nanoarrow_pointer_is_valid: Danger zone: low-level pointer operations

View source: R/pointers.R

nanoarrow_pointer_is_validR Documentation

Danger zone: low-level pointer operations


The nanoarrow_schema, nanoarrow_array, and nanoarrow_array_stream classes are represented in R as external pointers (EXTPTRSXP). When these objects go out of scope (i.e., when they are garbage collected or shortly thereafter), the underlying object's release() callback is called if the underlying pointer is non-null and if the release() callback is non-null.







nanoarrow_pointer_move(ptr_src, ptr_dst)

nanoarrow_pointer_export(ptr_src, ptr_dst)




nanoarrow_pointer_set_protected(ptr_src, protected)


ptr, ptr_src, ptr_dst

An external pointer to a ⁠struct ArrowSchema⁠, ⁠struct ArrowArray⁠, or ⁠struct ArrowArrayStream⁠.


An object whose scope must outlive that of ptr. This is useful for array streams since at least two specifications involving the array stream specify that the stream is only valid for the lifecycle of another object (e.g., an AdbcStatement or OGRDataset).


When interacting with other C Data Interface implementations, it is important to keep in mind that the R object wrapping these pointers is always passed by reference (because it is an external pointer) and may be referred to by another R object (e.g., an element in a list() or as a variable assigned in a user's environment). When importing a schema, array, or array stream into nanoarrow this is not a problem: the R object takes ownership of the lifecycle and memory is released when the R object is garbage collected. In this case, one can use nanoarrow_pointer_move() where ptr_dst was created using ⁠nanoarrow_allocate_*()⁠.

The case of exporting is more complicated and as such has a dedicated function, nanoarrow_pointer_export(), that implements different logic schemas, arrays, and array streams:

  • Schema objects are (deep) copied such that a fresh copy of the schema is exported and made the responsibility of some other C data interface implementation.

  • Array objects are exported as a shell around the original array that preserves a reference to the R object. This ensures that the buffers and children pointed to by the array are not copied and that any references to the original array are not invalidated.

  • Array stream objects are moved: the responsibility for the object is transferred to the other C data interface implementation and any references to the original R object are invalidated. Because these objects are mutable, this is typically what you want (i.e., you should not be pulling arrays from a stream accidentally from two places).

If you know the lifecycle of your object (i.e., you created the R object yourself and never passed references to it elsewhere), you can slightly more efficiently call nanoarrow_pointer_move() for all three pointer types.


  • nanoarrow_pointer_is_valid() returns TRUE if the pointer is non-null and has a non-null release callback.

  • nanoarrow_pointer_addr_dbl() and nanoarrow_pointer_addr_chr() return pointer representations that may be helpful to facilitate moving or exporting nanoarrow objects to other libraries.

  • nanoarrow_pointer_addr_pretty() gives a pointer representation suitable for printing or error messages.

  • nanoarrow_pointer_release() returns ptr, invisibly.

  • nanoarrow_pointer_move() and nanoarrow_pointer_export() reeturn ptr_dst, invisibly.

  • nanoarrow_allocate_array(), nanoarrow_allocate_schema(), and nanoarrow_allocate_array_stream() return an array, a schema, and an array stream, respectively.

nanoarrow documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:37 a.m.