over specified 
    mfact <- model.matrix(~ what )
    X <- X[, - which(apply(X, 2, function(x) any(apply(mfact, 2, function(y) all(x == y)))))]
    if (verbose) print('Starting pairwise comparison procedure:')
    # compute the levels and the the test statistics
    for (i in 1:(n_what - 1) ) {
        for (j in (i + 1):n_what) {
            comp_levels[, k] <- c(l_what[c(i,j)])
            if(verbose) print(paste('test', k, ':', l_what[i], 'vs', l_what[j]))
            # subset the dataset to only contain the levels we are interested in
            row_index <- which(what %in% l_what[c(i, j)])
            subY <- Y[row_index, ]; subX <- X[row_index,]; subWhat <- what[row_index]

            if(ncol(subX) == 0)
                m <- manyglm(subY ~ subWhat, manyglm_object$family)
                m <- manyglm(subY ~ subWhat + subX, manyglm_object$family)
            am <- anova.manyglm(m,
                show.time = 'none',
                keep.boot = TRUE,
                nBoot = anova_obj$nBoot, ...)
            observed_stats[k] <- am$table[2, 3]
            # get the vector of test statistics, the first column of test statistics is the 
            # multivariate one
            resampled_stats[,k] <- am$bootStat[,1]

    # correct for NaN values:
    observed_stats[is.na(observed_stats)] <- 0
    resampled_stats[is.na(resampled_stats)] <- 1
    # now we can start the step down procedure
    # sort observed in decreasing order saving the indices
    # these indicies are our r_i (pg66 resamplng based multiple testing)
    # decreasing because we are using the test statistics and not the 
    observed_stats <- sort(observed_stats, index.return = T, decreasing = T)
    r_ <- observed_stats$ix
    observed_stats <- observed_stats$x
    # rearange the columns to match this ordering
    resampled_stats <- resampled_stats[, r_]
    # rearamge the labels to match this ordering 
    comp_levels <- comp_levels[, r_]

    per_row <- function(resampled_row) {
        q_ <- rep(0, n_comp)
        q_[n_comp] <- resampled_row[n_comp]
        for (i in (n_comp - 1):1) {
            q_[i] <- max(q_[i + 1], resampled_row[i])
        out <- q_  >= observed_stats
        out[which(is.na(out))] <- 0 # set na test statistics to zero
    # apply the above function for every row 
    df <- apply(resampled_stats, 1, per_row)
    df <- cbind(df, T) # equivilant to adding 1 to the number of times exceeded
    # this is to ensure a pvalue of 0 is never presented
    # and then get the mean of this which is our free step-down adjusted p-values

    # TODO add the solberg example 
    p_hat_n <-  apply(df, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)

    # enforce monoticity
    for (i in 2:n_comp) {
        p_hat_n[i] <- max(p_hat_n[i], p_hat_n[i -1])
    comparison <- t(comp_levels)
    comparison <- paste(comparison[,1], 'vs', comparison[,2])
    pmat <- cbind(observed_stats, p_hat_n)
    colnames(pmat) <- c('Observed statistic', 'Free Stepdown Adjusted P-Value')
    rownames(pmat) <- comparison

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mvabund documentation built on March 18, 2022, 7:25 p.m.