mc_prep_crop: Crop datetime

View source: R/prep.R

mc_prep_cropR Documentation

Crop datetime


This function crop data by datetime


  start = NULL,
  end = NULL,
  localities = NULL,
  end_included = TRUE



myClim object see myClim-package


optional; POSIXct datetime in UTC; single value or vector; start datetime is included (default NULL)


optional, POSIXct datetime in UTC; single value or vector (default NULL)


vector of locality_ids to be cropped; if NULL then all localities are cropped (default NULL)


if TRUE then end datetime is included (default TRUE), see details


Function is able to crop data from start to end but works also with start only and end only. When only start is provided, then function crops only the beginning of the tim-series and vice versa with end.

If start or end is a single POSIXct value, it is used for all or selected localities (regular crop). However, if start and end are vectors of POSIXct values with the same length as the localities vector, each locality is cropped by its own time window (irregular crop).

The end_included parameter is used for selecting, whether to return data which contains end time or not. For example when cropping the data to rounded days, typically users use midnight. 2023-06-15 00:00:00 UTC. But midnight is the last date of ending day and the same time first date of the next day. Thus, there will be the last day with single record. This can be confusing in aggregation (e.g. daily mean of single record per day, typically NA) so sometimes it is better to exclude end and crop on 2023-06-14 23:45:00 UTC (15 minutes records).


cropped data in the same myClim format as input.


cropped_data <- mc_prep_crop(mc_data_example_clean, end=as.POSIXct("2020-02-01", tz="UTC"))

myClim documentation built on Oct. 21, 2024, 5:07 p.m.