
k <- 3

# no error, linear
q <- 3
p <- 1
n <- 1000
B <- matrix(0,p,q)
B[1,c(1,3)] <- 1
X <- matrix(rnorm(n),n,1)

Y <- X %*% B 

x <- rnorm(n)
y <- x*5 + rnorm(n)
o <- mvtb(Y=y, X=x)

out <- mvtb(Y=Y,X=X)
covex <- mvtb.covex(out, Y=Y,X=X)

a <- stats::cov(Y)[1,3]
shrink <- c(.2,.5,.9,1)

test_that("mvtb.covex", {
  expect_is(mvtb.covex(o, Y=y, X=x),"matrix")
  expect_is(mvtb.covex(o, Y=y, X=x, iter.details=T),"list")

test_that("covex-noE", { 
for(i in 1:length(shrink)){
  out <- mvtb(Y=Y,X=X,shrinkage=shrink[i],n.trees=1000)
  covex <- mvtb.covex(out,Y=Y,X=X)
  expect_true(all(abs(covex[covex > 0] - a) < .01))

E <- matrix(rnorm(n*q,0,.0001),n,q)
Y <- X %*% B + E
a <- stats::cov(Y)[1,3]
shrink <- c(.2,.5,.9,1)

test_that("covex-E", {
  for(i in seq_along(shrink)){
    out <- mvtb(Y=Y,X=X,shrinkage=shrink[i],n.trees=1000,cv.folds=3)
    covex <- mvtb.covex(out, Y=Y, X=X)
    expect_equal(covex[c(2,4,5)],rep(0,3), tolerance=.001, info=shrink[i])
    expect_equal(covex[covex > .01],rep(a,3), info=shrink[i], tolerance=.01)

## No approximation error
Xb <- ifelse(X < .5,0,1)
Y <- Xb %*% B
a <- stats::cov(Y)[1,3]
shrink <- c(.2,.5,.9,1)
test_that("covex-exact", {
for(i in seq_along(shrink)){
  out <- mvtb(Y=Y,X=Xb,shrinkage=shrink[i],n.trees=100)
  covex <- mvtb.covex(Y=Y,X=Xb,out)
  # expect_equal(out$covex[c(2,4,5)],rep(0,3))
  expect_equal(covex[covex > .01],rep(a,3), tolerance=1E-10)

## test alpha

for(i in c(.25,.5,.75)) {
  #    r <- mvtb(X=X,Y=Y[,1,drop=F],n.trees=1,alpha=i, shrinkage=1,trainfrac=1,bag.frac=1,cov.discrep=1,weight.type=1,s=1:nrow(X))
#    expect_equal(c(eval.loss(r$resid,Y[,1,drop=F],alpha=i,type=1)),r$wm.raw[1])
  #    r <- mvtb(X=X,Y=Y[,1,drop=F],n.trees=1,alpha=i, shrinkage=1,trainfrac=1,bag.frac=1,cov.discrep=2,weight.type=1,s=1:nrow(X))
  #    expect_equal(c(eval.loss(r$resid,Y[,1,drop=F],alpha=i,type=2)),r$wm.raw[1])
  #    r <- mvtb(X=X,Y=Y[,1,drop=F],n.trees=1,alpha=i, shrinkage=1,trainfrac=1,bag.frac=1,cov.discrep=3,weight.type=1,s=1:nrow(X))
  #    expect_equal(c(eval.loss(r$resid,Y[,1,drop=F],alpha=i,type=3)),r$wm.raw[1])    
  #    r <- mvtb(X=X,Y=Y[,1,drop=F],n.trees=1,alpha=i, shrinkage=1,trainfrac=1,bag.frac=1,cov.discrep=4,weight.type=1,s=1:nrow(X))
  #    expect_equal(c(eval.loss(r$resid,Y[,1,drop=F],alpha=i,type=4)),r$wm.raw[1])        

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